Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.25: Ferredoxin reductase-like, C-terminal NADP-linked domain [52342] (1 superfamily) 3 layers, a/b/a; parallel beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32145 |
Superfamily c.25.1: Ferredoxin reductase-like, C-terminal NADP-linked domain [52343] (6 families) binds NADP differently than classical Rossmann-fold N-terminal FAD-linked domain contains (6,10) barrel |
Family c.25.1.2: Aromatic dioxygenase reductase-like [52359] (3 proteins) contains additional 2Fe-2S ferredoxin domain at one of the termini automatically mapped to Pfam PF00175 |
Protein Phthalate dioxygenase reductase [52360] (1 species) |
Species Pseudomonas cepacia, db01 [TaxId:292] [52361] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d2piaa2: 2pia A:104-223 [31553] Other proteins in same PDB: d2piaa1, d2piaa3 complexed with fes, fmn |
PDB Entry: 2pia (more details), 2 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2piaa2:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d2piaa2 c.25.1.2 (A:104-223) Phthalate dioxygenase reductase {Pseudomonas cepacia, db01 [TaxId: 292]} efpldkraksfilvaggigitpmlsmarqlraeglrsfrlyyltrdpegtaffdeltsde wrsdvkihhdhgdptkafdfwsvfekskpaqhvyccgpqalmdtvrdmtghwpsgtvhfe
Timeline for d2piaa2: