Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (388 folds) |
Fold d.145: FAD-binding/transporter-associated domain-like [56175] (1 superfamily) consists of two alpha+beta subdomains |
Superfamily d.145.1: FAD-binding/transporter-associated domain-like [56176] (5 families) |
Family d.145.1.0: automated matches [191624] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [191143] (12 species) not a true protein |
Species Rhodococcus jostii [TaxId:101510] [319925] (4 PDB entries) |
Domain d5fxfa1: 5fxf A:2-238 [320044] Other proteins in same PDB: d5fxfa2, d5fxfb2 automated match to d1e0ya2 complexed with bez, fad, gol |
PDB Entry: 5fxf (more details), 1.9 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d5fxfa1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d5fxfa1 d.145.1.0 (A:2-238) automated matches {Rhodococcus jostii [TaxId: 101510]} trtlppgvsderfdaalqrfrdvvgdkwvlstadeleafrdpypvgaaeanlpsavvspe steqvqdivrianeygiplspvstgknngyggaaprlsgsvivktgermnrilevnekyg yallepgvtyfdlyeylqshdsglmldcpdlgwgsvvgntldrgvgytpygdhfmwqtgl evvlpqgevmrtgmgalpgsdawqlfpygfgpfpdgmftqsnlgivtkmgialmqrp
Timeline for d5fxfa1: