Lineage for Species: Human coronavirus [TaxId: 443239]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2352458Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds)
  3. 2404157Fold b.47: Trypsin-like serine proteases [50493] (1 superfamily)
    barrel, closed; n=6, S=8; greek-key
    duplication: consists of two domains of the same fold
  4. 2404158Superfamily b.47.1: Trypsin-like serine proteases [50494] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2406861Family b.47.1.4: Viral cysteine protease of trypsin fold [50603] (5 proteins)
  6. 2406922Protein Coronavirus main proteinase (3Cl-pro, putative coronavirus nsp2) [74979] (8 species)
    contains an extra alpha-helical domain
  7. 2406928Species Human coronavirus [TaxId:443239] [188597] (6 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Human coronavirus [TaxId: 443239]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2bw6:
  2. Domain(s) for 3d23:
    1. 2406938Domain d3d23a1: 3d23 A:1-300 [173627]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3d23a2, d3d23b2
      automated match to d1uj1b_
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 2406939Domain d3d23b1: 3d23 B:1-300 [173628]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3d23a2, d3d23b2
      automated match to d1uj1b_
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 2406940Domain d3d23c_: 3d23 C: [173629]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3d23a2, d3d23b2
      automated match to d1uj1b_
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 2406941Domain d3d23d_: 3d23 D: [173630]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3d23a2, d3d23b2
      automated match to d1uj1b_
      protein/RNA complex
  3. Domain(s) for 3tlo:
    1. 2406929Domain d3tloa_: 3tlo A: [200833]
      automated match to d3tlob_
      complexed with gol, peg
    2. 2406930Domain d3tlob_: 3tlo B: [194725]
      automated match to d2zu2b_
      complexed with gol, peg
  4. Domain(s) for 5nh0:
    1. 2406935Domain d5nh0a_: 5nh0 A: [352154]
      automated match to d3tloa_
      complexed with 8x8, dms, gol
    2. 2406936Domain d5nh0b_: 5nh0 B: [352215]
      automated match to d3tloa_
      complexed with 8x8, dms, gol
    3. 2406937Domain d5nh0c_: 5nh0 C: [352150]
      automated match to d3tloa_
      complexed with 8x8, dms, gol
  5. Domain(s) for 6fv1:
    1. 2406932Domain d6fv1a_: 6fv1 A: [366435]
      automated match to d3tloa_
      complexed with dms, e8e, gol, so4
    2. 2406933Domain d6fv1b_: 6fv1 B: [366416]
      automated match to d3tloa_
      complexed with dms, e8e, gol, so4
    3. 2406934Domain d6fv1c_: 6fv1 C: [366444]
      automated match to d3tloa_
      complexed with dms, e8e, gol, so4
  6. Domain(s) for 6fv2:
    1. 2406942Domain d6fv2a_: 6fv2 A: [366537]
      automated match to d3tloa_
      complexed with d03, gol
    2. 2406943Domain d6fv2b_: 6fv2 B: [366530]
      automated match to d3tloa_
      complexed with d03, gol
    3. 2406944Domain d6fv2c_: 6fv2 C: [366546]
      automated match to d3tloa_
      complexed with d03, gol

More info for Species Human coronavirus [TaxId:443239] from b.47.1.4 Coronavirus main proteinase (3Cl-pro, putative coronavirus nsp2)

Timeline for Species Human coronavirus [TaxId:443239] from b.47.1.4 Coronavirus main proteinase (3Cl-pro, putative coronavirus nsp2):