Class g: Small proteins [56992] (91 folds) |
Fold g.41: Rubredoxin-like [57769] (17 superfamilies) metal(zinc or iron)-bound fold; sequence contains two CX(n)C motifs, in most cases n = 2 |
Superfamily g.41.5: Rubredoxin-like [57802] (4 families) |
Family g.41.5.2: Desulforedoxin [57813] (2 proteins) automatically mapped to Pfam PF06397 |
Protein Desulforedoxin [57814] (1 species) dimeric mono-domain protein with two rubredoxin-type metal centres |
Species Desulfovibrio gigas [TaxId:879] [57815] (6 PDB entries) |
Domain d2lk5b_: 2lk5 B: [242909] automated match to d1dxga_ complexed with zn |
PDB Entry: 2lk5 (more details)
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2lk5b_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d2lk5b_ g.41.5.2 (B:) Desulforedoxin {Desulfovibrio gigas [TaxId: 879]} anegdvykcelcgqvvkvleegggtlvccgedmvkq
Timeline for d2lk5b_: