Class g: Small proteins [56992] (100 folds) |
Fold g.79: WRKY DNA-binding domain [118289] (1 superfamily) zinc-bound 4-stranded meander beta-sheet, distinct from the beta-ribbon motifs |
Superfamily g.79.1: WRKY DNA-binding domain [118290] (2 families) |
Family g.79.1.1: WRKY DNA-binding domain [118291] (1 protein) Pfam PF03106 |
Protein WRKY DNA-binding protein 4 [118292] (1 species) |
Species Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) [TaxId:3702] [118293] (2 PDB entries) Uniprot Q9XI90 399-468 |
Domain d2lexa_: 2lex A: [242862] automated match to d1wj2a_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with zn |
PDB Entry: 2lex (more details)
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2lexa_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d2lexa_ g.79.1.1 (A:) WRKY DNA-binding protein 4 {Thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) [TaxId: 3702]} llddgyrwrkygqkvvkgnpyprsyykcttpgcgvrkhveraatdpkavvttyegkhnhd lpa
Timeline for d2lexa_: