Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (69 folds) |
Fold f.37: ABC transporter transmembrane region [90122] (1 superfamily) multihelical; complex architecture with several transmembrane helices |
Superfamily f.37.1: ABC transporter transmembrane region [90123] (2 families) automatically mapped to Pfam PF00664 |
Family f.37.1.1: ABC transporter transmembrane region [90124] (4 proteins) |
Protein Putative multidrug export ATP-binding/permease protein SAV1866 [144087] (2 species) |
Species Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:1280] [144088] (2 PDB entries) Uniprot Q99T13 1-323 |
Domain d2hydb2: 2hyd B:1-323 [136878] Other proteins in same PDB: d2hyda1, d2hydb1 automated match to d4a82a1 complexed with adp, na |
PDB Entry: 2hyd (more details), 3 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2hydb2:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d2hydb2 f.37.1.1 (B:1-323) Putative multidrug export ATP-binding/permease protein SAV1866 {Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId: 1280]} mikrylqfvkpykyrifatiivgiikfgipmlipllikyaidgvinnhalttdekvhhlt iaigialfifvivrppiefirqylaqwtsnkilydirkklynhlqalsarfyannqvgqv isrvindveqtkdfiltglmniwldcitiiialsimffldvkltlaalfifpfyiltvyv ffgrlrkltrersqalaevqgflhervqgisvvksfaiedneaknfdkkntnfltralkh trwnaysfaaintvtdigpiivigvgaylaisgsitvgtlaafvgylellfgplrrlvas fttltqsfasmdrvfqlidedyd
Timeline for d2hydb2: