Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds) |
Fold b.85: beta-clip [51268] (7 superfamilies) double-stranded ribbon sharply bent in two places; the ribbon ends form incomplete barrel; jelly-roll |
Superfamily b.85.1: AFP III-like domain [51269] (2 families) duplication: consists of two structural repeats related by pseudo dyad |
Family b.85.1.1: AFP III-like domain [51270] (4 proteins) Pfam PF01354 |
Protein Type III antifreeze protein, AFP III [51271] (3 species) |
Species Antarctic eel pout (Austrolycichthys brachycephalus) and (Lycodichthys dearborni), RD3 isoform [TaxId:36221] [51273] (4 PDB entries) duplication: intramolecular dimer |
Domain d1c8aa1: 1c8a A:1-68 [28312] |
PDB Entry: 1c8a (more details)
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1c8aa1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1c8aa1 b.85.1.1 (A:1-68) Type III antifreeze protein, AFP III {Antarctic eel pout (Austrolycichthys brachycephalus) and (Lycodichthys dearborni), RD3 isoform [TaxId: 36221]} nkasvvanqlipintaltlimmkaevvtpmgipaeeipnlvgmqvnravplgttlmpdmv knyedgtt
Timeline for d1c8aa1: