Lineage for Superfamily c.1.9: Metallo-dependent hydrolases

  1. Root: SCOP 1.75
  2. 814173Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (147 folds)
  3. 814174Fold c.1: TIM beta/alpha-barrel [51350] (33 superfamilies)
    contains parallel beta-sheet barrel, closed; n=8, S=8; strand order 12345678
    the first seven superfamilies have similar phosphate-binding sites
  4. 816850Superfamily c.1.9: Metallo-dependent hydrolases [51556] (18 families) (S)
    the beta-sheet barrel is similarly distorted and capped by a C-terminal helix
    has transition metal ions bound inside the barrel


  1. 816851c.1.9.1: Adenosine/AMP deaminase [51557] (2 proteins)
  2. 816898c.1.9.2: alpha-subunit of urease, catalytic domain [51560] (1 protein)
  3. 816938c.1.9.3: Phosphotriesterase-like [51564] (2 proteins)
  4. 816972c.1.9.4: Dihydroorotase [63917] (1 protein)
  5. 816985c.1.9.5: Cytosine deaminase catalytic domain [69390] (1 protein)
  6. 816996c.1.9.6: Hydantoinase (dihydropyrimidinase), catalytic domain [75073] (5 proteins)
  7. 817057c.1.9.7: Renal dipeptidase [75079] (1 protein)
  8. 817064c.1.9.8: Uronate isomerase-like [75082] (2 proteins)
    contains all-alpha subdomain inserted after the first strand
  9. 817085c.1.9.9: SAH/MTA deaminase-like [82258] (3 proteins)
  10. 817102c.1.9.10: N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase, NagA, catalytic domain [82261] (1 protein)
  11. 817121c.1.9.11: D-aminoacylase, catalytic domain [82264] (1 protein)
  12. 817132c.1.9.12: TatD Mg-dependent DNase-like [82267] (4 proteins)
  13. 817146c.1.9.13: Isoaspartyl dipeptidase, catalytic domain [89489] (1 protein)
  14. 817159c.1.9.14: Adenine deaminase-like [141816] (1 protein)
  15. 817163c.1.9.15: PP1699/LP2961-like [141819] (5 proteins)
    Pfam PF04909; Amidohydrolase; stand-alone domain
  16. 817196c.1.9.16: DR0824-like [159397] (1 protein)
  17. 817200c.1.9.17: Imidazolonepropionase-like [159400] (3 proteins)
  18. 817219c.1.9.18: Zn-dependent arginine carboxypeptidase-like [159408] (3 proteins)

More info for Superfamily c.1.9: Metallo-dependent hydrolases

Timeline for Superfamily c.1.9: Metallo-dependent hydrolases: