Class e: Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta) [56572] (71 folds) |
Fold e.44: 2-methylcitrate dehydratase PrpD [103377] (1 superfamily) consists of an all-alpha and alpha+beta domains |
Superfamily e.44.1: 2-methylcitrate dehydratase PrpD [103378] (1 family) automatically mapped to Pfam PF03972 |
Family e.44.1.1: 2-methylcitrate dehydratase PrpD [103379] (2 proteins) |
Protein automated matches [346509] (3 species) not a true protein |
Species Salmonella enterica [TaxId:28901] [346707] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d5mvia_: 5mvi A: [346708] automated match to d1szqa_ |
Timeline for Species Salmonella enterica [TaxId:28901] from e.44.1.1 automated matches: