Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2979545Fold d.144: Protein kinase-like (PK-like) [56111] (1 superfamily)
    consists of two alpha+beta domains, C-terminal domain is mostly alpha helical
  4. 2979546Superfamily d.144.1: Protein kinase-like (PK-like) [56112] (8 families) (S)
    shares functional and structural similarities with the ATP-grasp fold and PIPK
  5. 2979693Family d.144.1.7: Protein kinases, catalytic subunit [88854] (66 proteins)
    members organized in the groups and subfamiles specified by the comments
  6. 2981821Protein Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor [69825] (1 species)
    PTK group; InsR subfamily; membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase
  7. 2981822Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [69826] (18 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1jqh:
    1. 2981829Domain d1jqha_: 1jqh A: [71793]
      complexed with anp, mg, so4
    2. 2981830Domain d1jqhb_: 1jqh B: [71794]
      complexed with anp, mg, so4
    3. 2981831Domain d1jqhc_: 1jqh C: [71795]
      complexed with anp, mg, so4
  2. Domain(s) for 1k3a:
  3. Domain(s) for 1m7n:
    1. 2981853Domain d1m7na_: 1m7n A: [78738]
    2. 2981854Domain d1m7nb_: 1m7n B: [78739]
  4. Domain(s) for 1p4o:
    1. 2981823Domain d1p4oa_: 1p4o A: [87775]
    2. 2981824Domain d1p4ob_: 1p4o B: [87776]
  5. Domain(s) for 2oj9:
  6. Domain(s) for 2zm3:
    1. 2981839Domain d2zm3a2: 2zm3 A:981-1285 [154684]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2zm3a3, d2zm3b3, d2zm3c3, d2zm3d3
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 575
    2. 2981840Domain d2zm3b2: 2zm3 B:981-1285 [154685]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2zm3a3, d2zm3b3, d2zm3c3, d2zm3d3
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 575
    3. 2981841Domain d2zm3c2: 2zm3 C:981-1285 [154686]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2zm3a3, d2zm3b3, d2zm3c3, d2zm3d3
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 575
    4. 2981842Domain d2zm3d2: 2zm3 D:981-1285 [154687]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2zm3a3, d2zm3b3, d2zm3c3, d2zm3d3
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 575
  7. Domain(s) for 3d94:
  8. Domain(s) for 3f5p:
    1. 2981863Domain d3f5pa1: 3f5p A:981-1286 [175486]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    2. 2981864Domain d3f5pb1: 3f5p B:981-1286 [175487]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    3. 2981865Domain d3f5pc1: 3f5p C:981-1286 [175488]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    4. 2981866Domain d3f5pd1: 3f5p D:981-1286 [175489]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    5. 2981867Domain d3f5pe1: 3f5p E:981-1285 [175490]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    6. 2981868Domain d3f5pf1: 3f5p F:981-1285 [175491]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    7. 2981869Domain d3f5pg1: 3f5p G:981-1285 [175492]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    8. 2981870Domain d3f5ph1: 3f5p H:981-1286 [175493]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    9. 2981871Domain d3f5pi1: 3f5p I:981-1285 [175494]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    10. 2981872Domain d3f5pj1: 3f5p J:981-1285 [175495]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    11. 2981873Domain d3f5pk1: 3f5p K:981-1285 [175496]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    12. 2981874Domain d3f5pl1: 3f5p L:981-1285 [175497]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    13. 2981875Domain d3f5pm1: 3f5p M:981-1285 [175498]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    14. 2981876Domain d3f5pr1: 3f5p R:981-1285 [175499]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    15. 2981877Domain d3f5ps1: 3f5p S:981-1286 [175500]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
    16. 2981878Domain d3f5pt1: 3f5p T:981-1286 [175501]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3f5pa2, d3f5pb2, d3f5pc2, d3f5pd2, d3f5pe2, d3f5pf2, d3f5pg2, d3f5ph2, d3f5pi2, d3f5pj2, d3f5pk2, d3f5pl2, d3f5pm2, d3f5pr2, d3f5ps2, d3f5pt2
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 741
  9. Domain(s) for 3i81:
  10. Domain(s) for 3lvp:
    1. 2981855Domain d3lvpa_: 3lvp A: [247523]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with epe, pdr, so4
    2. 2981856Domain d3lvpb_: 3lvp B: [247524]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with epe, pdr, so4
    3. 2981857Domain d3lvpc_: 3lvp C: [247525]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with epe, pdr, so4
    4. 2981858Domain d3lvpd_: 3lvp D: [247526]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with epe, pdr, so4
  11. Domain(s) for 3lw0:
    1. 2981834Domain d3lw0a_: 3lw0 A: [180594]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with ccx, gol
    2. 2981835Domain d3lw0b_: 3lw0 B: [180595]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with ccx, gol
    3. 2981836Domain d3lw0c_: 3lw0 C: [180596]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with ccx, gol
    4. 2981837Domain d3lw0d_: 3lw0 D: [180597]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with ccx, gol
  12. Domain(s) for 3nw5:
  13. Domain(s) for 3nw6:
  14. Domain(s) for 3nw7:
  15. Domain(s) for 3o23:
  16. Domain(s) for 3qqu:
    1. 2981859Domain d3qqua_: 3qqu A: [184586]
      automated match to d1jqha_
      complexed with 01p
    2. 2981860Domain d3qqub_: 3qqu B: [184587]
      automated match to d1jqha_
      complexed with 01p
    3. 2981861Domain d3qquc_: 3qqu C: [184588]
      automated match to d1jqha_
      complexed with 01p
    4. 2981862Domain d3qqud_: 3qqu D: [184589]
      automated match to d1jqha_
      complexed with 01p
  17. Domain(s) for 4d2r:
  18. Domain(s) for 5hzn:
    1. 2981845Domain d5hzna_: 5hzn A: [315064]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 66a, mes, so4
    2. 2981846Domain d5hznb_: 5hzn B: [315056]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 66a, mes, so4
    3. 2981847Domain d5hznc_: 5hzn C: [314871]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 66a, mes, so4
    4. 2981848Domain d5hznd_: 5hzn D: [315073]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 66a, mes, so4
    5. 2981849Domain d5hzne_: 5hzn E: [315186]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 66a, mes, so4
    6. 2981850Domain d5hznf_: 5hzn F: [315235]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 66a, mes, so4
    7. 2981851Domain d5hzng_: 5hzn G: [315181]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 66a, mes, so4
    8. 2981852Domain d5hznh_: 5hzn H: [315275]
      automated match to d1p4ob_
      complexed with 66a, mes, so4

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.144.1.7 Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.144.1.7 Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor: