Lineage for Species: Archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri

  1. Root: SCOP 1.59
  2. 93448Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (151 folds)
  3. 99534Fold a.89: Methyl-coenzyme M reductase alpha and beta chain C-terminal domain [48080] (1 superfamily)
  4. 99535Superfamily a.89.1: Methyl-coenzyme M reductase alpha and beta chain C-terminal domain [48081] (1 family) (S)
  5. 99536Family a.89.1.1: Methyl-coenzyme M reductase alpha and beta chain C-terminal domain [48082] (2 proteins)
  6. 99555Protein Beta chain [48087] (3 species)
  7. 99567Species Archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri [TaxId:2320] [48089] (1 PDB entry)

PDB entry in Species: Archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri:

More info for Species Archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri [TaxId:2320] from a.89.1.1 Beta chain

Timeline for Species Archaeon Methanopyrus kandleri [TaxId:2320] from a.89.1.1 Beta chain: