PDB entry 4niq

View 4niq on RCSB PDB site
Description: Crystal Structure of Vps4 MIT-Vfa1 MIM2
Class: Protein transport
Keywords: cytosol, Protein transport
Deposited on 2013-11-06, released 2014-03-05
The last revision prior to the SCOPe 2.03 freeze date was dated 2014-03-05, with a file datestamp of 2014-02-28.
Experiment type: XRAY
Resolution: 2.3 Å
R-factor: 0.238
AEROSPACI score: 0.25 (click here for full SPACI score report)

Chains and heterogens:

  • Chain 'A':
    Compound: vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 4
    Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae [TaxId:559292]
    Gene: CSC1, DID6, END13, GRD13, P9705.10, VPL4, VPS4, VPT10, YPR173C
    Database cross-references and differences (RAF-indexed): Domains in SCOPe 2.03: d4niqa_
  • Chain 'B':
    Compound: vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 4
    Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae [TaxId:559292]
    Gene: CSC1, DID6, END13, GRD13, P9705.10, VPL4, VPS4, VPT10, YPR173C
    Database cross-references and differences (RAF-indexed): Domains in SCOPe 2.03: d4niqb_
  • Chain 'C':
    Compound: VPS4-associated protein 1
    Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae [TaxId:559292]
    Gene: SYGP-ORF44, VFA1, YER128W
    Database cross-references and differences (RAF-indexed):
  • Chain 'D':
    Compound: VPS4-associated protein 1
    Species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae [TaxId:559292]
    Gene: SYGP-ORF44, VFA1, YER128W
    Database cross-references and differences (RAF-indexed):

PDB Chain Sequences:

  • Chain 'A':
    Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
    >4niqA (A:)

    Sequence, based on observed residues (ATOM records): (download)
    >4niqA (A:)

  • Chain 'B':
    Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
    >4niqB (B:)

    Sequence, based on observed residues (ATOM records): (download)
    >4niqB (B:)

  • Chain 'C':
    No sequence available.

  • Chain 'D':
    No sequence available.