Lineage for Superfamily d.157.1: Metallo-hydrolase/oxidoreductase

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2996664Fold d.157: Metallo-hydrolase/oxidoreductase [56280] (1 superfamily)
    duplication of beta(4)-alpha-beta-alpha motif; 4 layers a/b/b/a; mixed beta-sheets
  4. 2996665Superfamily d.157.1: Metallo-hydrolase/oxidoreductase [56281] (16 families) (S)


  1. 2996666d.157.1.1: Zn metallo-beta-lactamase [56282] (2 proteins)
  2. 2997085d.157.1.2: Glyoxalase II (hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase) [56288] (1 protein)
  3. 2997099d.157.1.3: ROO N-terminal domain-like [56291] (4 proteins)
  4. 2997135d.157.1.4: Hypothetical protein TM0207 [103317] (1 protein)
  5. 2997140d.157.1.5: Methyl parathion hydrolase [111227] (2 proteins)
  6. 2997149d.157.1.6: Coenzyme PQQ synthesis protein B, PqqB [118146] (2 proteins)
  7. 2997156d.157.1.7: RNase Z-like [143916] (1 protein)
    part of Pfam PF00753; tRNA 3'-endonuclease; elaborated with additional structures and insert alpha(2)-beta(2) subdomain
  8. 2997169d.157.1.8: Pce catalytic domain-like [143921] (1 protein)
    part of Pfam PF00753
  9. 2997175d.157.1.9: YhfI-like [143924] (1 protein)
    part of Pfam PF00753
  10. 2997182d.157.1.10: beta-CASP RNA-metabolising hydrolases [143927] (4 proteins)
    contains insertion of a single helicase-like alpha/beta domain (from (52540)) but without the P-loop motif
  11. 2997254d.157.1.11: TM0894-like [143930] (1 protein)
    part of Pfam PF00753
  12. 2997261d.157.1.12: Ava3068-like [160858] (1 protein)
  13. 2997266d.157.1.13: Alkylsulfatase-like [160861] (1 protein)
    subfamily of Pfam PF00753; includes all-alpha linker subdomain
  14. 2997278d.157.1.14: PqsE-like [160864] (2 proteins)
    part of Pfam PF00753; extended C-terminal region with extra helices
  15. 2997289d.157.1.15: DNA repair metallo-beta-lactamase-like [418785] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF07522
  16. 2997604d.157.1.0: automated matches [191360] (1 protein)
    not a true family

More info for Superfamily d.157.1: Metallo-hydrolase/oxidoreductase

Timeline for Superfamily d.157.1: Metallo-hydrolase/oxidoreductase: