Lineage for Protein: Actin

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2883383Fold c.55: Ribonuclease H-like motif [53066] (7 superfamilies)
    3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32145; strand 2 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2883384Superfamily c.55.1: Actin-like ATPase domain [53067] (16 families) (S)
    duplication contains two domains of this fold
  5. 2883385Family c.55.1.1: Actin/HSP70 [53068] (8 proteins)
  6. 2883386Protein Actin [53073] (10 species)


  1. 2883387Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [53077] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1yag:
      1. 2883388Domain d1yaga1: 1yag A:4-146 [33449]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yagg_
        complexed with atp, ca, mg, so4
      2. 2883389Domain d1yaga2: 1yag A:147-375 [33450]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yagg_
        complexed with atp, ca, mg, so4
    2. Domains for 1yvn:
      1. 2883390Domain d1yvna1: 1yvn A:4-146 [33451]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yvng_
        complexed with atp, ca, mg, so4; mutant
      2. 2883391Domain d1yvna2: 1yvn A:147-375 [33452]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yvng_
        complexed with atp, ca, mg, so4; mutant
  2. 2883392Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:559292] [356542] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2883397Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] [82437] (2 PDB entries)
    sequence identical to the rabbit actin
    1. Domains for 1mdu:
      1. 2883398Domain d1mdub1: 1mdu B:7-146 [79015]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mdua_, d1mdud_
        complexed with atp, ca, trs
      2. 2883399Domain d1mdub2: 1mdu B:147-375 [79016]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mdua_, d1mdud_
        complexed with atp, ca, trs
      3. 2883400Domain d1mdue1: 1mdu E:7-146 [79018]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mdua_, d1mdud_
        complexed with atp, ca, trs
      4. 2883401Domain d1mdue2: 1mdu E:147-374 [79019]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1mdua_, d1mdud_
        complexed with atp, ca, trs
    2. Domains for 6upw:
      1. 2883402Domain d6upwa1: 6upw A:5-146 [392440]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, mg
      2. 2883403Domain d6upwa2: 6upw A:147-374 [392441]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, mg
      3. 2883404Domain d6upwb1: 6upw B:5-146 [392429]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, mg
      4. 2883405Domain d6upwb2: 6upw B:147-374 [392430]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, mg
      5. 2883406Domain d6upwc1: 6upw C:5-146 [392595]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, mg
      6. 2883407Domain d6upwc2: 6upw C:147-374 [392596]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, mg
      7. 2883408Domain d6upwd1: 6upw D:5-146 [392469]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, mg
      8. 2883409Domain d6upwd2: 6upw D:147-374 [392470]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, mg
      9. 2883410Domain d6upwe1: 6upw E:5-146 [392405]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, mg
      10. 2883411Domain d6upwe2: 6upw E:147-374 [392406]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, mg
  4. 2883412Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [53074] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1hlu:
      1. 2883417Domain d1hlua1: 1hlu A:2-146 [33431]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hlup_
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883418Domain d1hlua2: 1hlu A:147-375 [33432]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hlup_
        complexed with atp, ca
    2. Domains for 2btf:
      1. 2883415Domain d2btfa1: 2btf A:2-146 [33429]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2btfp_
        complexed with atp, sr
      2. 2883416Domain d2btfa2: 2btf A:147-375 [33430]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2btfp_
        complexed with atp, sr
    3. Domains for 3ub5:
      1. 2883413Domain d3ub5a1: 3ub5 A:6-146 [200964]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ub5p_
        automated match to d2btfa1
        complexed with atp, ca, cl, gol
      2. 2883414Domain d3ub5a2: 3ub5 A:147-375 [200965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ub5p_
        automated match to d2btfa2
        complexed with atp, ca, cl, gol
  5. 2883419Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [379534] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2883422Nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans) [TaxId:6239] [64086] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2883425Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [224895] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 2883430Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) [TaxId:9986] [53075] (78 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P02568 ! SQ 02568
    1. Domains for 1atn:
      1. 2883597Domain d1atna1: 1atn A:1-146 [33437]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1atnd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883598Domain d1atna2: 1atn A:147-372 [33438]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1atnd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca
    2. Domains for 1eqy:
      1. 2883495Domain d1eqya1: 1eqy A:6-146 [33435]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eqys_
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883496Domain d1eqya2: 1eqy A:147-375 [33436]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1eqys_
        complexed with atp, ca
    3. Domains for 1esv:
      1. 2883491Domain d1esva1: 1esv A:6-146 [33433]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1esvs_
        complexed with atp, ca, lar
      2. 2883492Domain d1esva2: 1esv A:147-375 [33434]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1esvs_
        complexed with atp, ca, lar
    4. Domains for 1h1v:
      1. 2883641Domain d1h1va1: 1h1v A:5-146 [76501]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h1vg1, d1h1vg2, d1h1vg3
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883642Domain d1h1va2: 1h1v A:147-375 [76502]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h1vg1, d1h1vg2, d1h1vg3
        complexed with atp, ca
    5. Domains for 1ijj:
      1. 2883629Domain d1ijja1: 1ijj A:5-146 [71230]
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
      2. 2883630Domain d1ijja2: 1ijj A:147-374 [71231]
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
      3. 2883631Domain d1ijjb1: 1ijj B:404-546 [71232]
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
      4. 2883632Domain d1ijjb2: 1ijj B:547-774 [71233]
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
    6. Domains for 1j6z:
      1. 2883461Domain d1j6za1: 1j6z A:4-146 [62667]
        complexed with adp, ca, rho
      2. 2883462Domain d1j6za2: 1j6z A:147-372 [62668]
        complexed with adp, ca, rho
    7. Domains for 1kxp:
      1. 2883475Domain d1kxpa1: 1kxp A:4-146 [73158]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kxpd1, d1kxpd2, d1kxpd3
        complexed with atp, mg
      2. 2883476Domain d1kxpa2: 1kxp A:147-364 [73159]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1kxpd1, d1kxpd2, d1kxpd3
        complexed with atp, mg
    8. Domains for 1lcu:
      1. 2883643Domain d1lcua1: 1lcu A:15-157 [73830]
        complexed with atp, ca, cl, lar
      2. 2883644Domain d1lcua2: 1lcu A:158-385 [73831]
        complexed with atp, ca, cl, lar
      3. 2883645Domain d1lcub1: 1lcu B:1015-1157 [73832]
        complexed with atp, ca, cl, lar
      4. 2883646Domain d1lcub2: 1lcu B:1158-1385 [73833]
        complexed with atp, ca, cl, lar
    9. Domains for 1lot:
      1. 2883529Domain d1lotb1: 1lot B:3-146 [74164]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lota1, d1lota2, d1lota3
        complexed with atp, ca, gol
      2. 2883530Domain d1lotb2: 1lot B:147-373 [74165]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1lota1, d1lota2, d1lota3
        complexed with atp, ca, gol
    10. Domains for 1ma9:
      1. 2883507Domain d1ma9b1: 1ma9 B:5-146 [78890]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ma9a1, d1ma9a2, d1ma9a3
        complexed with atp, mg
      2. 2883508Domain d1ma9b2: 1ma9 B:147-371 [78891]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ma9a1, d1ma9a2, d1ma9a3
        complexed with atp, mg
    11. Domains for 1nwk:
      1. 2883503Domain d1nwka1: 1nwk A:6-146 [92241]
        complexed with anp, ca, rho
      2. 2883504Domain d1nwka2: 1nwk A:147-371 [92242]
        complexed with anp, ca, rho
    12. Domains for 1p8z:
      1. 2883531Domain d1p8za1: 1p8z A:6-146 [94374]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1p8zg_
        complexed with atp, ca, cd
      2. 2883532Domain d1p8za2: 1p8z A:147-370 [94375]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1p8zg_
        complexed with atp, ca, cd
    13. Domains for 1qz5:
      1. 2883435Domain d1qz5a1: 1qz5 A:5-146 [96614]
        complexed with atp, ca, kab
      2. 2883436Domain d1qz5a2: 1qz5 A:147-375 [96615]
        complexed with atp, ca, kab
    14. Domains for 1qz6:
      1. 2883447Domain d1qz6a1: 1qz6 A:5-146 [96616]
        complexed with atp, ca, jas
      2. 2883448Domain d1qz6a2: 1qz6 A:147-375 [96617]
        complexed with atp, ca, jas
    15. Domains for 1rdw:
      1. 2883489Domain d1rdwx1: 1rdw X:5-146 [97315]
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
      2. 2883490Domain d1rdwx2: 1rdw X:147-375 [97316]
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
    16. Domains for 1rfq:
      1. 2883635Domain d1rfqa1: 1rfq A:5-146 [97396]
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
      2. 2883636Domain d1rfqa2: 1rfq A:147-375 [97397]
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
      3. 2883637Domain d1rfqb1: 1rfq B:5-146 [97398]
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
      4. 2883638Domain d1rfqb2: 1rfq B:147-375 [97399]
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
    17. Domains for 1rgi:
      1. 2883639Domain d1rgia1: 1rgi A:5-146 [104926]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rgig1, d1rgig2, d1rgig3
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883640Domain d1rgia2: 1rgi A:147-365 [104927]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1rgig1, d1rgig2, d1rgig3
        complexed with atp, ca
    18. Domains for 1s22:
      1. 2883439Domain d1s22a1: 1s22 A:5-146 [98364]
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, ula
      2. 2883440Domain d1s22a2: 1s22 A:147-371 [98365]
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, ula
    19. Domains for 1sqk:
      1. 2883525Domain d1sqka1: 1sqk A:5-146 [105922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1sqkb_
        complexed with adp, lar, mg
      2. 2883526Domain d1sqka2: 1sqk A:147-371 [105923]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1sqkb_
        complexed with adp, lar, mg
    20. Domains for 1t44:
      1. 2883513Domain d1t44a1: 1t44 A:6-146 [106393]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t44g_
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883514Domain d1t44a2: 1t44 A:147-375 [106394]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t44g_
        complexed with atp, ca
    21. Domains for 1wua:
      1. 2883433Domain d1wuaa1: 1wua A:5-146 [121281]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with ap8, atp, ca
      2. 2883434Domain d1wuaa2: 1wua A:147-371 [121282]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with ap8, atp, ca
    22. Domains for 1yxq:
      1. 2883515Domain d1yxqa1: 1yxq A:5-146 [124196]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, edo, mg, swi
      2. 2883516Domain d1yxqa2: 1yxq A:147-371 [124197]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, edo, mg, swi
      3. 2883517Domain d1yxqb1: 1yxq B:6-146 [124198]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, edo, mg, swi
      4. 2883518Domain d1yxqb2: 1yxq B:147-374 [124199]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, edo, mg, swi
    23. Domains for 2a3z:
      1. 2883493Domain d2a3za1: 2a3z A:7-146 [126134]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a3zb_
        automatically matched to d1hlua1
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, fmt, gol, mg
      2. 2883494Domain d2a3za2: 2a3z A:147-365 [126135]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a3zb_
        automatically matched to d1hlua2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, fmt, gol, mg
    24. Domains for 2a40:
      1. 2883463Domain d2a40a1: 2a40 A:7-146 [126137]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a40b_, d2a40e_
        automatically matched to d1hlua1
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, gol, mg
      2. 2883464Domain d2a40a2: 2a40 A:147-366 [126138]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a40b_, d2a40e_
        automatically matched to d1hlua2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, gol, mg
      3. 2883465Domain d2a40d1: 2a40 D:7-146 [126140]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a40b_, d2a40e_
        automatically matched to d1hlua1
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, gol, mg
      4. 2883466Domain d2a40d2: 2a40 D:147-366 [126141]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a40b_, d2a40e_
        automatically matched to d1hlua2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, gol, mg
    25. Domains for 2a41:
      1. 2883555Domain d2a41a1: 2a41 A:7-146 [126143]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a41b_
        automatically matched to d1hlua1
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, fmt, mg
      2. 2883556Domain d2a41a2: 2a41 A:147-371 [126144]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a41b_
        automatically matched to d1hlua2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, fmt, mg
    26. Domains for 2a42:
      1. 2883467Domain d2a42a1: 2a42 A:5-146 [126146]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a42b_
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, gol, mg
      2. 2883468Domain d2a42a2: 2a42 A:147-365 [126147]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a42b_
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, gol, mg
    27. Domains for 2a5x:
      1. 2883595Domain d2a5xa1: 2a5x A:5-146 [126181]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with anp, ca, lar, mpd, nsb
      2. 2883596Domain d2a5xa2: 2a5x A:147-374 [126182]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with anp, ca, lar, mpd, nsb
    28. Domains for 2asm:
      1. 2883437Domain d2asma1: 2asm A:5-146 [127262]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, rga
      2. 2883438Domain d2asma2: 2asm A:147-375 [127263]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, rga
    29. Domains for 2aso:
      1. 2883445Domain d2asoa1: 2aso A:5-146 [127265]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, spx
      2. 2883446Domain d2asoa2: 2aso A:147-375 [127266]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, spx
    30. Domains for 2asp:
      1. 2883443Domain d2aspa1: 2asp A:5-146 [127267]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, rgc
      2. 2883444Domain d2aspa2: 2asp A:147-375 [127268]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, rgc
    31. Domains for 2d1k:
      1. 2883553Domain d2d1ka1: 2d1k A:4-146 [131129]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d1kb_
        automatically matched to d1hlua1
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, mg
      2. 2883554Domain d2d1ka2: 2d1k A:147-374 [131130]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d1kb_
        automatically matched to d1hlua2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, ca, mg
    32. Domains for 2ff3:
      1. 2883469Domain d2ff3b1: 2ff3 B:6-146 [133365]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ff3a_
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883470Domain d2ff3b2: 2ff3 B:147-375 [133366]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ff3a_
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca
    33. Domains for 2ff6:
      1. 2883523Domain d2ff6a1: 2ff6 A:6-146 [133374]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ff6g_
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883524Domain d2ff6a2: 2ff6 A:147-375 [133375]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ff6g_
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca
    34. Domains for 2fxu:
      1. 2883431Domain d2fxua1: 2fxu A:4-146 [134340]
        automated match to d1j6za1
        complexed with atp, bid, ca
      2. 2883432Domain d2fxua2: 2fxu A:147-371 [134341]
        automated match to d1j6za2
        complexed with atp, bid, ca
    35. Domains for 2hmp:
      1. 2883453Domain d2hmpa1: 2hmp A:5-146 [136603]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with 211, atp, edo, spd, sr
      2. 2883454Domain d2hmpa2: 2hmp A:147-375 [136604]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with 211, atp, edo, spd, sr
      3. 2883455Domain d2hmpb1: 2hmp B:5-146 [136605]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with 211, atp, edo, spd, sr
      4. 2883456Domain d2hmpb2: 2hmp B:147-375 [136606]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with 211, atp, edo, spd, sr
    36. Domains for 2q0r:
      1. 2883477Domain d2q0ra1: 2q0r A:7-146 [205715]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, pxt
      2. 2883478Domain d2q0ra2: 2q0r A:147-375 [205716]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, pxt
    37. Domains for 2q0u:
      1. 2883449Domain d2q0ua1: 2q0u A:7-146 [205717]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, lab, pxt
      2. 2883450Domain d2q0ua2: 2q0u A:147-374 [205718]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, lab, pxt
    38. Domains for 2q1n:
      1. 2883617Domain d2q1na1: 2q1n A:4-146 [139783]
        automated match to d1j6za1
        complexed with anp, ca, lar
      2. 2883618Domain d2q1na2: 2q1n A:147-372 [139784]
        automated match to d1j6za2
        complexed with anp, ca, lar
      3. 2883619Domain d2q1nb1: 2q1n B:4-146 [139785]
        automated match to d1j6za1
        complexed with anp, ca, lar
      4. 2883620Domain d2q1nb2: 2q1n B:147-371 [139786]
        automated match to d1j6za2
        complexed with anp, ca, lar
    39. Domains for 2q31:
      1. 2883609Domain d2q31a1: 2q31 A:5-146 [139788]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, lar
      2. 2883610Domain d2q31a2: 2q31 A:147-366 [139789]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, lar
      3. 2883611Domain d2q31b1: 2q31 B:5-146 [139790]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, lar
      4. 2883612Domain d2q31b2: 2q31 B:147-367 [139791]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, lar
    40. Domains for 2q36:
      1. 2883591Domain d2q36a1: 2q36 A:4-146 [139792]
        automated match to d1j6za1
        complexed with atp, ca, kab, so4
      2. 2883592Domain d2q36a2: 2q36 A:147-372 [139793]
        automated match to d1j6za2
        complexed with atp, ca, kab, so4
    41. Domains for 2q97:
      1. 2883537Domain d2q97a1: 2q97 A:6-146 [205763]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883538Domain d2q97a2: 2q97 A:147-371 [205764]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca
    42. Domains for 2vyp:
      1. 2883573Domain d2vypa1: 2vyp A:5-146 [206534]
        automated match to d1ijja1
        complexed with atp, ca, hez, rh9
      2. 2883574Domain d2vypa2: 2vyp A:147-374 [206535]
        automated match to d1ijja2
        complexed with atp, ca, hez, rh9
      3. 2883575Domain d2vypb1: 2vyp B:6-146 [206536]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, ca, hez, rh9
      4. 2883576Domain d2vypb2: 2vyp B:147-375 [206537]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, ca, hez, rh9
    43. Domains for 3buz:
      1. 2883607Domain d3buzb1: 3buz B:5-146 [199121]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3buza1, d3buza2
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, lar, tad
      2. 2883608Domain d3buzb2: 3buz B:147-374 [199122]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3buza1, d3buza2
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, lar, tad
    44. Domains for 3daw:
      1. 2883533Domain d3dawa1: 3daw A:4-146 [209065]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dawb_
        automated match to d1ijjb1
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883534Domain d3dawa2: 3daw A:147-375 [209066]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dawb_
        automated match to d1ijjb2
        complexed with atp, ca
    45. Domains for 3hbt:
      1. 2883539Domain d3hbta1: 3hbt A:5-146 [210986]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, so4
      2. 2883540Domain d3hbta2: 3hbt A:147-375 [210987]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, so4
    46. Domains for 3sjh:
      1. 2883481Domain d3sjha1: 3sjh A:6-146 [216423]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
      2. 2883482Domain d3sjha2: 3sjh A:147-371 [216424]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, lar, mg
    47. Domains for 3u8x:
      1. 2883519Domain d3u8xa1: 3u8x A:6-146 [217226]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, mg
      2. 2883520Domain d3u8xa2: 3u8x A:147-371 [217227]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, mg
      3. 2883521Domain d3u8xc1: 3u8x C:6-146 [217228]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, mg
      4. 2883522Domain d3u8xc2: 3u8x C:147-371 [217229]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, mg
    48. Domains for 3u9z:
      1. 2883473Domain d3u9za1: 3u9z A:6-146 [217259]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, mg; mutant
      2. 2883474Domain d3u9za2: 3u9z A:147-371 [217260]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, mg; mutant
    49. Domains for 3ue5:
      1. 2883535Domain d3ue5a1: 3ue5 A:5-146 [217324]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, cl
      2. 2883536Domain d3ue5a2: 3ue5 A:147-375 [217325]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, cl
    50. Domains for 4gy2:
      1. 2883541Domain d4gy2b1: 4gy2 B:5-146 [222271]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gy2a1, d4gy2a2
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, lar, po4
      2. 2883542Domain d4gy2b2: 4gy2 B:147-374 [222272]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gy2a1, d4gy2a2
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, lar, po4
    51. Domains for 4h03:
      1. 2883451Domain d4h03b1: 4h03 B:5-146 [222296]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h03a1, d4h03a2, d4h03a3
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, lar, nad, po4
      2. 2883452Domain d4h03b2: 4h03 B:147-374 [222297]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h03a1, d4h03a2, d4h03a3
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, lar, nad, po4
    52. Domains for 4h0t:
      1. 2883499Domain d4h0tb1: 4h0t B:5-146 [222311]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h0ta1, d4h0ta2, d4h0ta3
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with ar6, atp, ca, edo, lar, po4
      2. 2883500Domain d4h0tb2: 4h0t B:147-374 [222312]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h0ta1, d4h0ta2, d4h0ta3
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with ar6, atp, ca, edo, lar, po4
    53. Domains for 4h0v:
      1. 2883479Domain d4h0vb1: 4h0v B:5-146 [222313]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h0va1, d4h0va2
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, lar, nad, po4
      2. 2883480Domain d4h0vb2: 4h0v B:147-374 [222314]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h0va1, d4h0va2
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, lar, nad, po4
    54. Domains for 4h0x:
      1. 2883509Domain d4h0xb1: 4h0x B:5-146 [222315]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h0xa1, d4h0xa2
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, lar, nad, po4
      2. 2883510Domain d4h0xb2: 4h0x B:147-374 [222316]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h0xa1, d4h0xa2
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, lar, nad, po4
    55. Domains for 4h0y:
      1. 2883471Domain d4h0yb1: 4h0y B:5-146 [222317]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h0ya1, d4h0ya2
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, lar, nad, po4
      2. 2883472Domain d4h0yb2: 4h0y B:147-374 [222318]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h0ya1, d4h0ya2
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, lar, nad, po4
    56. Domains for 4k41:
      1. 2883441Domain d4k41a1: 4k41 A:5-146 [259772]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca, kab, mes
      2. 2883442Domain d4k41a2: 4k41 A:147-375 [259773]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca, kab, mes
    57. Domains for 4k42:
      1. 2883621Domain d4k42a1: 4k42 A:5-146 [259768]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, ca, nwm
      2. 2883622Domain d4k42a2: 4k42 A:147-374 [259769]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, ca, nwm
      3. 2883623Domain d4k42b1: 4k42 B:5-146 [259764]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, ca, nwm
      4. 2883624Domain d4k42b2: 4k42 B:147-374 [259765]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, ca, nwm
      5. 2883625Domain d4k42c1: 4k42 C:5-146 [259766]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, ca, nwm
      6. 2883626Domain d4k42c2: 4k42 C:147-374 [259767]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, ca, nwm
      7. 2883627Domain d4k42d1: 4k42 D:5-146 [259770]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, ca, nwm
      8. 2883628Domain d4k42d2: 4k42 D:147-374 [259771]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, ca, nwm
    58. Domains for 4k43:
      1. 2883613Domain d4k43a1: 4k43 A:5-146 [259762]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with 1po, adp, ca
      2. 2883614Domain d4k43a2: 4k43 A:147-374 [259763]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with 1po, adp, ca
      3. 2883615Domain d4k43b1: 4k43 B:5-146 [259760]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with 1po, adp, ca
      4. 2883616Domain d4k43b2: 4k43 B:147-374 [259761]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with 1po, adp, ca
    59. Domains for 4pkg:
      1. 2883497Domain d4pkga1: 4pkg A:5-146 [258211]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883498Domain d4pkga2: 4pkg A:147-375 [258212]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, ca
    60. Domains for 4pkh:
      1. 2883545Domain d4pkha1: 4pkh A:5-146 [258208]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pkhe_, d4pkhj_
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with adp, ca
      2. 2883546Domain d4pkha2: 4pkh A:147-375 [258209]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pkhe_, d4pkhj_
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with adp, ca
      3. 2883547Domain d4pkhd1: 4pkh D:5-146 [258213]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pkhe_, d4pkhj_
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with adp, ca
      4. 2883548Domain d4pkhd2: 4pkh D:147-375 [258214]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pkhe_, d4pkhj_
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with adp, ca
      5. 2883549Domain d4pkhf1: 4pkh F:5-146 [258216]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pkhe_, d4pkhj_
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with adp, ca
      6. 2883550Domain d4pkhf2: 4pkh F:147-375 [258217]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pkhe_, d4pkhj_
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with adp, ca
      7. 2883551Domain d4pkhi1: 4pkh I:5-146 [258218]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pkhe_, d4pkhj_
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with adp, ca
      8. 2883552Domain d4pkhi2: 4pkh I:147-375 [258219]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pkhe_, d4pkhj_
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with adp, ca
    61. Domains for 4pki:
      1. 2883561Domain d4pkia1: 4pki A:5-146 [258220]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883562Domain d4pkia2: 4pki A:147-375 [258221]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, ca
    62. Domains for 4z94:
      1. 2883593Domain d4z94a1: 4z94 A:5-146 [278485]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883594Domain d4z94a2: 4z94 A:147-375 [278486]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, ca
    63. Domains for 5ubo:
      1. 2883581Domain d5uboa1: 5ubo A:3-146 [343374]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ubos_
        automated match to d1ijjb1
        complexed with atp, ca, mpd
      2. 2883582Domain d5uboa2: 5ubo A:147-375 [343375]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ubos_
        automated match to d1ijjb2
        complexed with atp, ca, mpd
    64. Domains for 5yee:
      1. 2883501Domain d5yeeb1: 5yee B:5-146 [357890]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, lab, mg
      2. 2883502Domain d5yeeb2: 5yee B:147-375 [357891]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, lab, mg
    65. Domains for 6fm2:
      1. 2883633Domain d6fm2a1: 6fm2 A:5-146 [352114]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6fm2b_
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, hic, mg
      2. 2883634Domain d6fm2a2: 6fm2 A:147-375 [352115]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6fm2b_
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, hic, mg
    66. Domains for 6gvc:
      1. 2883599Domain d6gvca1: 6gvc A:5-146 [366870]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gvcr_
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, edo, lab, mg
      2. 2883600Domain d6gvca2: 6gvc A:147-375 [366871]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gvcr_
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, edo, lab, mg
      3. 2883601Domain d6gvcb1: 6gvc B:5-146 [366860]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gvcr_
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, edo, lab, mg
      4. 2883602Domain d6gvcb2: 6gvc B:147-375 [366861]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gvcr_
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, edo, lab, mg
      5. 2883603Domain d6gvcc1: 6gvc C:5-146 [366963]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gvcr_
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, edo, lab, mg
      6. 2883604Domain d6gvcc2: 6gvc C:147-375 [366964]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gvcr_
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, edo, lab, mg
      7. 2883605Domain d6gvcd1: 6gvc D:6-146 [366774]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gvcr_
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, edo, lab, mg
      8. 2883606Domain d6gvcd2: 6gvc D:147-375 [366775]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gvcr_
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, edo, lab, mg
    67. Domains for 6jbk:
      1. 2883583Domain d6jbka1: 6jbk A:5-146 [379751]
        automated match to d1ijja1
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      2. 2883584Domain d6jbka2: 6jbk A:147-372 [379752]
        automated match to d1ijja2
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      3. 2883585Domain d6jbkc1: 6jbk C:5-146 [379781]
        automated match to d1ijja1
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      4. 2883586Domain d6jbkc2: 6jbk C:147-372 [379782]
        automated match to d1ijja2
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      5. 2883587Domain d6jbke1: 6jbk E:5-146 [379757]
        automated match to d1ijja1
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      6. 2883588Domain d6jbke2: 6jbk E:147-372 [379758]
        automated match to d1ijja2
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      7. 2883589Domain d6jbkg1: 6jbk G:5-146 [379842]
        automated match to d1ijja1
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      8. 2883590Domain d6jbkg2: 6jbk G:147-372 [379843]
        automated match to d1ijja2
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
    68. Domains for 6jcu:
      1. 2883557Domain d6jcua1: 6jcu A:5-146 [379753]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      2. 2883558Domain d6jcua2: 6jcu A:147-375 [379755]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      3. 2883559Domain d6jcuc1: 6jcu C:5-146 [379754]
        automated match to d1ijja1
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      4. 2883560Domain d6jcuc2: 6jcu C:147-374 [379756]
        automated match to d1ijja2
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
    69. Domains for 6jh9:
      1. 2883487Domain d6jh9a1: 6jh9 A:6-146 [380630]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, ca, gol; mutant
      2. 2883488Domain d6jh9a2: 6jh9 A:147-375 [380632]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, ca, gol; mutant
    70. Domains for 6mgo:
      1. 2883505Domain d6mgoa1: 6mgo A:5-146 [360461]
        automated match to d1sqka1
        complexed with adp, ca, jqv
      2. 2883506Domain d6mgoa2: 6mgo A:147-371 [360462]
        automated match to d1sqka2
        complexed with adp, ca, jqv
    71. Domains for 6qri:
      1. 2883577Domain d6qria1: 6qri A:5-146 [371477]
        automated match to d1ijja1
        complexed with atp, cv9, mg
      2. 2883578Domain d6qria2: 6qri A:147-374 [371478]
        automated match to d1ijja2
        complexed with atp, cv9, mg
      3. 2883579Domain d6qrib1: 6qri B:5-146 [371431]
        automated match to d1ijja1
        complexed with atp, cv9, mg
      4. 2883580Domain d6qrib2: 6qri B:147-374 [371432]
        automated match to d1ijja2
        complexed with atp, cv9, mg
    72. Domains for 6rsw:
      1. 2883511Domain d6rswa1: 6rsw A:3-146 [377588]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6rswb_, d6rswc_
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with adp, epe, mg
      2. 2883512Domain d6rswa2: 6rsw A:147-375 [377589]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6rswb_, d6rswc_
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with adp, epe, mg
    73. Domains for 6w7v:
      1. 2883457Domain d6w7va1: 6w7v A:5-146 [392868]
        automated match to d1sqka1
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, lab, tfj
      2. 2883458Domain d6w7va2: 6w7v A:147-371 [392869]
        automated match to d1sqka2
        complexed with atp, ca, edo, lab, tfj
    74. Domains for 6yp9:
      1. 2883543Domain d6yp9a1: 6yp9 A:3-146 [396651]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6yp9b_
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883544Domain d6yp9a2: 6yp9 A:147-375 [396652]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6yp9b_
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, ca
    75. Domains for 7ahn:
      1. 2883563Domain d7ahna1: 7ahn A:5-146 [398234]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with adp, mg, po4, rlz
      2. 2883564Domain d7ahna2: 7ahn A:147-375 [398235]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with adp, mg, po4, rlz
      3. 2883565Domain d7ahnb1: 7ahn B:5-146 [398179]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with adp, mg, po4, rlz
      4. 2883566Domain d7ahnb2: 7ahn B:147-375 [398180]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with adp, mg, po4, rlz
      5. 2883567Domain d7ahnc1: 7ahn C:5-146 [398184]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with adp, mg, po4, rlz
      6. 2883568Domain d7ahnc2: 7ahn C:147-375 [398185]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with adp, mg, po4, rlz
      7. 2883569Domain d7ahnd1: 7ahn D:5-146 [398190]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with adp, mg, po4, rlz
      8. 2883570Domain d7ahnd2: 7ahn D:147-375 [398191]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with adp, mg, po4, rlz
      9. 2883571Domain d7ahne1: 7ahn E:5-146 [398192]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with adp, mg, po4, rlz
      10. 2883572Domain d7ahne2: 7ahn E:147-375 [398193]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with adp, mg, po4, rlz
    76. Domains for 7c2f:
      1. 2883483Domain d7c2fa1: 7c2f A:5-146 [389789]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, lab, mg
      2. 2883484Domain d7c2fa2: 7c2f A:147-374 [389790]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, lab, mg
      3. 2883485Domain d7c2fc1: 7c2f C:5-146 [389806]
        automated match to d1qz5a1
        complexed with atp, lab, mg
      4. 2883486Domain d7c2fc2: 7c2f C:147-374 [389807]
        automated match to d1qz5a2
        complexed with atp, lab, mg
    77. Domains for 7c2g:
      1. 2883459Domain d7c2ga1: 7c2g A:5-146 [389784]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c2gg1, d7c2gg2
        automated match to d1ijja1
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883460Domain d7c2ga2: 7c2g A:147-372 [389785]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c2gg1, d7c2gg2
        automated match to d1ijja2
        complexed with atp, ca
    78. Domains for 7c2h:
      1. 2883527Domain d7c2ha1: 7c2h A:6-146 [389782]
        automated match to d1esva1
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883528Domain d7c2ha2: 7c2h A:147-372 [389783]
        automated match to d1esva2
        complexed with atp, ca
  9. 2883647Saccharomyces bayanus [TaxId:4931] [320047] (1 PDB entry)
  10. 2883652Slime mold (Dictyostelium discoideum) [TaxId:44689] [53076] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1c0f:
      1. 2883661Domain d1c0fa1: 1c0f A:1-146 [33447]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1c0fs_
        complexed with atp, ca
      2. 2883662Domain d1c0fa2: 1c0f A:147-375 [33448]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1c0fs_
        complexed with atp, ca
    2. Domains for 1c0g:
      1. 2883665Domain d1c0ga1: 1c0g A:1-146 [33443]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1c0gs_
        dictyostelium/tetrahymena chimera
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      2. 2883666Domain d1c0ga2: 1c0g A:147-375 [33444]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1c0gs_
        dictyostelium/tetrahymena chimera
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
    3. Domains for 1dej:
      1. 2883663Domain d1deja1: 1dej A:1-146 [33445]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dejs_
        dictyostelium/tetrahymena chimera
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
      2. 2883664Domain d1deja2: 1dej A:147-375 [33446]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dejs_
        dictyostelium/tetrahymena chimera
        complexed with atp, ca; mutant
    4. Domains for 1dga:
      1. 2883657Domain d1dgaa3: 1dga A:4-146 [302329]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dgag_
        automated match to d1nm1a1
        complexed with atp, ca, mg, so4
      2. 2883658Domain d1dgaa4: 1dga A:147-375 [302330]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dgag_
        automated match to d1nm1a2
        complexed with atp, ca, mg, so4
    5. Domains for 1nlv:
      1. 2883655Domain d1nlva1: 1nlv A:4-146 [80630]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nlvg_
        complexed with atp, ca, so2, so4
      2. 2883656Domain d1nlva2: 1nlv A:147-375 [80631]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nlvg_
        complexed with atp, ca, so2, so4
    6. Domains for 1nm1:
      1. 2883653Domain d1nm1a1: 1nm1 A:4-146 [80651]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nm1g_
        complexed with atp, ca, mg, so2, so4
      2. 2883654Domain d1nm1a2: 1nm1 A:147-375 [80652]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nm1g_
        complexed with atp, ca, mg, so2, so4
    7. Domains for 1nmd:
      1. 2883659Domain d1nmda1: 1nmd A:4-146 [80656]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nmdg_
        complexed with atp, ca, so2, so4
      2. 2883660Domain d1nmda2: 1nmd A:147-375 [80657]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1nmdg_
        complexed with atp, ca, so2, so4

More info for Protein Actin from c.55.1.1: Actin/HSP70

Timeline for Protein Actin from c.55.1.1: Actin/HSP70: