Lineage for Protein: Hypothetical protein MW0975 (SA0943)

  1. Root: SCOP 1.73
  2. 631650Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (258 folds)
  3. 637916Fold a.24: Four-helical up-and-down bundle [47161] (27 superfamilies)
    core: 4 helices; bundle, closed or partly opened, left-handed twist; up-and-down
  4. 638499Superfamily a.24.27: MW0975(SA0943)-like [140423] (1 family) (S)
    open bundle; there is a long groove between helices 1 and 4
  5. 638500Family a.24.27.1: MW0975(SA0943)-like [140424] (1 protein)
  6. 638501Protein Hypothetical protein MW0975 (SA0943) [140425] (1 species)


More info for Protein Hypothetical protein MW0975 (SA0943) from a.24.27.1: MW0975(SA0943)-like

Timeline for Protein Hypothetical protein MW0975 (SA0943) from a.24.27.1: MW0975(SA0943)-like:

  • Protein Hypothetical protein MW0975 (SA0943) from a.24.27.1: MW0975(SA0943)-like is new in SCOP 1.73
  • Protein Hypothetical protein MW0975 (SA0943) from a.24.27.1: MW0975(SA0943)-like appears in SCOP 1.75
  • Protein Hypothetical protein MW0975 (SA0943) from a.24.27.1: MW0975(SA0943)-like appears in the current release, SCOPe 2.08