Lineage for Species: Goat (Capra hircus) [TaxId: 9925]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2299346Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (289 folds)
  3. 2343304Fold a.126: Serum albumin-like [48551] (1 superfamily)
    multihelical; one domain consists of two similar disulfide-linked subdomains
  4. 2343305Superfamily a.126.1: Serum albumin-like [48552] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2343749Family a.126.1.0: automated matches [254216] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2343750Protein automated matches [254493] (6 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2343782Species Goat (Capra hircus) [TaxId:9925] [341296] (4 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Goat (Capra hircus) [TaxId: 9925]:

  1. Domain(s) for 5ori:
    1. 2343789Domain d5oria1: 5ori A:1-195 [341316]
      automated match to d3uiva1
    2. 2343790Domain d5oria2: 5ori A:196-387 [341317]
      automated match to d3uiva1
    3. 2343791Domain d5oria3: 5ori A:388-583 [341318]
      automated match to d1n5ua3
  2. Domain(s) for 5osw:
    1. 2343786Domain d5oswa1: 5osw A:1-195 [341414]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with ae4, cit, diu, jef
    2. 2343787Domain d5oswa2: 5osw A:196-387 [341415]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with ae4, cit, diu, jef
    3. 2343788Domain d5oswa3: 5osw A:388-583 [341416]
      automated match to d1n5ua3
      complexed with ae4, cit, diu, jef
  3. Domain(s) for 5otb:
    1. 2343792Domain d5otba1: 5otb A:3-195 [341324]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    2. 2343793Domain d5otba2: 5otb A:196-387 [341325]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    3. 2343794Domain d5otba3: 5otb A:388-583 [341326]
      automated match to d1n5ua3
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    4. 2343795Domain d5otbb1: 5otb B:3-195 [341300]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    5. 2343796Domain d5otbb2: 5otb B:196-387 [341301]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    6. 2343797Domain d5otbb3: 5otb B:388-583 [341302]
      automated match to d1n5ua3
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    7. 2343798Domain d5otbc1: 5otb C:3-195 [341303]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    8. 2343799Domain d5otbc2: 5otb C:196-387 [341304]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    9. 2343800Domain d5otbc3: 5otb C:388-583 [341305]
      automated match to d1n5ua3
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    10. 2343801Domain d5otbd1: 5otb D:3-195 [341297]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    11. 2343802Domain d5otbd2: 5otb D:196-387 [341298]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
    12. 2343803Domain d5otbd3: 5otb D:388-583 [341299]
      automated match to d1n5ua3
      complexed with peg, pge, pro
  4. Domain(s) for 6hn1:
    1. 2343783Domain d6hn1a1: 6hn1 A:1-195 [375334]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with cl, dif
    2. 2343784Domain d6hn1a2: 6hn1 A:196-387 [375335]
      automated match to d3uiva1
      complexed with cl, dif
    3. 2343785Domain d6hn1a3: 6hn1 A:388-583 [375336]
      automated match to d1n5ua3
      complexed with cl, dif

More info for Species Goat (Capra hircus) [TaxId:9925] from a.126.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Goat (Capra hircus) [TaxId:9925] from a.126.1.0 automated matches: