Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (381 folds) |
Fold d.211: beta-hairpin-alpha-hairpin repeat [74651] (2 superfamilies) multiple repeats of beta(2)-alpha(2) motif |
Superfamily d.211.1: Ankyrin repeat [48403] (2 families) repeats organized in elongated structures |
Family d.211.1.1: Ankyrin repeat [48404] (19 proteins) this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1ixv A:101-134 found in domain |
Protein automated matches [190101] (6 species) not a true protein |
Species Artificial gene [TaxId:32630] [193962] (5 PDB entries) |
Domain d3hg0d_: 3hg0 D: [232467] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hg0a1, d3hg0b1, d3hg0c1, d3hg0c2 automated match to d1awcb_ |
PDB Entry: 3hg0 (more details), 2.1 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d3hg0d_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d3hg0d_ d.211.1.1 (D:) automated matches {Artificial gene [TaxId: 32630]} sdlgkklleaaragqddevrilmangadvnaedkvgltplhlaamndhleivevllknga dvnaidaigetplhlvamyghleivevllkhgadvnaqdkfgktafdisidngnedlaei lqkl
Timeline for d3hg0d_:
View in 3D Domains from other chains: (mouse over for more information) d3hg0a1, d3hg0b1, d3hg0c1, d3hg0c2 |