Lineage for Protein: Hypothetical protein BB0938

  1. Root: SCOP 1.73
  2. 651986Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (165 folds)
  3. 681057Fold b.165: MOSC N-terminal domain-like [141672] (1 superfamily)
    complex fold; comprises a beta-hairpin and a meander 3-stranded sheet packed against beta-barrel: closed, n=5, S=8; contains three short helices
  4. 681058Superfamily b.165.1: MOSC N-terminal domain-like [141673] (1 family) (S)
  5. 681059Family b.165.1.1: MOSC N-terminal domain-like [141674] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF03476
  6. 681060Protein Hypothetical protein BB0938 [141675] (1 species)


More info for Protein Hypothetical protein BB0938 from b.165.1.1: MOSC N-terminal domain-like

Timeline for Protein Hypothetical protein BB0938 from b.165.1.1: MOSC N-terminal domain-like:

  • Protein Hypothetical protein BB0938 from b.165.1.1: MOSC N-terminal domain-like is new in SCOP 1.73
  • Protein Hypothetical protein BB0938 from b.165.1.1: MOSC N-terminal domain-like appears in SCOP 1.75
  • Protein Hypothetical protein BB0938 from b.165.1.1: MOSC N-terminal domain-like appears in the current release, SCOPe 2.08