Lineage for Protein: Class I MHC, alpha-1 and alpha-2 domains

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2937550Fold d.19: MHC antigen-recognition domain [54451] (1 superfamily)
  4. 2937551Superfamily d.19.1: MHC antigen-recognition domain [54452] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2937552Family d.19.1.1: MHC antigen-recognition domain [54453] (13 proteins)
  6. 2937656Protein Class I MHC, alpha-1 and alpha-2 domains [54468] (29 species)


  1. 2937657Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [361260] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2937660Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-A1 [TaxId:9606] [117849] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P30443 25-298 # 1A01_HUMAN HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A-1 alpha chain precursor
    1. Domains for 1w72:
      1. 2937661Domain d1w72a2: 1w72 A:1-181 [114294]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w72a1, d1w72b1, d1w72b2, d1w72d1, d1w72e1, d1w72e2, d1w72h1, d1w72h2, d1w72i1, d1w72i2, d1w72l1, d1w72l2, d1w72m1, d1w72m2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2937662Domain d1w72d2: 1w72 D:1-181 [114297]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1w72a1, d1w72b1, d1w72b2, d1w72d1, d1w72e1, d1w72e2, d1w72h1, d1w72h2, d1w72i1, d1w72i2, d1w72l1, d1w72l2, d1w72m1, d1w72m2
        complexed with gol
    2. Domain for 4nqv:
  3. 2937664Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-A11 [TaxId:9606] [110840] (4 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P13746 25-299 # 1A11_HUMAN HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, A-11 alpha chain precursor
    1. Domains for 1q94:
      1. 2937669Domain d1q94a2: 1q94 A:1-181 [104560]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q94a1, d1q94b1, d1q94b2, d1q94d1, d1q94e1, d1q94e2
      2. 2937670Domain d1q94d2: 1q94 D:1-181 [104563]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1q94a1, d1q94b1, d1q94b2, d1q94d1, d1q94e1, d1q94e2
    2. Domains for 1qvo:
      1. 2937667Domain d1qvoa2: 1qvo A:1-181 [104597]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1qvoa1, d1qvob1, d1qvob2, d1qvod1, d1qvoe1, d1qvoe2
      2. 2937668Domain d1qvod2: 1qvo D:1-181 [104600]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1qvoa1, d1qvob1, d1qvob2, d1qvod1, d1qvoe1, d1qvoe2
    3. Domain for 1x7q:
    4. Domain for 2hn7:
  4. 2937671Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-A2 [TaxId:9606] [54469] (9 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1hla:
    2. Domains for 4l29:
      1. 2937682Domain d4l29a1: 4l29 A:1-181 [253476]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      2. 2937683Domain d4l29c1: 4l29 C:1-181 [253479]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      3. 2937684Domain d4l29e1: 4l29 E:1-181 [253482]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      4. 2937685Domain d4l29g1: 4l29 G:1-181 [253485]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      5. 2937686Domain d4l29i1: 4l29 I:1-181 [253488]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      6. 2937687Domain d4l29k1: 4l29 K:1-181 [253491]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      7. 2937688Domain d4l29m1: 4l29 M:1-181 [253494]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      8. 2937689Domain d4l29o1: 4l29 O:1-181 [253497]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      9. 2937690Domain d4l29q1: 4l29 Q:1-181 [253500]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      10. 2937691Domain d4l29s1: 4l29 S:1-181 [253503]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      11. 2937692Domain d4l29u1: 4l29 U:1-181 [253506]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      12. 2937693Domain d4l29w1: 4l29 W:1-181 [253509]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      13. 2937694Domain d4l29y1: 4l29 Y:1-181 [253512]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l29a2, d4l29b1, d4l29b2, d4l29c2, d4l29d1, d4l29d2, d4l29e2, d4l29f1, d4l29f2, d4l29g2, d4l29h1, d4l29h2, d4l29i2, d4l29j1, d4l29j2, d4l29k2, d4l29l1, d4l29l2, d4l29m2, d4l29n1, d4l29n2, d4l29o2, d4l29p1, d4l29p2, d4l29q2, d4l29r1, d4l29r2, d4l29s2, d4l29t1, d4l29t2, d4l29u2, d4l29v1, d4l29v2, d4l29w2, d4l29x1, d4l29x2, d4l29y2, d4l29z1, d4l29z2
        automated match to d1hlaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
    3. Domain for 6q3k:
    4. Domain for 6q3s:
    5. Domain for 6tdo:
    6. Domain for 6tdp:
    7. Domains for 6tdq:
      1. 2937674Domain d6tdqa1: 6tdq A:1-181 [382838]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6tdqa2, d6tdqb1, d6tdqb2, d6tdqc2, d6tdqd1, d6tdqd2
        automated match to d4l29a1
        complexed with cl, edo, gly, met
      2. 2937675Domain d6tdqc1: 6tdq C:1-181 [382874]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6tdqa2, d6tdqb1, d6tdqb2, d6tdqc2, d6tdqd1, d6tdqd2
        automated match to d4l29a1
        complexed with cl, edo, gly, met
    8. Domains for 6tdr:
      1. 2937679Domain d6tdra1: 6tdr A:1-181 [382765]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6tdra2, d6tdrb1, d6tdrb2, d6tdrc2, d6tdrd1, d6tdrd2
        automated match to d4l29a1
        complexed with edo, na
      2. 2937680Domain d6tdrc1: 6tdr C:1-181 [382812]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6tdra2, d6tdrb1, d6tdrb2, d6tdrc2, d6tdrd1, d6tdrd2
        automated match to d4l29a1
        complexed with edo, na
    9. Domains for 6tds:
      1. 2937677Domain d6tdsa1: 6tds A:1-181 [382760]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6tdsa2, d6tdsb1, d6tdsb2, d6tdsc2, d6tdsd1, d6tdsd2
        automated match to d4l29a1
        complexed with cl, edo, na
      2. 2937678Domain d6tdsc1: 6tds C:1-181 [382864]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6tdsa2, d6tdsb1, d6tdsb2, d6tdsc2, d6tdsd1, d6tdsd2
        automated match to d4l29a1
        complexed with cl, edo, na
  5. 2937696Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-A2.1 [TaxId:9606] [54470] (104 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P01892 25-298
    1. Domains for 1a9k:
      1. 2937812Domain d1a9ka1: 1a9k A:1-181 [407697]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a9ka2, d1a9kb1, d1a9kb2, d1a9kd2, d1a9ke1, d1a9ke2
        automated match to d1b0gd2
      2. 2937813Domain d1a9kd1: 1a9k D:1-181 [407701]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a9ka2, d1a9kb1, d1a9kb2, d1a9kd2, d1a9ke1, d1a9ke2
        automated match to d1b0gd2
    2. Domain for 1akj:
    3. Domain for 1ao7:
    4. Domains for 1b0g:
      1. 2937815Domain d1b0ga2: 1b0g A:1-181 [38239]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1b0ga1, d1b0gb_, d1b0gd1, d1b0ge_
      2. 2937816Domain d1b0gd2: 1b0g D:1-181 [38240]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1b0ga1, d1b0gb_, d1b0gd1, d1b0ge_
    5. Domain for 1b0r:
    6. Domain for 1bd2:
    7. Domains for 1duy:
      1. 2937770Domain d1duya2: 1duy A:1-181 [38226]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1duya1, d1duyb_, d1duyd1, d1duye_
      2. 2937771Domain d1duyd2: 1duy D:1-181 [38227]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1duya1, d1duyb_, d1duyd1, d1duye_
    8. Domains for 1duz:
      1. 2937730Domain d1duza2: 1duz A:1-181 [38224]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1duza1, d1duzb_, d1duzd1, d1duze_
      2. 2937731Domain d1duzd2: 1duz D:1-181 [38225]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1duza1, d1duzb_, d1duzd1, d1duze_
    9. Domains for 1eey:
      1. 2937782Domain d1eeya2: 1eey A:1-181 [83171]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eeya1, d1eeyb_, d1eeyd1, d1eeye_
      2. 2937783Domain d1eeyd2: 1eey D:1-181 [83174]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eeya1, d1eeyb_, d1eeyd1, d1eeye_
    10. Domains for 1eez:
      1. 2937802Domain d1eeza2: 1eez A:1-181 [83177]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eeza1, d1eezb_, d1eezd1, d1eeze_
      2. 2937803Domain d1eezd2: 1eez D:1-181 [83180]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eeza1, d1eezb_, d1eezd1, d1eeze_
    11. Domains for 1hhg:
      1. 2937843Domain d1hhga2: 1hhg A:1-181 [38247]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhga1, d1hhgb2, d1hhgb3, d1hhgd1, d1hhge2, d1hhge3
      2. 2937844Domain d1hhgd2: 1hhg D:1-181 [38248]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhga1, d1hhgb2, d1hhgb3, d1hhgd1, d1hhge2, d1hhge3
    12. Domain for 1hhh:
    13. Domains for 1hhi:
      1. 2937821Domain d1hhia2: 1hhi A:1-181 [38243]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhia1, d1hhib2, d1hhib3, d1hhid1, d1hhie2, d1hhie3
      2. 2937822Domain d1hhid2: 1hhi D:1-181 [38244]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhia1, d1hhib2, d1hhib3, d1hhid1, d1hhie2, d1hhie3
    14. Domains for 1hhj:
      1. 2937824Domain d1hhja2: 1hhj A:1-181 [38241]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhja1, d1hhjb2, d1hhjb3, d1hhjd1, d1hhje2, d1hhje3
      2. 2937825Domain d1hhjd2: 1hhj D:1-181 [38242]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhja1, d1hhjb2, d1hhjb3, d1hhjd1, d1hhje2, d1hhje3
    15. Domains for 1hhk:
      1. 2937808Domain d1hhka2: 1hhk A:1-181 [38234]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhka1, d1hhkb2, d1hhkb3, d1hhkd1, d1hhke2, d1hhke3
      2. 2937809Domain d1hhkd2: 1hhk D:1-181 [38235]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hhka1, d1hhkb2, d1hhkb3, d1hhkd1, d1hhke2, d1hhke3
    16. Domains for 1i1f:
      1. 2937853Domain d1i1fa2: 1i1f A:1-181 [38253]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1fa1, d1i1fb2, d1i1fb3, d1i1fd1, d1i1fe2, d1i1fe3
      2. 2937854Domain d1i1fd2: 1i1f D:1-181 [38254]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1fa1, d1i1fb2, d1i1fb3, d1i1fd1, d1i1fe2, d1i1fe3
    17. Domains for 1i1y:
      1. 2937784Domain d1i1ya2: 1i1y A:1-181 [38230]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1ya1, d1i1yb2, d1i1yb3, d1i1yd1, d1i1ye2, d1i1ye3
      2. 2937785Domain d1i1yd2: 1i1y D:1-181 [38231]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1ya1, d1i1yb2, d1i1yb3, d1i1yd1, d1i1ye2, d1i1ye3
    18. Domain for 1i4f:
    19. Domains for 1i7r:
      1. 2937794Domain d1i7ra2: 1i7r A:1-181 [66051]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ra1, d1i7rb2, d1i7rb3, d1i7rd1, d1i7re2, d1i7re3
      2. 2937795Domain d1i7rd2: 1i7r D:1-181 [66054]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ra1, d1i7rb2, d1i7rb3, d1i7rd1, d1i7re2, d1i7re3
    20. Domains for 1i7t:
      1. 2937841Domain d1i7ta2: 1i7t A:1-181 [66057]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ta1, d1i7tb2, d1i7tb3, d1i7td1, d1i7te2, d1i7te3
      2. 2937842Domain d1i7td2: 1i7t D:1-181 [66060]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ta1, d1i7tb2, d1i7tb3, d1i7td1, d1i7te2, d1i7te3
    21. Domains for 1i7u:
      1. 2937743Domain d1i7ua2: 1i7u A:1-181 [66063]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ua1, d1i7ub2, d1i7ub3, d1i7ud1, d1i7ue2, d1i7ue3
      2. 2937744Domain d1i7ud2: 1i7u D:1-181 [66066]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i7ua1, d1i7ub2, d1i7ub3, d1i7ud1, d1i7ue2, d1i7ue3
    22. Domains for 1im3:
      1. 2937766Domain d1im3a2: 1im3 A:1-181 [62566]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im3a1, d1im3b2, d1im3b3, d1im3d_, d1im3e1, d1im3f2, d1im3f3, d1im3h_, d1im3i1, d1im3j2, d1im3j3, d1im3l_, d1im3m1, d1im3n2, d1im3n3, d1im3p_
      2. 2937767Domain d1im3e2: 1im3 E:1-181 [62570]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im3a1, d1im3b2, d1im3b3, d1im3d_, d1im3e1, d1im3f2, d1im3f3, d1im3h_, d1im3i1, d1im3j2, d1im3j3, d1im3l_, d1im3m1, d1im3n2, d1im3n3, d1im3p_
      3. 2937768Domain d1im3i2: 1im3 I:1-181 [62574]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im3a1, d1im3b2, d1im3b3, d1im3d_, d1im3e1, d1im3f2, d1im3f3, d1im3h_, d1im3i1, d1im3j2, d1im3j3, d1im3l_, d1im3m1, d1im3n2, d1im3n3, d1im3p_
      4. 2937769Domain d1im3m2: 1im3 M:1-181 [62578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im3a1, d1im3b2, d1im3b3, d1im3d_, d1im3e1, d1im3f2, d1im3f3, d1im3h_, d1im3i1, d1im3j2, d1im3j3, d1im3l_, d1im3m1, d1im3n2, d1im3n3, d1im3p_
    23. Domain for 1jf1:
    24. Domain for 1jht:
    25. Domains for 1lp9:
      1. 2937755Domain d1lp9a2: 1lp9 A:1-181 [91084]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lp9a1, d1lp9b1, d1lp9b2, d1lp9e1, d1lp9e2, d1lp9f1, d1lp9f2, d1lp9h1, d1lp9i1, d1lp9i2, d1lp9l1, d1lp9l2, d1lp9m1, d1lp9m2
      2. 2937756Domain d1lp9h2: 1lp9 H:1-181 [91091]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lp9a1, d1lp9b1, d1lp9b2, d1lp9e1, d1lp9e2, d1lp9f1, d1lp9f2, d1lp9h1, d1lp9i1, d1lp9i2, d1lp9l1, d1lp9l2, d1lp9m1, d1lp9m2
    26. Domain for 1oga:
    27. Domain for 1p7q:
    28. Domain for 1qew:
    29. Domains for 1qr1:
      1. 2937845Domain d1qr1a2: 1qr1 A:1-181 [38245]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1qr1a1, d1qr1b_, d1qr1d1, d1qr1e_
      2. 2937846Domain d1qr1d2: 1qr1 D:1-181 [38246]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1qr1a1, d1qr1b_, d1qr1d1, d1qr1e_
    30. Domain for 1qrn:
    31. Domain for 1qse:
    32. Domain for 1qsf:
    33. Domain for 1s8d:
    34. Domain for 1s9w:
    35. Domain for 1s9x:
    36. Domain for 1s9y:
    37. Domain for 1t1w:
    38. Domain for 1t1x:
    39. Domain for 1t1y:
    40. Domain for 1t1z:
    41. Domain for 1t20:
    42. Domain for 1t21:
    43. Domain for 1t22:
    44. Domains for 1tvb:
      1. 2937723Domain d1tvba2: 1tvb A:1-181 [119349]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tvba1, d1tvbb2, d1tvbb3, d1tvbd1, d1tvbe2, d1tvbe3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2937724Domain d1tvbd2: 1tvb D:1-181 [119352]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tvba1, d1tvbb2, d1tvbb3, d1tvbd1, d1tvbe2, d1tvbe3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol
    45. Domains for 1tvh:
      1. 2937735Domain d1tvha2: 1tvh A:1-181 [119355]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tvha1, d1tvhb2, d1tvhb3, d1tvhd1, d1tvhe2, d1tvhe3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2937736Domain d1tvhd2: 1tvh D:1-181 [119358]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tvha1, d1tvhb2, d1tvhb3, d1tvhd1, d1tvhe2, d1tvhe3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol
    46. Domains for 2av1:
      1. 2937748Domain d2av1a2: 2av1 A:1-181 [127350]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2av1a1, d2av1b2, d2av1b3, d2av1d1, d2av1e2, d2av1e3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol, scn; mutant
      2. 2937749Domain d2av1d2: 2av1 D:1-181 [127353]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2av1a1, d2av1b2, d2av1b3, d2av1d1, d2av1e2, d2av1e3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol, scn; mutant
    47. Domains for 2av7:
      1. 2937751Domain d2av7a2: 2av7 A:1-181 [127360]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2av7a1, d2av7b2, d2av7b3, d2av7d1, d2av7e2, d2av7e3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol; mutant
      2. 2937752Domain d2av7d2: 2av7 D:1-181 [127363]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2av7a1, d2av7b2, d2av7b3, d2av7d1, d2av7e2, d2av7e3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol; mutant
    48. Domains for 2bck:
      1. 2937796Domain d2bcka2: 2bck A:1-181 [128294]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bcka1, d2bcka3, d2bckb2, d2bckb3, d2bckd1, d2bckd3, d2bcke2, d2bcke3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2937797Domain d2bckd2: 2bck D:1-181 [128297]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bcka1, d2bcka3, d2bckb2, d2bckb3, d2bckd1, d2bckd3, d2bcke2, d2bcke3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol, so4
    49. Domain for 2bnq:
    50. Domain for 2bnr:
    51. Domains for 2bsu:
      1. 2937759Domain d2bsua3: 2bsu A:1-181 [303615]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bsua4, d2bsub2, d2bsub3, d2bsud4, d2bsue2, d2bsue3
        automated match to d1ogaa2
      2. 2937760Domain d2bsud3: 2bsu D:1-181 [303619]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bsua4, d2bsub2, d2bsub3, d2bsud4, d2bsue2, d2bsue3
        automated match to d1ogaa2
    52. Domains for 2bsv:
      1. 2937732Domain d2bsva3: 2bsv A:1-181 [303623]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bsva4, d2bsvb2, d2bsvb3, d2bsvd4, d2bsve2, d2bsve3
        automated match to d1ogaa2
      2. 2937733Domain d2bsvd3: 2bsv D:1-181 [408029]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2bsva4, d2bsvb2, d2bsvb3, d2bsvd4, d2bsve2, d2bsve3
        automated match to d1akja2
    53. Domains for 2c7u:
      1. 2937806Domain d2c7ua2: 2c7u A:1-181 [130084]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c7ua1, d2c7ub2, d2c7ub3, d2c7ud1, d2c7ue2, d2c7ue3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
      2. 2937807Domain d2c7ud2: 2c7u D:1-181 [130087]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c7ua1, d2c7ub2, d2c7ub3, d2c7ud1, d2c7ue2, d2c7ue3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
    54. Domains for 2clr:
      1. 2937773Domain d2clra2: 2clr A:1-181 [38228]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clra1, d2clrb2, d2clrb3, d2clrd1, d2clre2, d2clre3
      2. 2937774Domain d2clrd2: 2clr D:1-181 [38229]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clra1, d2clrb2, d2clrb3, d2clrd1, d2clre2, d2clre3
    55. Domain for 2f53:
    56. Domains for 2f54:
      1. 2937810Domain d2f54a2: 2f54 A:1-181 [132969]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f54a1, d2f54b2, d2f54b3, d2f54d1, d2f54d2, d2f54e1, d2f54e2, d2f54f1, d2f54g2, d2f54g3, d2f54k1, d2f54k2, d2f54l1, d2f54l2
        automatically matched to d1akja2
      2. 2937811Domain d2f54f2: 2f54 F:1-181 [132972]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f54a1, d2f54b2, d2f54b3, d2f54d1, d2f54d2, d2f54e1, d2f54e2, d2f54f1, d2f54g2, d2f54g3, d2f54k1, d2f54k2, d2f54l1, d2f54l2
        automatically matched to d1akja2
    57. Domains for 2git:
      1. 2937719Domain d2gita2: 2git A:1-181 [135247]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gita1, d2gitb2, d2gitb3, d2gitd1, d2gite2, d2gite3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with fmt, gol, na
      2. 2937720Domain d2gitd2: 2git D:1-181 [135250]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gita1, d2gitb2, d2gitb3, d2gitd1, d2gite2, d2gite3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with fmt, gol, na
    58. Domain for 2gj6:
    59. Domains for 2gt9:
      1. 2937721Domain d2gt9a2: 2gt9 A:1-181 [135625]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gt9a1, d2gt9b2, d2gt9b3, d2gt9d1, d2gt9e2, d2gt9e3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol, na
      2. 2937722Domain d2gt9d2: 2gt9 D:1-181 [135628]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gt9a1, d2gt9b2, d2gt9b3, d2gt9d1, d2gt9e2, d2gt9e3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol, na
    60. Domains for 2gtw:
      1. 2937699Domain d2gtwa2: 2gtw A:1-181 [135706]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gtwa1, d2gtwb2, d2gtwb3, d2gtwd1, d2gtwe2, d2gtwe3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with fmt, gol, na
      2. 2937700Domain d2gtwd2: 2gtw D:1-181 [135709]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gtwa1, d2gtwb2, d2gtwb3, d2gtwd1, d2gtwe2, d2gtwe3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with fmt, gol, na
    61. Domains for 2gtz:
      1. 2937712Domain d2gtza2: 2gtz A:1-181 [135716]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gtza1, d2gtzb2, d2gtzb3, d2gtzd1, d2gtze2, d2gtze3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol, na
      2. 2937713Domain d2gtzd2: 2gtz D:1-181 [135719]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gtza1, d2gtzb2, d2gtzb3, d2gtzd1, d2gtze2, d2gtze3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol, na
    62. Domains for 2guo:
      1. 2937746Domain d2guoa2: 2guo A:1-181 [135739]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2guoa1, d2guob2, d2guob3, d2guod1, d2guoe2, d2guoe3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol, na
      2. 2937747Domain d2guod2: 2guo D:1-181 [135742]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2guoa1, d2guob2, d2guob3, d2guod1, d2guoe2, d2guoe3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
        complexed with gol, na
    63. Domains for 2j8u:
      1. 2937860Domain d2j8ua2: 2j8u A:1-181 [147918]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j8ua1, d2j8ub2, d2j8ub3, d2j8ue1, d2j8ue2, d2j8uf1, d2j8uf2, d2j8uh1, d2j8ui2, d2j8ui3, d2j8ul1, d2j8ul2, d2j8um1, d2j8um2
        automatically matched to d1akja2
      2. 2937861Domain d2j8uh2: 2j8u H:1-181 [147925]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j8ua1, d2j8ub2, d2j8ub3, d2j8ue1, d2j8ue2, d2j8uf1, d2j8uf2, d2j8uh1, d2j8ui2, d2j8ui3, d2j8ul1, d2j8ul2, d2j8um1, d2j8um2
        automatically matched to d1akja2
    64. Domains for 2jcc:
      1. 2937849Domain d2jcca2: 2jcc A:1-181 [147964]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jcca1, d2jccb2, d2jccb3, d2jcce1, d2jcce2, d2jccf1, d2jccf2, d2jcch1, d2jcci2, d2jcci3, d2jccl1, d2jccl2, d2jccm1, d2jccm2
        automatically matched to d1akja2
      2. 2937850Domain d2jcch2: 2jcc H:1-181 [147971]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jcca1, d2jccb2, d2jccb3, d2jcce1, d2jcce2, d2jccf1, d2jccf2, d2jcch1, d2jcci2, d2jcci3, d2jccl1, d2jccl2, d2jccm1, d2jccm2
        automatically matched to d1akja2
    65. Domain for 2p5e:
    66. Domain for 2p5w:
    67. Domain for 2pye:
    68. Domains for 2uwe:
      1. 2937792Domain d2uwea2: 2uwe A:1-181 [152207]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uwea1, d2uweb2, d2uweb3, d2uwee1, d2uwee2, d2uwef1, d2uwef2, d2uweh1, d2uwei2, d2uwei3, d2uwel1, d2uwel2, d2uwem1, d2uwem2
        automatically matched to d1akja2
      2. 2937793Domain d2uweh2: 2uwe H:1-181 [152214]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uwea1, d2uweb2, d2uweb3, d2uwee1, d2uwee2, d2uwef1, d2uwef2, d2uweh1, d2uwei2, d2uwei3, d2uwel1, d2uwel2, d2uwem1, d2uwem2
        automatically matched to d1akja2
    69. Domains for 2v2w:
      1. 2937710Domain d2v2wa2: 2v2w A:1-181 [152428]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v2wa1, d2v2wb2, d2v2wb3, d2v2wd1, d2v2we2, d2v2we3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
      2. 2937711Domain d2v2wd2: 2v2w D:1-181 [152431]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v2wa1, d2v2wb2, d2v2wb3, d2v2wd1, d2v2we2, d2v2we3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
    70. Domains for 2v2x:
      1. 2937705Domain d2v2xa2: 2v2x A:1-181 [152434]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v2xa1, d2v2xb2, d2v2xb3, d2v2xd1, d2v2xe2, d2v2xe3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
      2. 2937706Domain d2v2xd2: 2v2x D:1-181 [152437]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2v2xa1, d2v2xb2, d2v2xb3, d2v2xd1, d2v2xe2, d2v2xe3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
    71. Domain for 2vlj:
    72. Domain for 2vlk:
    73. Domains for 2vll:
      1. 2937707Domain d2vlla2: 2vll A:1-181 [153288]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlla1, d2vllb2, d2vllb3, d2vlld1, d2vlle2, d2vlle3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
      2. 2937708Domain d2vlld2: 2vll D:1-181 [153291]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlla1, d2vllb2, d2vllb3, d2vlld1, d2vlle2, d2vlle3
        automatically matched to d1akja2
    74. Domains for 2vlr:
      1. 2937839Domain d2vlra2: 2vlr A:1-181 [153300]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlra1, d2vlrb2, d2vlrb3, d2vlre1, d2vlre2, d2vlrf1, d2vlrg2, d2vlrg3, d2vlrj1, d2vlrj2
        automatically matched to d1akja2
      2. 2937840Domain d2vlrf2: 2vlr F:1-181 [153305]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlra1, d2vlrb2, d2vlrb3, d2vlre1, d2vlre2, d2vlrf1, d2vlrg2, d2vlrg3, d2vlrj1, d2vlrj2
        automatically matched to d1akja2
    75. Domain for 3bgm:
    76. Domain for 3bh8:
    77. Domain for 3bh9:
    78. Domain for 3bhb:
    79. Domain for 3hla:
    80. Domains for 3o3a:
      1. 2937725Domain d3o3aa1: 3o3a A:1-181 [199990]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3aa2, d3o3ab1, d3o3ab2, d3o3ad2, d3o3ae1, d3o3ae2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2937726Domain d3o3ad1: 3o3a D:1-181 [199992]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3aa2, d3o3ab1, d3o3ab2, d3o3ad2, d3o3ae1, d3o3ae2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
    81. Domains for 3o3b:
      1. 2937741Domain d3o3ba1: 3o3b A:1-181 [199994]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3ba2, d3o3bb1, d3o3bb2, d3o3bd2, d3o3be1, d3o3be2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2937742Domain d3o3bd1: 3o3b D:1-181 [199996]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3ba2, d3o3bb1, d3o3bb2, d3o3bd2, d3o3be1, d3o3be2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
    82. Domains for 3o3d:
      1. 2937715Domain d3o3da1: 3o3d A:1-181 [199998]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3da2, d3o3db1, d3o3db2, d3o3dd2, d3o3de1, d3o3de2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2937716Domain d3o3dd1: 3o3d D:1-181 [200000]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3da2, d3o3db1, d3o3db2, d3o3dd2, d3o3de1, d3o3de2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
    83. Domains for 3o3e:
      1. 2937728Domain d3o3ea1: 3o3e A:1-181 [200002]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3ea2, d3o3eb1, d3o3eb2, d3o3ed2, d3o3ee1, d3o3ee2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2937729Domain d3o3ed1: 3o3e D:1-181 [200004]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3o3ea2, d3o3eb1, d3o3eb2, d3o3ed2, d3o3ee1, d3o3ee2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
    84. Domain for 3o4l:
    85. Domains for 3pwj:
      1. 2937717Domain d3pwja1: 3pwj A:1-181 [200255]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwja2, d3pwjb1, d3pwjb2, d3pwjd2, d3pwje1, d3pwje2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2937718Domain d3pwjd1: 3pwj D:1-181 [200257]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwja2, d3pwjb1, d3pwjb2, d3pwjd2, d3pwje1, d3pwje2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
    86. Domains for 3pwl:
      1. 2937701Domain d3pwla1: 3pwl A:1-181 [200259]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwla2, d3pwlb1, d3pwlb2, d3pwld2, d3pwle1, d3pwle2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2937702Domain d3pwld1: 3pwl D:1-181 [200261]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwla2, d3pwlb1, d3pwlb2, d3pwld2, d3pwle1, d3pwle2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
    87. Domains for 3pwn:
      1. 2937703Domain d3pwna1: 3pwn A:1-181 [200263]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwna2, d3pwnb1, d3pwnb2, d3pwnd2, d3pwne1, d3pwne2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
      2. 2937704Domain d3pwnd1: 3pwn D:1-181 [200265]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pwna2, d3pwnb1, d3pwnb2, d3pwnd2, d3pwne1, d3pwne2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol
    88. Domain for 3pwp:
    89. Domain for 3qdg:
    90. Domain for 3qdj:
    91. Domain for 3qdm:
    92. Domain for 3qeq:
    93. Domains for 3qfd:
      1. 2937737Domain d3qfda1: 3qfd A:1-181 [200329]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3qfda2, d3qfdb1, d3qfdb2, d3qfdd2, d3qfde1, d3qfde2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol, na
      2. 2937738Domain d3qfdd1: 3qfd D:1-181 [200331]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3qfda2, d3qfdb1, d3qfdb2, d3qfdd2, d3qfde1, d3qfde2
        automated match to d1i4fa2
        complexed with gol, na
    94. Domain for 3qfj:
    95. Domains for 4l3c:
      1. 2937826Domain d4l3ca1: 4l3c A:1-181 [230081]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      2. 2937827Domain d4l3cc1: 4l3c C:1-181 [230091]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      3. 2937828Domain d4l3ce1: 4l3c E:1-181 [230089]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      4. 2937829Domain d4l3cg1: 4l3c G:1-181 [230082]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      5. 2937830Domain d4l3ci1: 4l3c I:1-181 [230085]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      6. 2937831Domain d4l3ck1: 4l3c K:1-181 [230087]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      7. 2937832Domain d4l3cm1: 4l3c M:1-181 [230106]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      8. 2937833Domain d4l3co1: 4l3c O:1-181 [230114]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      9. 2937834Domain d4l3cq1: 4l3c Q:1-181 [230110]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      10. 2937835Domain d4l3cs1: 4l3c S:1-181 [230108]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      11. 2937836Domain d4l3cu1: 4l3c U:1-181 [230112]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      12. 2937837Domain d4l3cw1: 4l3c W:1-181 [230098]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
      13. 2937838Domain d4l3cy1: 4l3c Y:1-181 [230116]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l3ca2, d4l3cb_, d4l3cc2, d4l3cd_, d4l3ce2, d4l3cf_, d4l3cg2, d4l3ch_, d4l3ci2, d4l3cj_, d4l3ck2, d4l3cl_, d4l3cm2, d4l3cn_, d4l3co2, d4l3cp_, d4l3cq2, d4l3cr_, d4l3cs2, d4l3ct_, d4l3cu2, d4l3cv_, d4l3cw2, d4l3cx_, d4l3cy2, d4l3cz_
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with cl, gol; mutant
    96. Domain for 5d9s:
    97. Domain for 5ddh:
    98. Domain for 5eu3:
    99. Domain for 5meo:
    100. Domains for 5mep:
      1. 2937857Domain d5mepa1: 5mep A:1-181 [327066]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5mepa2, d5mepb1, d5mepb2, d5mepd2, d5mepe1, d5mepe2
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with edo, so4
      2. 2937858Domain d5mepd1: 5mep D:1-181 [327033]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5mepa2, d5mepb1, d5mepb2, d5mepd2, d5mepe1, d5mepe2
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with edo, so4
    101. Domain for 5meq:
    102. Domains for 5mer:
      1. 2937780Domain d5mera1: 5mer A:1-181 [327098]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5mera2, d5merb1, d5merb2, d5merd2, d5mere1, d5mere2
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with ca, edo, gol, mes, so4
      2. 2937781Domain d5merd1: 5mer D:1-181 [327076]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5mera2, d5merb1, d5merb2, d5merd2, d5mere1, d5mere2
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with ca, edo, gol, mes, so4
    103. Domain for 5yxn:
    104. Domains for 6rsy:
      1. 2937863Domain d6rsya1: 6rsy A:2-182 [383690]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6rsya2, d6rsyb1, d6rsyb2, d6rsyd1, d6rsyd2, d6rsye1, d6rsye2, d6rsyf2, d6rsyg1, d6rsyg2, d6rsyi1, d6rsyi2, d6rsyj1, d6rsyj2
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with edo
      2. 2937864Domain d6rsyf1: 6rsy F:2-182 [383931]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6rsya2, d6rsyb1, d6rsyb2, d6rsyd1, d6rsyd2, d6rsye1, d6rsye2, d6rsyf2, d6rsyg1, d6rsyg2, d6rsyi1, d6rsyi2, d6rsyj1, d6rsyj2
        automated match to d1ogaa2
        complexed with edo
  6. 2937866Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-AW68 [TaxId:9606] [54472] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1hsb:
    2. Domain for 1tmc:
    3. Domain for 2hla:
    4. Domain for 4hx1:
  7. 2937871Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-B08 [TaxId:9606] [54473] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1agb:
    2. Domain for 1agc:
    3. Domain for 1agd:
    4. Domain for 1age:
    5. Domain for 1agf:
    6. Domains for 1m05:
      1. 2937877Domain d1m05a2: 1m05 A:1-181 [91157]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1m05a1, d1m05b_, d1m05c1, d1m05d_
        complexed with cd
      2. 2937878Domain d1m05c2: 1m05 C:1-181 [91160]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1m05a1, d1m05b_, d1m05c1, d1m05d_
        complexed with cd
    7. Domain for 1mi5:
  8. 2937880Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-B27 [TaxId:9606] [54471] (9 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P03989 25-300
    1. Domains for 1hsa:
      1. 2937886Domain d1hsaa2: 1hsa A:1-181 [38255]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hsaa1, d1hsab_, d1hsad1, d1hsae_
      2. 2937887Domain d1hsad2: 1hsa D:1-181 [38256]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hsaa1, d1hsab_, d1hsad1, d1hsae_
    2. Domain for 1jgd:
    3. Domain for 1jge:
    4. Domain for 1k5n:
    5. Domain for 1of2:
    6. Domain for 1ogt:
    7. Domain for 1uxs:
    8. Domain for 1uxw:
    9. Domain for 3b3i:
  9. 2937891Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-B35 [TaxId:9606] [54475] (16 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P30685 25-300
    1. Domain for 1a1n:
    2. Domains for 1a9b:
      1. 2937905Domain d1a9ba2: 1a9b A:1-181 [38269]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a9ba1, d1a9bb2, d1a9bb3, d1a9bd1, d1a9be2, d1a9be3
      2. 2937906Domain d1a9bd2: 1a9b D:1-181 [38270]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1a9ba1, d1a9bb2, d1a9bb3, d1a9bd1, d1a9be2, d1a9be3
    3. Domain for 1a9e:
    4. Domain for 1cg9:
    5. Domain for 1xh3:
    6. Domain for 1zsd:
    7. Domain for 3lkn:
    8. Domain for 3lko:
    9. Domain for 3lkp:
    10. Domain for 3lkq:
    11. Domain for 3lkr:
    12. Domain for 3lks:
    13. Domain for 4qrr:
    14. Domain for 6mpp:
    15. Domain for 6o9c:
    16. Domain for 7dzn:
  10. 2937908Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-B51 [TaxId:9606] [54476] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1e27:
    2. Domain for 1e28:
    3. Domain for 3w39:
  11. 2937912Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-B53 [TaxId:9606] [54474] (23 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1a1m:
    2. Domain for 1a1o:
    3. Domain for 1xr8:
    4. Domain for 1xr9:
    5. Domain for 1zhk:
    6. Domain for 1zhl:
    7. Domains for 2ak4:
      1. 2937934Domain d2ak4a2: 2ak4 A:1-181 [126901]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ak4a1, d2ak4b_, d2ak4d1, d2ak4d2, d2ak4e1, d2ak4e2, d2ak4f1, d2ak4g_, d2ak4i1, d2ak4i2, d2ak4j1, d2ak4j2, d2ak4k1, d2ak4l_, d2ak4n1, d2ak4n2, d2ak4p1, d2ak4p2, d2ak4q1, d2ak4r_, d2ak4t1, d2ak4t2, d2ak4u1, d2ak4u2
        automatically matched to d1a1ma2
        complexed with iod
      2. 2937935Domain d2ak4f2: 2ak4 F:1-181 [126904]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ak4a1, d2ak4b_, d2ak4d1, d2ak4d2, d2ak4e1, d2ak4e2, d2ak4f1, d2ak4g_, d2ak4i1, d2ak4i2, d2ak4j1, d2ak4j2, d2ak4k1, d2ak4l_, d2ak4n1, d2ak4n2, d2ak4p1, d2ak4p2, d2ak4q1, d2ak4r_, d2ak4t1, d2ak4t2, d2ak4u1, d2ak4u2
        automatically matched to d1a1ma2
        complexed with iod
      3. 2937936Domain d2ak4k2: 2ak4 K:1-181 [126907]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ak4a1, d2ak4b_, d2ak4d1, d2ak4d2, d2ak4e1, d2ak4e2, d2ak4f1, d2ak4g_, d2ak4i1, d2ak4i2, d2ak4j1, d2ak4j2, d2ak4k1, d2ak4l_, d2ak4n1, d2ak4n2, d2ak4p1, d2ak4p2, d2ak4q1, d2ak4r_, d2ak4t1, d2ak4t2, d2ak4u1, d2ak4u2
        automatically matched to d1a1ma2
        complexed with iod
      4. 2937937Domain d2ak4q2: 2ak4 Q:1-181 [126910]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ak4a1, d2ak4b_, d2ak4d1, d2ak4d2, d2ak4e1, d2ak4e2, d2ak4f1, d2ak4g_, d2ak4i1, d2ak4i2, d2ak4j1, d2ak4j2, d2ak4k1, d2ak4l_, d2ak4n1, d2ak4n2, d2ak4p1, d2ak4p2, d2ak4q1, d2ak4r_, d2ak4t1, d2ak4t2, d2ak4u1, d2ak4u2
        automatically matched to d1a1ma2
        complexed with iod
    8. Domain for 2axf:
    9. Domain for 2axg:
    10. Domain for 2bvo:
    11. Domain for 2bvp:
    12. Domain for 2bvq:
    13. Domain for 2cik:
    14. Domain for 2fyy:
    15. Domain for 2fz3:
    16. Domain for 2h6p:
    17. Domain for 2hjk:
    18. Domain for 2hjl:
    19. Domain for 2nw3:
    20. Domains for 2nx5:
      1. 2937938Domain d2nx5a2: 2nx5 A:1-181 [138728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nx5a1, d2nx5b_, d2nx5f1, d2nx5g_, d2nx5k1, d2nx5l_, d2nx5q1, d2nx5r_
        automatically matched to d1a1ma2
      2. 2937939Domain d2nx5f2: 2nx5 F:1-181 [138731]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nx5a1, d2nx5b_, d2nx5f1, d2nx5g_, d2nx5k1, d2nx5l_, d2nx5q1, d2nx5r_
        automatically matched to d1a1ma2
      3. 2937940Domain d2nx5k2: 2nx5 K:1-181 [138734]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nx5a1, d2nx5b_, d2nx5f1, d2nx5g_, d2nx5k1, d2nx5l_, d2nx5q1, d2nx5r_
        automatically matched to d1a1ma2
      4. 2937941Domain d2nx5q2: 2nx5 Q:1-181 [138737]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nx5a1, d2nx5b_, d2nx5f1, d2nx5g_, d2nx5k1, d2nx5l_, d2nx5q1, d2nx5r_
        automatically matched to d1a1ma2
    21. Domain for 2rfx:
    22. Domain for 3c9n:
    23. Domains for 3upr:
      1. 2937923Domain d3upra1: 3upr A:2-181 [217476]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3upra2, d3uprb_, d3uprc2, d3uprd_
        automated match to d1a1oa2
        complexed with 1kx, cl
      2. 2937924Domain d3uprc1: 3upr C:2-181 [217479]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3upra2, d3uprb_, d3uprc2, d3uprd_
        automated match to d1a1oa2
        complexed with 1kx, cl
  12. 2937943Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-BW44 [TaxId:9606] [102837] (19 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P30481 25-300
    1. Domain for 1m6o:
    2. Domain for 1n2r:
    3. Domain for 1sys:
    4. Domain for 1syv:
    5. Domain for 1w0v:
    6. Domain for 1w0w:
    7. Domain for 2a83:
    8. Domain for 2bsr:
    9. Domain for 2bss:
    10. Domain for 2bst:
    11. Domain for 3b6s:
    12. Domain for 3kpl:
    13. Domain for 3kpm:
    14. Domain for 3kpn:
    15. Domain for 3kpo:
    16. Domain for 3kpp:
    17. Domain for 3kpq:
    18. Domains for 3kpr:
      1. 2937961Domain d3kpra1: 3kpr A:1-181 [199643]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kpra2, d3kprb_, d3kprd1, d3kprd2, d3kpre1, d3kpre2, d3kprf2, d3kprg_, d3kpri1, d3kpri2, d3kprj1, d3kprj2
        automated match to d1syva2
      2. 2937962Domain d3kprf1: 3kpr F:1-181 [199649]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kpra2, d3kprb_, d3kprd1, d3kprd2, d3kpre1, d3kpre2, d3kprf2, d3kprg_, d3kpri1, d3kpri2, d3kprj1, d3kprj2
        automated match to d1syva2
    19. Domain for 3kps:
  13. 2937964Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-CW3 [TaxId:9606] [54477] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1efx:
    2. Domains for 5w1w:
      1. 2937966Domain d5w1wa1: 5w1w A:2-181 [339914]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5w1wa2, d5w1wb1, d5w1wb2, d5w1wd1, d5w1wd2, d5w1we1, d5w1we2, d5w1wf2, d5w1wg1, d5w1wg2, d5w1wi1, d5w1wi2, d5w1wj1, d5w1wj2, d5w1wk2, d5w1wl1, d5w1wl2, d5w1wn1, d5w1wn2, d5w1wo1, d5w1wo2, d5w1wp2, d5w1wq1, d5w1wq2, d5w1ws1, d5w1ws2, d5w1wt1, d5w1wt2
        automated match to d1efxa2
      2. 2937967Domain d5w1wf1: 5w1w F:2-181 [339896]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5w1wa2, d5w1wb1, d5w1wb2, d5w1wd1, d5w1wd2, d5w1we1, d5w1we2, d5w1wf2, d5w1wg1, d5w1wg2, d5w1wi1, d5w1wi2, d5w1wj1, d5w1wj2, d5w1wk2, d5w1wl1, d5w1wl2, d5w1wn1, d5w1wn2, d5w1wo1, d5w1wo2, d5w1wp2, d5w1wq1, d5w1wq2, d5w1ws1, d5w1ws2, d5w1wt1, d5w1wt2
        automated match to d1efxa2
      3. 2937968Domain d5w1wk1: 5w1w K:2-181 [339949]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5w1wa2, d5w1wb1, d5w1wb2, d5w1wd1, d5w1wd2, d5w1we1, d5w1we2, d5w1wf2, d5w1wg1, d5w1wg2, d5w1wi1, d5w1wi2, d5w1wj1, d5w1wj2, d5w1wk2, d5w1wl1, d5w1wl2, d5w1wn1, d5w1wn2, d5w1wo1, d5w1wo2, d5w1wp2, d5w1wq1, d5w1wq2, d5w1ws1, d5w1ws2, d5w1wt1, d5w1wt2
        automated match to d1efxa2
      4. 2937969Domain d5w1wp1: 5w1w P:2-181 [339922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5w1wa2, d5w1wb1, d5w1wb2, d5w1wd1, d5w1wd2, d5w1we1, d5w1we2, d5w1wf2, d5w1wg1, d5w1wg2, d5w1wi1, d5w1wi2, d5w1wj1, d5w1wj2, d5w1wk2, d5w1wl1, d5w1wl2, d5w1wn1, d5w1wn2, d5w1wo1, d5w1wo2, d5w1wp2, d5w1wq1, d5w1wq2, d5w1ws1, d5w1ws2, d5w1wt1, d5w1wt2
        automated match to d1efxa2
  14. 2937970Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-CW4 [TaxId:9606] [54478] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1im9:
      1. 2937972Domain d1im9a2: 1im9 A:1-181 [62583]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im9a1, d1im9b2, d1im9b3, d1im9d1, d1im9d2, d1im9e1, d1im9f2, d1im9f3
      2. 2937973Domain d1im9e2: 1im9 E:1-181 [62588]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1im9a1, d1im9b2, d1im9b3, d1im9d1, d1im9d2, d1im9e1, d1im9f2, d1im9f3
    2. Domain for 1qqd:
  15. 2937974Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-E [TaxId:9606] [54479] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1kpr:
      1. 2937984Domain d1kpra2: 1kpr A:1-181 [77481]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kpra1, d1kprb1, d1kprb2, d1kprc1, d1kprd1, d1kprd2
        complexed with so4
      2. 2937985Domain d1kprc2: 1kpr C:1-181 [77484]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kpra1, d1kprb1, d1kprb2, d1kprc1, d1kprd1, d1kprd2
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 1ktl:
      1. 2937986Domain d1ktla2: 1ktl A:1-181 [77536]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ktla1, d1ktlb1, d1ktlb2, d1ktlc1, d1ktld1, d1ktld2
        complexed with so4
      2. 2937987Domain d1ktlc2: 1ktl C:1-181 [77539]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ktla1, d1ktlb1, d1ktlb2, d1ktlc1, d1ktld1, d1ktld2
        complexed with so4
    3. Domains for 1mhe:
      1. 2937982Domain d1mhea2: 1mhe A:2-181 [38275]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mhea1, d1mheb_, d1mhec1, d1mhed_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2937983Domain d1mhec2: 1mhe C:2-181 [38276]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mhea1, d1mheb_, d1mhec1, d1mhed_
        complexed with so4
    4. Domain for 2esv:
    5. Domains for 3bze:
      1. 2937978Domain d3bzea2: 3bze A:2-181 [155758]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzea1, d3bzeb2, d3bzeb3, d3bzec1, d3bzed2, d3bzed3, d3bzee1, d3bzef2, d3bzef3, d3bzeg1, d3bzeh2, d3bzeh3
        automatically matched to d1mhea2
      2. 2937979Domain d3bzec2: 3bze C:2-181 [155761]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzea1, d3bzeb2, d3bzeb3, d3bzec1, d3bzed2, d3bzed3, d3bzee1, d3bzef2, d3bzef3, d3bzeg1, d3bzeh2, d3bzeh3
        automatically matched to d1mhea2
      3. 2937980Domain d3bzee2: 3bze E:2-181 [155764]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzea1, d3bzeb2, d3bzeb3, d3bzec1, d3bzed2, d3bzed3, d3bzee1, d3bzef2, d3bzef3, d3bzeg1, d3bzeh2, d3bzeh3
        automatically matched to d1mhea2
      4. 2937981Domain d3bzeg2: 3bze G:2-181 [155767]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzea1, d3bzeb2, d3bzeb3, d3bzec1, d3bzed2, d3bzed3, d3bzee1, d3bzef2, d3bzef3, d3bzeg1, d3bzeh2, d3bzeh3
        automatically matched to d1mhea2
    6. Domains for 3bzf:
      1. 2937975Domain d3bzfa2: 3bzf A:2-181 [155770]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzfa1, d3bzfb_, d3bzfc1, d3bzfd_
        automatically matched to d1mhea2
      2. 2937976Domain d3bzfc2: 3bzf C:2-181 [155773]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzfa1, d3bzfb_, d3bzfc1, d3bzfd_
        automatically matched to d1mhea2
    7. Domains for 3cdg:
      1. 2937988Domain d3cdga2: 3cdg A:2-181 [156513]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cdga1, d3cdgb1, d3cdgb2, d3cdgc1, d3cdgd1, d3cdgd2, d3cdge1, d3cdgj1
        automatically matched to d1mhea2
      2. 2937989Domain d3cdgc2: 3cdg C:2-181 [156516]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cdga1, d3cdgb1, d3cdgb2, d3cdgc1, d3cdgd1, d3cdgd2, d3cdge1, d3cdgj1
        automatically matched to d1mhea2
    8. Domains for 3cii:
      1. 2937990Domain d3ciia2: 3cii A:2-181 [156671]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ciia1, d3ciib1, d3ciib2, d3ciid1, d3ciie1, d3ciie2, d3ciig1, d3ciii1
        automatically matched to d1mhea2
      2. 2937991Domain d3ciid2: 3cii D:2-181 [156674]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ciia1, d3ciib1, d3ciib2, d3ciid1, d3ciie1, d3ciie2, d3ciig1, d3ciii1
        automatically matched to d1mhea2
  16. 2937992Human (Homo sapiens), HLA-G [TaxId:9606] [160076] (3 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P17693 25-205! Uniprot P17693 26-205
    1. Domain for 1ydp:
    2. Domains for 2d31:
      1. 2937995Domain d2d31a2: 2d31 A:1-181 [145068]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d31a1, d2d31b1, d2d31d1, d2d31e1
      2. 2937996Domain d2d31d2: 2d31 D:1-181 [145070]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d31a1, d2d31b1, d2d31d1, d2d31e1
        automatically matched to 2D31 A:1-181
    3. Domain for 2dyp:
  17. 2937997Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [226600] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4hux:
    2. Domains for 4hv8:
      1. 2937998Domain d4hv8a1: 4hv8 A:2-181 [202487]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hv8a2, d4hv8b1, d4hv8b2, d4hv8c2, d4hv8d_
        automated match to d1kjva2
        complexed with so4
      2. 2937999Domain d4hv8c1: 4hv8 C:1-181 [202489]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hv8a2, d4hv8b1, d4hv8b2, d4hv8c2, d4hv8d_
        automated match to d1kjva2
        complexed with so4
    3. Domains for 5wlg:
      1. 2938000Domain d5wlga1: 5wlg A:1-181 [341751]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wlga2, d5wlgb_, d5wlgd1, d5wlgd2, d5wlge1, d5wlge2, d5wlgf2, d5wlgg_, d5wlgi1, d5wlgi2, d5wlgj1, d5wlgj2
        automated match to d1kjva2
        complexed with cl, na
      2. 2938001Domain d5wlgf1: 5wlg F:1-181 [341656]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wlga2, d5wlgb_, d5wlgd1, d5wlgd2, d5wlge1, d5wlge2, d5wlgf2, d5wlgg_, d5wlgi1, d5wlgi2, d5wlgj1, d5wlgj2
        automated match to d1kjva2
        complexed with cl, na
  18. 2938003Mouse (Mus musculus), H-2DB [TaxId:10090] [54482] (29 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1a9d:
    2. Domain for 1bz9:
    3. Domain for 1ce6:
    4. Domains for 1ffn:
      1. 2938034Domain d1ffna2: 1ffn A:2-181 [76166]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffna1, d1ffnb1, d1ffnb2, d1ffnd1, d1ffne1, d1ffne2
      2. 2938035Domain d1ffnd2: 1ffn D:2-181 [76169]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffna1, d1ffnb1, d1ffnb2, d1ffnd1, d1ffne1, d1ffne2
    5. Domains for 1ffo:
      1. 2938054Domain d1ffoa2: 1ffo A:2-181 [76172]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffoa1, d1ffob1, d1ffob2, d1ffod1, d1ffoe1, d1ffoe2
      2. 2938055Domain d1ffod2: 1ffo D:2-181 [76175]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffoa1, d1ffob1, d1ffob2, d1ffod1, d1ffoe1, d1ffoe2
    6. Domains for 1ffp:
      1. 2938026Domain d1ffpa2: 1ffp A:2-181 [76178]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffpa1, d1ffpb1, d1ffpb2, d1ffpd1, d1ffpe1, d1ffpe2
      2. 2938027Domain d1ffpd2: 1ffp D:2-181 [76181]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffpa1, d1ffpb1, d1ffpb2, d1ffpd1, d1ffpe1, d1ffpe2
    7. Domains for 1fg2:
      1. 2938029Domain d1fg2a2: 1fg2 A:2-181 [38300]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fg2a1, d1fg2b_, d1fg2d1, d1fg2e_, d1fg2g1, d1fg2h_, d1fg2j1, d1fg2k_
      2. 2938030Domain d1fg2d2: 1fg2 D:2-181 [38301]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fg2a1, d1fg2b_, d1fg2d1, d1fg2e_, d1fg2g1, d1fg2h_, d1fg2j1, d1fg2k_
      3. 2938031Domain d1fg2g2: 1fg2 G:2-181 [38302]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fg2a1, d1fg2b_, d1fg2d1, d1fg2e_, d1fg2g1, d1fg2h_, d1fg2j1, d1fg2k_
      4. 2938032Domain d1fg2j2: 1fg2 J:2-181 [38303]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fg2a1, d1fg2b_, d1fg2d1, d1fg2e_, d1fg2g1, d1fg2h_, d1fg2j1, d1fg2k_
    8. Domain for 1hoc:
    9. Domain for 1inq:
    10. Domain for 1jpf:
    11. Domain for 1jpg:
    12. Domain for 1juf:
    13. Domains for 1n3n:
      1. 2938050Domain d1n3na2: 1n3n A:1-181 [85304]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n3na1, d1n3nb_, d1n3nc1, d1n3nd_, d1n3ne1, d1n3nf_, d1n3ng1, d1n3nh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2938051Domain d1n3nc2: 1n3n C:1-181 [85307]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n3na1, d1n3nb_, d1n3nc1, d1n3nd_, d1n3ne1, d1n3nf_, d1n3ng1, d1n3nh_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2938052Domain d1n3ne2: 1n3n E:1-181 [85310]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n3na1, d1n3nb_, d1n3nc1, d1n3nd_, d1n3ne1, d1n3nf_, d1n3ng1, d1n3nh_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2938053Domain d1n3ng2: 1n3n G:1-181 [85313]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n3na1, d1n3nb_, d1n3nc1, d1n3nd_, d1n3ne1, d1n3nf_, d1n3ng1, d1n3nh_
        complexed with so4
    14. Domains for 1n5a:
      1. 2938060Domain d1n5aa2: 1n5a A:1-181 [80015]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n5aa1, d1n5ab_, d1n5ad1, d1n5ae_, d1n5ag1, d1n5ah_, d1n5aj1, d1n5ak_
      2. 2938061Domain d1n5ad2: 1n5a D:1-181 [80018]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n5aa1, d1n5ab_, d1n5ad1, d1n5ae_, d1n5ag1, d1n5ah_, d1n5aj1, d1n5ak_
      3. 2938062Domain d1n5ag2: 1n5a G:2-181 [80021]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n5aa1, d1n5ab_, d1n5ad1, d1n5ae_, d1n5ag1, d1n5ah_, d1n5aj1, d1n5ak_
      4. 2938063Domain d1n5aj2: 1n5a J:2-181 [80024]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n5aa1, d1n5ab_, d1n5ad1, d1n5ae_, d1n5ag1, d1n5ah_, d1n5aj1, d1n5ak_
    15. Domain for 1qlf:
    16. Domains for 1s7u:
      1. 2938006Domain d1s7ua2: 1s7u A:1-181 [98674]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ua1, d1s7ub_, d1s7ud1, d1s7ue_, d1s7ug1, d1s7uh_, d1s7uj1, d1s7uk_
      2. 2938007Domain d1s7ud2: 1s7u D:1-181 [98677]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ua1, d1s7ub_, d1s7ud1, d1s7ue_, d1s7ug1, d1s7uh_, d1s7uj1, d1s7uk_
      3. 2938008Domain d1s7ug2: 1s7u G:1-181 [98680]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ua1, d1s7ub_, d1s7ud1, d1s7ue_, d1s7ug1, d1s7uh_, d1s7uj1, d1s7uk_
      4. 2938009Domain d1s7uj2: 1s7u J:2-181 [98683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ua1, d1s7ub_, d1s7ud1, d1s7ue_, d1s7ug1, d1s7uh_, d1s7uj1, d1s7uk_
    17. Domains for 1s7v:
      1. 2938011Domain d1s7va2: 1s7v A:1-181 [98686]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7va1, d1s7vb_, d1s7vd1, d1s7ve_
      2. 2938012Domain d1s7vd2: 1s7v D:1-181 [98689]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7va1, d1s7vb_, d1s7vd1, d1s7ve_
    18. Domains for 1s7w:
      1. 2938038Domain d1s7wa2: 1s7w A:1-181 [98692]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7wa1, d1s7wb_, d1s7wd1, d1s7we_, d1s7wg1, d1s7wh_, d1s7wj1, d1s7wk_
      2. 2938039Domain d1s7wd2: 1s7w D:1-181 [98695]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7wa1, d1s7wb_, d1s7wd1, d1s7we_, d1s7wg1, d1s7wh_, d1s7wj1, d1s7wk_
      3. 2938040Domain d1s7wg2: 1s7w G:1-181 [98698]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7wa1, d1s7wb_, d1s7wd1, d1s7we_, d1s7wg1, d1s7wh_, d1s7wj1, d1s7wk_
      4. 2938041Domain d1s7wj2: 1s7w J:1-181 [98701]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7wa1, d1s7wb_, d1s7wd1, d1s7we_, d1s7wg1, d1s7wh_, d1s7wj1, d1s7wk_
    19. Domains for 1s7x:
      1. 2938042Domain d1s7xa2: 1s7x A:1-181 [98704]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7xa1, d1s7xb_, d1s7xd1, d1s7xe_, d1s7xg1, d1s7xh_, d1s7xj1, d1s7xk_
      2. 2938043Domain d1s7xd2: 1s7x D:1-181 [98707]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7xa1, d1s7xb_, d1s7xd1, d1s7xe_, d1s7xg1, d1s7xh_, d1s7xj1, d1s7xk_
      3. 2938044Domain d1s7xg2: 1s7x G:1-181 [98710]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7xa1, d1s7xb_, d1s7xd1, d1s7xe_, d1s7xg1, d1s7xh_, d1s7xj1, d1s7xk_
      4. 2938045Domain d1s7xj2: 1s7x J:1-181 [98713]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7xa1, d1s7xb_, d1s7xd1, d1s7xe_, d1s7xg1, d1s7xh_, d1s7xj1, d1s7xk_
    20. Domains for 3ch1:
      1. 2938015Domain d3ch1a1: 3ch1 A:1-181 [199180]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ch1a2, d3ch1b_, d3ch1d2, d3ch1e_, d3ch1g2, d3ch1h_, d3ch1j2, d3ch1k_
        automated match to d1qlfa2
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2938016Domain d3ch1d1: 3ch1 D:1-181 [199182]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ch1a2, d3ch1b_, d3ch1d2, d3ch1e_, d3ch1g2, d3ch1h_, d3ch1j2, d3ch1k_
        automated match to d1qlfa2
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 2938017Domain d3ch1g1: 3ch1 G:1-181 [199184]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ch1a2, d3ch1b_, d3ch1d2, d3ch1e_, d3ch1g2, d3ch1h_, d3ch1j2, d3ch1k_
        automated match to d1qlfa2
        complexed with gol, so4
      4. 2938018Domain d3ch1j1: 3ch1 J:1-181 [199186]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ch1a2, d3ch1b_, d3ch1d2, d3ch1e_, d3ch1g2, d3ch1h_, d3ch1j2, d3ch1k_
        automated match to d1qlfa2
        complexed with gol, so4
    21. Domain for 3ftg:
    22. Domains for 4huu:
      1. 2938021Domain d4huua1: 4huu A:1-181 [202477]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huua2, d4huub1, d4huub2, d4huud2, d4huue1, d4huue2
        automated match to d1jpfa2
        complexed with act
      2. 2938022Domain d4huud1: 4huu D:2-181 [202479]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huua2, d4huub1, d4huub2, d4huud2, d4huue1, d4huue2
        automated match to d1jpfa2
        complexed with act
    23. Domains for 4huv:
      1. 2938048Domain d4huva1: 4huv A:1-181 [202481]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huva2, d4huvb_, d4huvd2, d4huve_
        automated match to d1jpfa2
        complexed with so4
      2. 2938049Domain d4huvd1: 4huv D:1-181 [202483]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huva2, d4huvb_, d4huvd2, d4huve_
        automated match to d1jpfa2
        complexed with so4
    24. Domain for 4l8b:
    25. Domains for 4l8c:
      1. 2938056Domain d4l8ca1: 4l8c A:1-181 [228368]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8ca2, d4l8cb_, d4l8cc2, d4l8cd_, d4l8ce2, d4l8cf_, d4l8cg2, d4l8ch_
        automated match to d1n3na2
        complexed with so4
      2. 2938057Domain d4l8cc1: 4l8c C:1-181 [228360]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8ca2, d4l8cb_, d4l8cc2, d4l8cd_, d4l8ce2, d4l8cf_, d4l8cg2, d4l8ch_
        automated match to d1n3na2
        complexed with so4
      3. 2938058Domain d4l8ce1: 4l8c E:1-181 [228366]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8ca2, d4l8cb_, d4l8cc2, d4l8cd_, d4l8ce2, d4l8cf_, d4l8cg2, d4l8ch_
        automated match to d1n3na2
        complexed with so4
      4. 2938059Domain d4l8cg1: 4l8c G:1-181 [228364]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8ca2, d4l8cb_, d4l8cc2, d4l8cd_, d4l8ce2, d4l8cf_, d4l8cg2, d4l8ch_
        automated match to d1n3na2
        complexed with so4
    26. Domains for 4l8d:
      1. 2938013Domain d4l8da1: 4l8d A:1-181 [228376]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8da2, d4l8db_, d4l8dc2, d4l8dd_
        automated match to d1n3na2
        complexed with so4
      2. 2938014Domain d4l8dc1: 4l8d C:1-181 [228374]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l8da2, d4l8db_, d4l8dc2, d4l8dd_
        automated match to d1n3na2
        complexed with so4
    27. Domain for 5m00:
    28. Domains for 5mzm:
      1. 2938036Domain d5mzma1: 5mzm A:1-181 [346671]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5mzma2, d5mzmb_, d5mzmd2, d5mzme_
        automated match to d1n5aa2
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2938037Domain d5mzmd1: 5mzm D:1-181 [347104]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5mzma2, d5mzmb_, d5mzmd2, d5mzme_
        automated match to d1n5aa2
        complexed with gol, so4
    29. Domains for 7p0t:
      1. 3086335Domain d7p0td1: 7p0t D:1-181 [422652]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7p0ta2, d7p0tb_, d7p0td2, d7p0te_
        automated match to d1n5aa2
        complexed with cl, so4
      2. 3086377Domain d7p0ta1: 7p0t A:1-181 [422694]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7p0ta2, d7p0tb_, d7p0td2, d7p0te_
        automated match to d1n5aa2
        complexed with cl, so4
  19. 2938064Mouse (Mus musculus), H-2DD [TaxId:10090] [54485] (23 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1bii:
    2. Domain for 1ddh:
    3. Domain for 1qo3:
    4. Domain for 1wbx:
    5. Domain for 1wby:
    6. Domains for 1wbz:
      1. 2938068Domain d1wbza2: 1wbz A:3-180 [120873]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wbza1, d1wbzb_, d1wbzc1, d1wbzd_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
      2. 2938069Domain d1wbzc2: 1wbz C:3-180 [120876]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wbza1, d1wbzb_, d1wbzc1, d1wbzd_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
    7. Domain for 1yn6:
    8. Domain for 1yn7:
    9. Domains for 1zhb:
      1. 2938098Domain d1zhba2: 1zhb A:3-180 [125082]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zhba1, d1zhbb_, d1zhbd1, d1zhbe_, d1zhbg1, d1zhbh_, d1zhbj1, d1zhbk_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
      2. 2938099Domain d1zhbd2: 1zhb D:3-180 [125085]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zhba1, d1zhbb_, d1zhbd1, d1zhbe_, d1zhbg1, d1zhbh_, d1zhbj1, d1zhbk_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
      3. 2938100Domain d1zhbg2: 1zhb G:3-180 [125088]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zhba1, d1zhbb_, d1zhbd1, d1zhbe_, d1zhbg1, d1zhbh_, d1zhbj1, d1zhbk_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
      4. 2938101Domain d1zhbj2: 1zhb J:3-180 [125091]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zhba1, d1zhbb_, d1zhbd1, d1zhbe_, d1zhbg1, d1zhbh_, d1zhbj1, d1zhbk_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
    10. Domain for 2cii:
    11. Domains for 2clv:
      1. 2938072Domain d2clva2: 2clv A:3-180 [130591]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clva1, d2clvb_, d2clvh1, d2clvp_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
      2. 2938073Domain d2clvh2: 2clv H:3-180 [130594]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clva1, d2clvb_, d2clvh1, d2clvp_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
    12. Domains for 2clz:
      1. 2938066Domain d2clza2: 2clz A:3-180 [130604]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clza1, d2clzb_, d2clzh1, d2clzp_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
      2. 2938067Domain d2clzh2: 2clz H:3-180 [130607]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2clza1, d2clzb_, d2clzh1, d2clzp_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
    13. Domains for 2f74:
      1. 2938103Domain d2f74a2: 2f74 A:3-180 [133080]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f74a1, d2f74b2, d2f74b3, d2f74d1, d2f74e_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
      2. 2938104Domain d2f74d2: 2f74 D:3-180 [133083]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2f74a1, d2f74b2, d2f74b3, d2f74d1, d2f74e_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
    14. Domain for 2fo4:
    15. Domain for 2ol3:
    16. Domains for 2ve6:
      1. 2938092Domain d2ve6a2: 2ve6 A:3-180 [153001]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ve6a1, d2ve6b_, d2ve6d1, d2ve6e_, d2ve6g1, d2ve6h_, d2ve6j1, d2ve6k_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
      2. 2938093Domain d2ve6d2: 2ve6 D:3-180 [153003]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ve6a1, d2ve6b_, d2ve6d1, d2ve6e_, d2ve6g1, d2ve6h_, d2ve6j1, d2ve6k_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
      3. 2938094Domain d2ve6g2: 2ve6 G:3-180 [153005]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ve6a1, d2ve6b_, d2ve6d1, d2ve6e_, d2ve6g1, d2ve6h_, d2ve6j1, d2ve6k_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
      4. 2938095Domain d2ve6j2: 2ve6 J:3-180 [153007]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ve6a1, d2ve6b_, d2ve6d1, d2ve6e_, d2ve6g1, d2ve6h_, d2ve6j1, d2ve6k_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
    17. Domains for 2zok:
      1. 2938077Domain d2zoka2: 2zok A:3-180 [154723]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zoka1, d2zoka3, d2zokb_, d2zokc1, d2zokd_, d2zoke1, d2zoke3, d2zokf_, d2zokg1, d2zokh_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2938078Domain d2zokc2: 2zok C:3-175 [154726]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zoka1, d2zoka3, d2zokb_, d2zokc1, d2zokd_, d2zoke1, d2zoke3, d2zokf_, d2zokg1, d2zokh_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 2938079Domain d2zoke2: 2zok E:3-180 [154729]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zoka1, d2zoka3, d2zokb_, d2zokc1, d2zokd_, d2zoke1, d2zoke3, d2zokf_, d2zokg1, d2zokh_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
        complexed with gol, so4
      4. 2938080Domain d2zokg2: 2zok G:3-180 [154732]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zoka1, d2zoka3, d2zokb_, d2zokc1, d2zokd_, d2zoke1, d2zoke3, d2zokf_, d2zokg1, d2zokh_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
        complexed with gol, so4
    18. Domains for 2zol:
      1. 2938096Domain d2zola2: 2zol A:3-180 [154735]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zola1, d2zolb_, d2zolc1, d2zold_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
        complexed with so4
      2. 2938097Domain d2zolc2: 2zol C:3-180 [154738]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zola1, d2zolb_, d2zolc1, d2zold_
        automatically matched to d1ddha2
        complexed with so4
    19. Domain for 3c8k:
    20. Domain for 3e6f:
    21. Domains for 5kd4:
      1. 2938105Domain d5kd4a1: 5kd4 A:2-181 [340008]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kd4a2, d5kd4b_, d5kd4c2, d5kd4d_
        automated match to d1qo3a2
      2. 2938106Domain d5kd4c1: 5kd4 C:2-181 [340012]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kd4a2, d5kd4b_, d5kd4c2, d5kd4d_
        automated match to d1qo3a2
    22. Domains for 5kd7:
      1. 2938084Domain d5kd7a1: 5kd7 A:2-181 [339999]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kd7a2, d5kd7b_, d5kd7c2, d5kd7d1, d5kd7d2, d5kd7f2, d5kd7g1, d5kd7g2, d5kd7i2, d5kd7j1, d5kd7j2
        automated match to d1qo3a2
        complexed with edo, gol
      2. 2938085Domain d5kd7c1: 5kd7 C:2-181 [340006]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kd7a2, d5kd7b_, d5kd7c2, d5kd7d1, d5kd7d2, d5kd7f2, d5kd7g1, d5kd7g2, d5kd7i2, d5kd7j1, d5kd7j2
        automated match to d1qo3a2
        complexed with edo, gol
      3. 2938086Domain d5kd7f1: 5kd7 F:2-181 [339987]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kd7a2, d5kd7b_, d5kd7c2, d5kd7d1, d5kd7d2, d5kd7f2, d5kd7g1, d5kd7g2, d5kd7i2, d5kd7j1, d5kd7j2
        automated match to d1qo3a2
        complexed with edo, gol
      4. 2938087Domain d5kd7i1: 5kd7 I:2-181 [339986]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kd7a2, d5kd7b_, d5kd7c2, d5kd7d1, d5kd7d2, d5kd7f2, d5kd7g1, d5kd7g2, d5kd7i2, d5kd7j1, d5kd7j2
        automated match to d1qo3a2
        complexed with edo, gol
    23. Domains for 5t7g:
      1. 2938075Domain d5t7ga1: 5t7g A:2-181 [340102]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5t7ga2, d5t7gb_, d5t7gc2, d5t7gd_
        automated match to d1qo3a2
        complexed with edo
      2. 2938076Domain d5t7gc1: 5t7g C:2-181 [340049]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5t7ga2, d5t7gb_, d5t7gc2, d5t7gd_
        automated match to d1qo3a2
        complexed with edo
  20. 2938107Mouse (Mus musculus), H-2KB [TaxId:10090] [54481] (52 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P01901 22-299
    1. Domains for 1bqh:
      1. 2938162Domain d1bqha2: 1bqh A:1-181 [38289]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1bqha1, d1bqhb_, d1bqhd1, d1bqhe_, d1bqhg_, d1bqhh_, d1bqhi1, d1bqhi2, d1bqhk_
        complexed with nag
      2. 2938163Domain d1bqhd2: 1bqh D:1-181 [38290]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1bqha1, d1bqhb_, d1bqhd1, d1bqhe_, d1bqhg_, d1bqhh_, d1bqhi1, d1bqhi2, d1bqhk_
        complexed with nag
    2. Domain for 1fo0:
    3. Domain for 1fzj:
    4. Domain for 1fzk:
    5. Domain for 1fzm:
    6. Domain for 1fzo:
    7. Domains for 1g6r:
      1. 2938175Domain d1g6rh2: 1g6r H:1-181 [38295]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1g6ra1, d1g6ra2, d1g6rb1, d1g6rb2, d1g6rc1, d1g6rc2, d1g6rd1, d1g6rd2, d1g6rh1, d1g6ri1, d1g6rl_, d1g6rm_
      2. 2938176Domain d1g6ri2: 1g6r I:1-181 [38296]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1g6ra1, d1g6ra2, d1g6rb1, d1g6rb2, d1g6rc1, d1g6rc2, d1g6rd1, d1g6rd2, d1g6rh1, d1g6ri1, d1g6rl_, d1g6rm_
    8. Domain for 1g7p:
    9. Domain for 1g7q:
    10. Domain for 1kbg:
    11. Domains for 1kj2:
      1. 2938154Domain d1kj2h2: 1kj2 H:1-181 [72564]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kj2a_, d1kj2b_, d1kj2d_, d1kj2e_, d1kj2h1, d1kj2i1, d1kj2l_, d1kj2m_
        complexed with nag
      2. 2938155Domain d1kj2i2: 1kj2 I:1-181 [72566]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kj2a_, d1kj2b_, d1kj2d_, d1kj2e_, d1kj2h1, d1kj2i1, d1kj2l_, d1kj2m_
        complexed with nag
    12. Domains for 1kj3:
      1. 2938129Domain d1kj3h2: 1kj3 H:1-181 [72570]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kj3h1, d1kj3h3, d1kj3i1, d1kj3l_, d1kj3m_
      2. 2938130Domain d1kj3i2: 1kj3 I:1-181 [72572]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kj3h1, d1kj3h3, d1kj3i1, d1kj3l_, d1kj3m_
    13. Domain for 1kpu:
    14. Domain for 1kpv:
    15. Domain for 1leg:
    16. Domain for 1lek:
    17. Domain for 1lk2:
    18. Domains for 1mwa:
      1. 2938152Domain d1mwah2: 1mwa H:1-181 [79567]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mwaa1, d1mwaa2, d1mwab1, d1mwab2, d1mwac1, d1mwac2, d1mwad1, d1mwad2, d1mwah1, d1mwai1, d1mwal_, d1mwam_
        complexed with acy, gol, nag
      2. 2938153Domain d1mwai2: 1mwa I:1-181 [79569]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mwaa1, d1mwaa2, d1mwab1, d1mwab2, d1mwac1, d1mwac2, d1mwad1, d1mwad2, d1mwah1, d1mwai1, d1mwal_, d1mwam_
        complexed with acy, gol, nag
    19. Domains for 1n59:
      1. 2938177Domain d1n59a2: 1n59 A:1-181 [80009]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n59a1, d1n59b_, d1n59c1, d1n59d_
      2. 2938178Domain d1n59c2: 1n59 C:1-181 [80012]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n59a1, d1n59b_, d1n59c1, d1n59d_
    20. Domain for 1nam:
    21. Domains for 1nan:
      1. 2938142Domain d1nanh2: 1nan H:1-181 [85494]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nanh1, d1nani_, d1nanl1, d1nanp_
      2. 2938143Domain d1nanl2: 1nan L:1-181 [85497]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nanh1, d1nani_, d1nanl1, d1nanp_
    22. Domain for 1osz:
    23. Domain for 1p1z:
    24. Domain for 1p4l:
    25. Domains for 1rjy:
      1. 2938132Domain d1rjya2: 1rjy A:1-181 [111837]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rjya1, d1rjyb1, d1rjyb2, d1rjyd1, d1rjye1, d1rjye2
      2. 2938133Domain d1rjyd2: 1rjy D:1-181 [111840]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rjya1, d1rjyb1, d1rjyb2, d1rjyd1, d1rjye1, d1rjye2
    26. Domains for 1rjz:
      1. 2938165Domain d1rjza2: 1rjz A:1-181 [111843]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rjza1, d1rjzb1, d1rjzb2, d1rjzd1, d1rjze1, d1rjze2
      2. 2938166Domain d1rjzd2: 1rjz D:1-181 [111846]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rjza1, d1rjzb1, d1rjzb2, d1rjzd1, d1rjze1, d1rjze2
    27. Domain for 1rk0:
    28. Domain for 1rk1:
    29. Domain for 1s7q:
    30. Domains for 1s7r:
      1. 2938179Domain d1s7ra2: 1s7r A:1-181 [98659]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ra1, d1s7rb_, d1s7rd1, d1s7re_
      2. 2938180Domain d1s7rd2: 1s7r D:1-181 [98662]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ra1, d1s7rb_, d1s7rd1, d1s7re_
    31. Domain for 1s7s:
    32. Domains for 1s7t:
      1. 2938148Domain d1s7ta2: 1s7t A:1-181 [98668]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ta1, d1s7tb_, d1s7td1, d1s7te_
      2. 2938149Domain d1s7td2: 1s7t D:1-181 [98671]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1s7ta1, d1s7tb_, d1s7td1, d1s7te_
    33. Domains for 1t0m:
      1. 2938138Domain d1t0ma2: 1t0m A:1-181 [112200]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t0ma1, d1t0mb_, d1t0md1, d1t0me_
      2. 2938139Domain d1t0md2: 1t0m D:1-181 [112203]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t0ma1, d1t0mb_, d1t0md1, d1t0me_
    34. Domains for 1t0n:
      1. 2938123Domain d1t0na2: 1t0n A:1-181 [112206]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t0na1, d1t0nb_, d1t0nd1, d1t0ne_
      2. 2938124Domain d1t0nd2: 1t0n D:1-181 [112209]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t0na1, d1t0nb_, d1t0nd1, d1t0ne_
    35. Domain for 1vac:
    36. Domain for 1vad:
    37. Domains for 2ckb:
      1. 2938171Domain d2ckbh2: 2ckb H:1-181 [38293]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ckba1, d2ckba2, d2ckbb1, d2ckbb2, d2ckbc1, d2ckbc2, d2ckbd1, d2ckbd2, d2ckbh1, d2ckbi1, d2ckbl_, d2ckbm_
      2. 2938172Domain d2ckbi2: 2ckb I:1-181 [38294]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ckba1, d2ckba2, d2ckbb1, d2ckbb2, d2ckbc1, d2ckbc2, d2ckbd1, d2ckbd2, d2ckbh1, d2ckbi1, d2ckbl_, d2ckbm_
    38. Domains for 2mha:
      1. 2938168Domain d2mhaa2: 2mha A:1-181 [38291]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2mhaa1, d2mhab_, d2mhac1, d2mhad_
      2. 2938169Domain d2mhac2: 2mha C:1-181 [38292]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2mhaa1, d2mhab_, d2mhac1, d2mhad_
    39. Domain for 2vaa:
    40. Domain for 2vab:
    41. Domains for 3cvh:
      1. 2938173Domain d3cvha2: 3cvh A:1-181 [157003]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cvha1, d3cvhb_, d3cvhh_, d3cvhl1, d3cvhl2, d3cvhm1, d3cvhn_, d3cvhq_, d3cvhr1, d3cvhr2
        automated match to d1lk2a2
      2. 2938174Domain d3cvhm2: 3cvh M:1-181 [157007]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3cvha1, d3cvhb_, d3cvhh_, d3cvhl1, d3cvhl2, d3cvhm1, d3cvhn_, d3cvhq_, d3cvhr1, d3cvhr2
        automated match to d1lk2a2
    42. Domains for 4huw:
      1. 2938183Domain d4huwa1: 4huw A:1-181 [252506]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huwa2, d4huwb1, d4huwb2, d4huwc2, d4huwd1, d4huwd2, d4huwe2, d4huwf1, d4huwf2, d4huwg2, d4huwh1, d4huwh2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with so4
      2. 2938184Domain d4huwc1: 4huw C:1-181 [252509]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huwa2, d4huwb1, d4huwb2, d4huwc2, d4huwd1, d4huwd2, d4huwe2, d4huwf1, d4huwf2, d4huwg2, d4huwh1, d4huwh2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with so4
      3. 2938185Domain d4huwe1: 4huw E:1-181 [252512]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huwa2, d4huwb1, d4huwb2, d4huwc2, d4huwd1, d4huwd2, d4huwe2, d4huwf1, d4huwf2, d4huwg2, d4huwh1, d4huwh2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with so4
      4. 2938186Domain d4huwg1: 4huw G:1-181 [252515]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4huwa2, d4huwb1, d4huwb2, d4huwc2, d4huwd1, d4huwd2, d4huwe2, d4huwf1, d4huwf2, d4huwg2, d4huwh1, d4huwh2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with so4
    43. Domains for 4pv9:
      1. 2938140Domain d4pv9a1: 4pv9 A:1-181 [257564]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pv9a2, d4pv9b_, d4pv9c2, d4pv9d_
        automated match to d1t0ma2
        complexed with act, gol
      2. 2938141Domain d4pv9c1: 4pv9 C:1-181 [257566]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pv9a2, d4pv9b_, d4pv9c2, d4pv9d_
        automated match to d1t0ma2
        complexed with act, gol
    44. Domains for 4wdi:
      1. 2938150Domain d4wdia1: 4wdi A:0-181 [274348]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wdia2, d4wdia3, d4wdib1, d4wdib2, d4wdid2, d4wdid3, d4wdie1, d4wdie2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with edo, so4
      2. 2938151Domain d4wdid1: 4wdi D:0-181 [274345]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wdia2, d4wdia3, d4wdib1, d4wdib2, d4wdid2, d4wdid3, d4wdie1, d4wdie2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with edo, so4
    45. Domains for 4z76:
      1. 2938134Domain d4z76a1: 4z76 A:0-181 [274392]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z76a2, d4z76a3, d4z76b1, d4z76b2, d4z76d2, d4z76d3, d4z76e1, d4z76e2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with edo, gol, so4
      2. 2938135Domain d4z76d1: 4z76 D:0-181 [274394]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z76a2, d4z76a3, d4z76b1, d4z76b2, d4z76d2, d4z76d3, d4z76e1, d4z76e2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with edo, gol, so4
    46. Domains for 4z77:
      1. 2938127Domain d4z77a1: 4z77 A:0-181 [274379]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z77a2, d4z77a3, d4z77b1, d4z77b2, d4z77d2, d4z77d3, d4z77e1, d4z77e2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with 15p, edo, gol, so4
      2. 2938128Domain d4z77d1: 4z77 D:0-181 [274378]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z77a2, d4z77a3, d4z77b1, d4z77b2, d4z77d2, d4z77d3, d4z77e1, d4z77e2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with 15p, edo, gol, so4
    47. Domains for 4z78:
      1. 2938145Domain d4z78a1: 4z78 A:0-181 [274386]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z78a2, d4z78a3, d4z78b1, d4z78b2, d4z78d2, d4z78d3, d4z78e1, d4z78e2, d4z78g2, d4z78g3, d4z78h1, d4z78h2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with edo, gol, so4
      2. 2938146Domain d4z78d1: 4z78 D:0-181 [274388]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z78a2, d4z78a3, d4z78b1, d4z78b2, d4z78d2, d4z78d3, d4z78e1, d4z78e2, d4z78g2, d4z78g3, d4z78h1, d4z78h2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with edo, gol, so4
      3. 2938147Domain d4z78g1: 4z78 G:0-181 [274384]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z78a2, d4z78a3, d4z78b1, d4z78b2, d4z78d2, d4z78d3, d4z78e1, d4z78e2, d4z78g2, d4z78g3, d4z78h1, d4z78h2
        automated match to d1kj3h2
        complexed with edo, gol, so4
    48. Domains for 6vqo:
      1. 2938181Domain d6vqoa1: 6vqo A:2-181 [388037]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vqoa2, d6vqob1, d6vqob2, d6vqod1, d6vqod2, d6vqoe1, d6vqoe2, d6vqof2, d6vqog1, d6vqog2, d6vqoh1, d6vqoh2, d6vqoj1, d6vqoj2
        automated match to d1fo0h2
      2. 2938182Domain d6vqof1: 6vqo F:2-181 [388033]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vqoa2, d6vqob1, d6vqob2, d6vqod1, d6vqod2, d6vqoe1, d6vqoe2, d6vqof2, d6vqog1, d6vqog2, d6vqoh1, d6vqoh2, d6vqoj1, d6vqoj2
        automated match to d1fo0h2
    49. Domains for 6vr1:
      1. 2938156Domain d6vr1a1: 6vr1 A:1-181 [387602]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vr1a2, d6vr1b1, d6vr1b2, d6vr1d2, d6vr1e1, d6vr1e2
        automated match to d1fo0h2
      2. 2938157Domain d6vr1d1: 6vr1 D:1-181 [387604]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vr1a2, d6vr1b1, d6vr1b2, d6vr1d2, d6vr1e1, d6vr1e2
        automated match to d1fo0h2
    50. Domains for 6vr5:
      1. 2938158Domain d6vr5a1: 6vr5 A:1-181 [388076]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vr5a2, d6vr5b1, d6vr5b2, d6vr5d2, d6vr5e1, d6vr5e2
        automated match to d1fo0h2
      2. 2938159Domain d6vr5d1: 6vr5 D:1-181 [388102]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vr5a2, d6vr5b1, d6vr5b2, d6vr5d2, d6vr5e1, d6vr5e2
        automated match to d1fo0h2
    51. Domain for 6vrm:
    52. Domain for 6vrn:
  21. 2938188Mouse (Mus musculus), H-2KD [TaxId:10090] [160078] (4 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P01902 22-202
    1. Domain for 1vgk:
    2. Domain for 2fwo:
    3. Domain for 3buy:
    4. Domain for 3rgv:
  22. 2938193Mouse (Mus musculus), H-2KK [TaxId:10090] [160075] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P04223 22-197
    1. Domain for 1zt1:
    2. Domains for 1zt7:
      1. 2938195Domain d1zt7a2: 1zt7 A:1-176 [144768]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zt7a1, d1zt7b1, d1zt7c1, d1zt7d1
        automatically matched to 1ZT1 A:1-176
      2. 2938196Domain d1zt7c2: 1zt7 C:1-176 [144770]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zt7a1, d1zt7b1, d1zt7c1, d1zt7d1
        automatically matched to 1ZT1 A:1-176
  23. 2938197Mouse (Mus musculus), H-2LD [TaxId:10090] [54484] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1ld9:
      1. 2938198Domain d1ld9a2: 1ld9 A:1-181 [38307]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ld9a1, d1ld9b_, d1ld9d1, d1ld9e_
      2. 2938199Domain d1ld9d2: 1ld9 D:1-181 [38308]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ld9a1, d1ld9b_, d1ld9d1, d1ld9e_
    2. Domain for 1ldp:
  24. 2938201Mouse (Mus musculus), H-2M10 [TaxId:10090] [160077] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1zs8:
      1. 2938203Domain d1zs8a2: 1zs8 A:1-180 [144750]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zs8a1, d1zs8b_, d1zs8c1, d1zs8d_, d1zs8e1, d1zs8f_, d1zs8g1, d1zs8h_, d1zs8i1, d1zs8j_
        complexed with nag
      2. 2938204Domain d1zs8c2: 1zs8 C:1-180 [144752]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zs8a1, d1zs8b_, d1zs8c1, d1zs8d_, d1zs8e1, d1zs8f_, d1zs8g1, d1zs8h_, d1zs8i1, d1zs8j_
        automated match to d1zs8a2
        complexed with nag
      3. 2938205Domain d1zs8e2: 1zs8 E:1-180 [144754]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zs8a1, d1zs8b_, d1zs8c1, d1zs8d_, d1zs8e1, d1zs8f_, d1zs8g1, d1zs8h_, d1zs8i1, d1zs8j_
        automated match to d1zs8a2
        complexed with nag
      4. 2938206Domain d1zs8g2: 1zs8 G:1-180 [144756]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zs8a1, d1zs8b_, d1zs8c1, d1zs8d_, d1zs8e1, d1zs8f_, d1zs8g1, d1zs8h_, d1zs8i1, d1zs8j_
        automated match to d1zs8a2
        complexed with nag
      5. 2938207Domain d1zs8i2: 1zs8 I:1-180 [144758]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zs8a1, d1zs8b_, d1zs8c1, d1zs8d_, d1zs8e1, d1zs8f_, d1zs8g1, d1zs8h_, d1zs8i1, d1zs8j_
        automated match to d1zs8a2
        complexed with nag
    2. Domain for 3e6h:
  25. 2938208Mouse (Mus musculus), H-2M3 [TaxId:10090] [54483] (1 PDB entry)
  26. 2938211Mouse (Mus musculus), IB QA-2 [TaxId:10090] [69680] (1 PDB entry)
  27. 2938213Mouse (Mus musculus), tla(c), H-2 class [TaxId:10090] [89861] (1 PDB entry)
  28. 2938215Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus), RT1-AA [TaxId:10116] [54486] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1ed3:
      1. 2938218Domain d1ed3a2: 1ed3 A:1-181 [38313]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ed3a1, d1ed3b_, d1ed3d1, d1ed3e_
      2. 2938219Domain d1ed3d2: 1ed3 D:1-181 [38314]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ed3a1, d1ed3b_, d1ed3d1, d1ed3e_
    2. Domain for 1kjm:
    3. Domain for 1kjv:
  29. 2938220Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) [TaxId:9544] [160074] (1 PDB entry)