Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds) |
Fold d.110: Profilin-like [55769] (10 superfamilies) core: 2 alpha-helices and 5-stranded antiparallel sheet: order 21543; 3 layers: alpha/beta/alpha |
Superfamily d.110.2: GAF domain-like [55781] (5 families) alpha(2)-beta(3)-alpha-beta(3)-alpha; antiparallel beta-sheet: order 321654 |
Family d.110.2.1: GAF domain [55782] (8 proteins) |
Protein 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 2A, GAF A and GAF B domains [82760] (1 species) GAF B is the nucleotide binding domain; the two domains are connected with a long helix; |
Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [82761] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d1mc0a1: 1mc0 A:215-401 [78937] complexed with pcg |
PDB Entry: 1mc0 (more details), 2.86 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1mc0a1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1mc0a1 d.110.2.1 (A:215-401) 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 2A, GAF A and GAF B domains {Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090]} ytdhdrkilqlcgelfdldatslqlkvlqylqqetqathcclllvsednlqlsckvigdk vlgeevsfpltmgrlgqvvedkqciqlkdltsddvqqlqnmlgcelqamlcvpvisratd qvvalacafnklggdfftdedehviqhcfhytgtvltstlafqkeqklkcecqallqvak nlfthld
Timeline for d1mc0a1: