Welcome to SCOPe!

The SCOPe website provides integrated access to data found in all releases of the SCOP and Astral databases that feature stable identifiers.


Classes in SCOP 1.57:

  1. 43951a: All alpha proteins [46456] (144 folds)
  2. 51639b: All beta proteins [48724] (104 folds)
  3. 64291c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (107 folds)
  4. 75819d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (194 folds)
  5. 86313e: Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta) [56572] (32 folds)
  6. 87528f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (11 folds)
  7. 88227g: Small proteins [56992] (56 folds)
  8. h: Coiled coil proteins [57942] (5 folds)
  9. i: Low resolution protein structures [58117] (15 folds)
  10. j: Peptides [58231] (84 folds)
  11. k: Designed proteins [58788] (30 folds)