Lineage for Class i: Low resolution protein structures

  1. Root: SCOP 1.57
  2. Class i: Low resolution protein structures [58117] (15 folds)


  1. i.1: Ribosome and ribosomal fragments [58118] (1 superfamily)
  2. i.2: Helicase [58135] (1 superfamily)
  3. i.3: ATP synthase [58140] (1 superfamily)
  4. i.4: Electron transport chains [58146] (1 superfamily)
  5. i.5: Photosystems [58155] (1 superfamily)
  6. i.6: Virus and virus-receptor complexes [58162] (1 superfamily)
  7. i.7: Reovirus core [58175] (1 superfamily)
  8. i.8: RNA polymerase [58180] (1 superfamily)
  9. i.9: Blood clotting [58187] (1 superfamily)
  10. i.10: Tubulin:stathmin-like domain complex [58193] (1 superfamily)
  11. i.11: Computational models partly based on NMR data [58198] (1 superfamily)
  12. i.12: Proteins of incorrect, partial and unknown sequence [58207] (1 superfamily)
  13. i.13: Nultidrug resistance ABC transporter [64606] (1 superfamily)
  14. i.14: Pacteriophage HK97 procapsid (prohead II) [64611] (1 superfamily)
  15. i.15: Heavy meromyosin subfragment [64616] (1 superfamily)

More info for Class i: Low resolution protein structures

Timeline for Class i: Low resolution protein structures: