Lineage for Protein: Carbon monoxide (CO) dehydrogenase flavoprotein, C-terminal domain

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.01
  2. 1013083Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (376 folds)
  3. 1033997Fold d.87: CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein C-domain-like [55423] (2 superfamilies)
    core: beta(3,4)-alpha(3); alpha+beta sandwich
  4. 1034138Superfamily d.87.2: CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein C-terminal domain-like [55447] (1 family) (S)
  5. 1034139Family d.87.2.1: CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein C-terminal domain-like [55448] (5 proteins)
  6. 1034146Protein Carbon monoxide (CO) dehydrogenase flavoprotein, C-terminal domain [55449] (2 species)


  1. 1034147Hydrogenophaga pseudoflava [TaxId:47421] [55451] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1ffu:
      1. 1034150Domain d1ffuc1: 1ffu C:178-287 [40225]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffua1, d1ffua2, d1ffub1, d1ffub2, d1ffuc2, d1ffud1, d1ffud2, d1ffue1, d1ffue2, d1ffuf2
        complexed with cdp, fad, fes
      2. 1034151Domain d1ffuf1: 1ffu F:178-287 [40226]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffua1, d1ffua2, d1ffub1, d1ffub2, d1ffuc2, d1ffud1, d1ffud2, d1ffue1, d1ffue2, d1ffuf2
        complexed with cdp, fad, fes
    2. Domains for 1ffv:
      1. 1034148Domain d1ffvc1: 1ffv C:178-287 [40223]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffva1, d1ffva2, d1ffvb1, d1ffvb2, d1ffvc2, d1ffvd1, d1ffvd2, d1ffve1, d1ffve2, d1ffvf2
        complexed with fad, fes, pcd
      2. 1034149Domain d1ffvf1: 1ffv F:178-287 [40224]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ffva1, d1ffva2, d1ffvb1, d1ffvb2, d1ffvc2, d1ffvd1, d1ffvd2, d1ffve1, d1ffve2, d1ffvf2
        complexed with fad, fes, pcd
  2. 1034152Oligotropha carboxidovorans, formerly Pseudomonas carboxydovorans [TaxId:40137] [55450] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1n5w:
      1. 1034161Domain d1n5wc1: 1n5w C:178-287 [80049]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n5wa1, d1n5wa2, d1n5wb1, d1n5wb2, d1n5wc2, d1n5wd1, d1n5wd2, d1n5we1, d1n5we2, d1n5wf2
        complexed with cum, fad, fes, mcn, po4
      2. 1034162Domain d1n5wf1: 1n5w F:178-286 [80055]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n5wa1, d1n5wa2, d1n5wb1, d1n5wb2, d1n5wc2, d1n5wd1, d1n5wd2, d1n5we1, d1n5we2, d1n5wf2
        complexed with cum, fad, fes, mcn, po4
    2. Domains for 1n60:
      1. 1034155Domain d1n60c1: 1n60 C:178-286 [80070]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n60a1, d1n60a2, d1n60b1, d1n60b2, d1n60c2, d1n60d1, d1n60d2, d1n60e1, d1n60e2, d1n60f2
        complexed with fad, fes, mcn, omo, po4
      2. 1034156Domain d1n60f1: 1n60 F:178-286 [80076]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n60a1, d1n60a2, d1n60b1, d1n60b2, d1n60c2, d1n60d1, d1n60d2, d1n60e1, d1n60e2, d1n60f2
        complexed with fad, fes, mcn, omo, po4
    3. Domains for 1n61:
      1. 1034159Domain d1n61c1: 1n61 C:178-287 [80082]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n61a1, d1n61a2, d1n61b1, d1n61b2, d1n61c2, d1n61d1, d1n61d2, d1n61e1, d1n61e2, d1n61f2
        complexed with cun, fad, fes, mcn, po4
      2. 1034160Domain d1n61f1: 1n61 F:178-286 [80088]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n61a1, d1n61a2, d1n61b1, d1n61b2, d1n61c2, d1n61d1, d1n61d2, d1n61e1, d1n61e2, d1n61f2
        complexed with cun, fad, fes, mcn, po4
    4. Domains for 1n62:
      1. 1034153Domain d1n62c1: 1n62 C:178-286 [80094]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n62a1, d1n62a2, d1n62b1, d1n62b2, d1n62c2, d1n62d1, d1n62d2, d1n62e1, d1n62e2, d1n62f2
        complexed with cub, fad, fes, mcn, po4
      2. 1034154Domain d1n62f1: 1n62 F:178-286 [80100]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n62a1, d1n62a2, d1n62b1, d1n62b2, d1n62c2, d1n62d1, d1n62d2, d1n62e1, d1n62e2, d1n62f2
        complexed with cub, fad, fes, mcn, po4
    5. Domains for 1n63:
      1. 1034157Domain d1n63c1: 1n63 C:178-287 [80106]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n63a1, d1n63a2, d1n63b1, d1n63b2, d1n63c2, d1n63d1, d1n63d2, d1n63e1, d1n63e2, d1n63f2
        complexed with cun, fad, fes, mcn, po4
      2. 1034158Domain d1n63f1: 1n63 F:178-286 [80112]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1n63a1, d1n63a2, d1n63b1, d1n63b2, d1n63c2, d1n63d1, d1n63d2, d1n63e1, d1n63e2, d1n63f2
        complexed with cun, fad, fes, mcn, po4
    6. Domains for 1zxi:
      1. 1034163Domain d1zxic1: 1zxi C:178-287 [125776]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zxia1, d1zxia2, d1zxib1, d1zxib2, d1zxic2, d1zxid1, d1zxid2, d1zxif2
        automatically matched to d1n5wc1
        complexed with cu, cum, fad, fes, mcn, po4
      2. 1034164Domain d1zxif1: 1zxi F:178-286 [125780]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zxia1, d1zxia2, d1zxib1, d1zxib2, d1zxic2, d1zxid1, d1zxid2, d1zxif2
        automatically matched to d1n5wc1
        complexed with cu, cum, fad, fes, mcn, po4

More info for Protein Carbon monoxide (CO) dehydrogenase flavoprotein, C-terminal domain from d.87.2.1: CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein C-terminal domain-like

Timeline for Protein Carbon monoxide (CO) dehydrogenase flavoprotein, C-terminal domain from d.87.2.1: CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein C-terminal domain-like:

  • Protein Carbon monoxide (CO) dehydrogenase flavoprotein, C-terminal domain from d.87.2.1: CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein C-terminal domain-like first appeared (with stable ids) in SCOP 1.55
  • Protein Carbon monoxide (CO) dehydrogenase flavoprotein, C-terminal domain from d.87.2.1: CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein C-terminal domain-like appears in SCOP 1.75
  • Protein Carbon monoxide (CO) dehydrogenase flavoprotein, C-terminal domain from d.87.2.1: CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein C-terminal domain-like appears in SCOPe 2.02
  • Protein Carbon monoxide (CO) dehydrogenase flavoprotein, C-terminal domain from d.87.2.1: CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein C-terminal domain-like appears in the current release, SCOPe 2.08