Class e: Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta) [56572] (68 folds) |
Fold e.8: DNA/RNA polymerases [56671] (1 superfamily) divided into morphological domains including "palm", "thumb" and "fingers"; the catalytic "palm" domain is conserved to all members |
Superfamily e.8.1: DNA/RNA polymerases [56672] (7 families) "palm" domain has a ferredoxin-like fold, related to that of an adenylyl cyclase domain |
Family e.8.1.4: RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase [56694] (3 proteins) |
Protein Viral RNA polymerase [56695] (17 species) |
Species Foot-and-mouth disease virus - type c [TaxId:12116] [187085] (9 PDB entries) |
Domain d3kmsa_: 3kms A: [179455] automated match to d1u09a_ protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg; mutant |
PDB Entry: 3kms (more details), 2.2 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d3kmsa_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d3kmsa_ e.8.1.4 (A:) Viral RNA polymerase {Foot-and-mouth disease virus - type c [TaxId: 12116]} glivdtrdveervhvmrktklaptvahgvfnpefgpaalsnkdprlnegvvldevifskh ksdtkmsaedkalfrrcaadyasrlhsvlgtanaplsiyeaikgvdgldamepdtapglp walqgkrrgalidfengtvgpeveaalklmekreykfacqtflkdeirpmekvragktri vdvlpvehilytrmmigrfcaqmhsnngpqigsavgcnpdvdwqrfgthfaqyrnvwdvd ysafdanhcsdamnimfeevfrtefgfhpnaewilktlvntehayenkritveggmpsgc satsiintilnniyvlyalrrhyegveldtytmisygddivvasdydldfealkphfksl gqtitpadksdkgfvlghsitdvtflkrhfhmdygtgfykpvmasktleailsfarrgti qeklisvaglavhsgpdeyrrlfepfqglfeipsyrslylrwvnavcgdaaalehh
Timeline for d3kmsa_: