Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (334 folds) |
Fold d.316: MK0786-like [143559] (1 superfamily) alpha(2)-beta(4); 2 layers: a/b; antiparallel beta-sheet, order 1234 (meander) |
Superfamily d.316.1: MK0786-like [143560] (1 family) probable biological unit is a teramer; all subunit interfaces are provided by helices |
Family d.316.1.1: MK0786-like [143561] (2 proteins) single domain; the N-terminal half is covered by Pfam PF04036 (DUF372) and the C-terminal half by Pfam 04038 (DUF381) |
Protein Hypothetical protein PTO0218 [143562] (1 species) |
Species Picrophilus torridus [TaxId:82076] [143563] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d2i52f1: 2i52 F:1-120 [137060] automatically matched to 2I52 A:1-120 complexed with ca, cl, gol |
PDB Entry: 2i52 (more details), 2.08 Å
SCOP Domain Sequences for d2i52f1:
Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
>d2i52f1 d.316.1.1 (F:1-120) Hypothetical protein PTO0218 {Picrophilus torridus [TaxId: 82076]} lydpaekyfnctdiqraffeagiklgaifhqytgipvnsenasmaeefierstmiqpfve nvrisinnvkrssgtysysslnekmlhaevlinyngkkvlgvlnydegldypvmyakevl
>d2i52f1 d.316.1.1 (F:1-120) Hypothetical protein PTO0218 {Picrophilus torridus [TaxId: 82076]} lydpaekyfnctdiqraffeagiklgaifhqytgipvnsenasmaeefierstmiqpfve nvrisinnvkrstysysslnekmlhaevlinyngkkvlgvlnydegldypvmyakevl
Timeline for d2i52f1: