Lineage for d2rhkb_ (2rhk B:)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 3010233Fold d.299: Ns1 effector domain-like [143020] (1 superfamily)
    beta-X-beta(5)-alpha-beta-alpha; 2 layers: a/b; bifurcated beta-sheet; order 23654[1,7]
  4. 3010234Superfamily d.299.1: Ns1 effector domain-like [143021] (1 family) (S)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF00600
  5. 3010235Family d.299.1.1: Ns1 effector domain-like [143022] (2 proteins)
    C-terminal part of Pfam PF00600
  6. 3010240Protein automated matches [190936] (7 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 3010299Species Influenza A virus, different strains [TaxId:11320] [188483] (2 PDB entries)
  8. 3010302Domain d2rhkb_: 2rhk B: [168126]
    automated match to d2gx9a1
    protein/RNA complex; complexed with no3, trs, zn

Details for d2rhkb_

PDB Entry: 2rhk (more details)

PDB Description: crystal structure of influenza a ns1a protein in complex with f2f3 fragment of human cellular factor cpsf30, northeast structural genomics targets or8c and hr6309a
PDB Compounds: (B:) Non-structural protein 1

SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2rhkb_:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d2rhkb_ d.299.1.1 (B:) automated matches {Influenza A virus, different strains [TaxId: 11320]}

SCOPe Domain Coordinates for d2rhkb_:

Click to download the PDB-style file with coordinates for d2rhkb_.
(The format of our PDB-style files is described here.)

Timeline for d2rhkb_: