Lineage for Species: Leptospira interrogans [TaxId: 173]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2352458Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds)
  3. 2423278Fold b.81: Single-stranded left-handed beta-helix [51160] (4 superfamilies)
    superhelix turns are made of parallel beta-strands and (short) turns
  4. 2423279Superfamily b.81.1: Trimeric LpxA-like enzymes [51161] (9 families) (S)
    superhelical turns are made of three short strands; duplication: the sequence hexapeptide repeats correspond to individual strands
  5. 2423626Family b.81.1.0: automated matches [191560] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2423627Protein automated matches [190967] (35 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2423735Species Leptospira interrogans [TaxId:173] [188993] (3 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Leptospira interrogans [TaxId: 173]:

  1. Domain(s) for 3hsq:
    1. 2423736Domain d3hsqa_: 3hsq A: [177816]
      automated match to d1lxaa_
    2. 2423737Domain d3hsqb_: 3hsq B: [177817]
      automated match to d1lxaa_
    3. 2423738Domain d3hsqc_: 3hsq C: [177818]
      automated match to d1lxaa_
  2. Domain(s) for 3i3a:
    1. 2423742Domain d3i3aa_: 3i3a A: [178040]
      automated match to d1lxaa_
      complexed with s2n
    2. 2423743Domain d3i3ab_: 3i3a B: [178041]
      automated match to d1lxaa_
      complexed with s2n
    3. 2423744Domain d3i3ac_: 3i3a C: [178042]
      automated match to d1lxaa_
      complexed with s2n
  3. Domain(s) for 3i3x:
    1. 2423739Domain d3i3xa_: 3i3x A: [178074]
      automated match to d1lxaa_
      complexed with u22
    2. 2423740Domain d3i3xb_: 3i3x B: [178075]
      automated match to d1lxaa_
      complexed with u22
    3. 2423741Domain d3i3xc_: 3i3x C: [178076]
      automated match to d1lxaa_
      complexed with u22

More info for Species Leptospira interrogans [TaxId:173] from b.81.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Leptospira interrogans [TaxId:173] from b.81.1.0 automated matches: