Lineage for Family b.40.4.3: Single strand DNA-binding domain, SSB

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2352458Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds)
  3. 2397497Fold b.40: OB-fold [50198] (17 superfamilies)
    barrel, closed or partly opened n=5, S=10 or S=8; greek-key
  4. 2398897Superfamily b.40.4: Nucleic acid-binding proteins [50249] (18 families) (S)
  5. 2398969Family b.40.4.3: Single strand DNA-binding domain, SSB [50263] (13 proteins)
    barrel, closed; n=5, S=10


  1. 2398970Archaeal ssDNA-binding protein [89324] (1 species)
    similar to the domains of the Replication protein A
  2. 2398974CDC13 ssDNA-binding domain [74948] (1 species)
  3. 2398978Core domain of telomere end binding protein beta subunit [50275] (1 species)
  4. 2398994Hypothetical protein At4g28440 (F20O9.120) [117193] (1 species)
  5. 2398997OB-fold domains of BRCA2 [82099] (2 species)
    duplication: tandem repeat of three OB-fold domains
    1. 2398998Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [82100] (2 PDB entries)
    2. 2399005Species Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [82101] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2399012Primosomal replication protein N, PriB [117191] (1 species)
  7. 2399018Protection of telomeres protein 1, Pot1 [101761] (2 species)
    1. 2399019Species Fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) [TaxId:4896] [101762] (2 PDB entries)
    2. 2399028Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [117190] (1 PDB entry)
      Uniprot Q9NUX5 6-299
  8. Replication protein A 14 KDa (RPA14) subunit [50271] (1 species)
  9. 2399037Replication protein A 32 KDa subunit (RPA32) fragment [50269] (1 species)
  10. 2399051Replication protein A 70 KDa subunit (RPA70) [50267] (1 species)
    duplication: consists of three domains of this fold; contains zinc-finger insert in the C-terminal domain, residues 479-511
  11. 2399062ssDNA-binding protein [50264] (4 species)
    1. 2399063Species Deinococcus radiodurans [TaxId:1299] [110194] (1 PDB entry)
      Uniprot Q9RY51
    2. 2399065Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [50266] (6 PDB entries)
      Uniprot P02339
    3. 2399090Species Human (Homo sapiens), mitochondria [TaxId:9606] [50265] (2 PDB entries)
      Uniprot Q04837
    4. 2399095Species Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [101760] (4 PDB entries)
  12. 2399108Telomere end binding protein alpha subunit [50273] (1 species)
    duplication: consists of three domains of this fold
  13. 2399161automated matches [190206] (10 species)
    not a true protein
    1. 2399162Species Escherichia coli K-12 [TaxId:83333] [187026] (3 PDB entries)
    2. 2399171Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:595496] [342173] (1 PDB entry)
    3. 2399174Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [186959] (27 PDB entries)
    4. 2399212Species Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:573] [226356] (1 PDB entry)
    5. 2399214Species Mycobacterium leprae [TaxId:272631] [255745] (2 PDB entries)
    6. 2399221Species Mycobacterium smegmatis [TaxId:1772] [254961] (3 PDB entries)
    7. 2399228Species Mycobacterium smegmatis [TaxId:246196] [189407] (1 PDB entry)
    8. 2399231Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:208964] [358661] (2 PDB entries)
    9. 2399240Species Streptomyces coelicolor [TaxId:1902] [255819] (1 PDB entry)
    10. 2399245Species Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:273057] [261789] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Family b.40.4.3: Single strand DNA-binding domain, SSB

Timeline for Family b.40.4.3: Single strand DNA-binding domain, SSB: