Lineage for Superfamily a.154.1: Variable surface antigen VlsE

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2299346Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (289 folds)
  3. 2348301Fold a.154: Variable surface antigen VlsE [74747] (1 superfamily)
    multihelical; consists of two all-alpha subdomains; contains a 4-helical bundle with left-handed twist and up-and-down topology
  4. 2348302Superfamily a.154.1: Variable surface antigen VlsE [74748] (1 family) (S)


More info for Superfamily a.154.1: Variable surface antigen VlsE

Timeline for Superfamily a.154.1: Variable surface antigen VlsE: