Lineage for d2gm8b_ (2gm8 B:)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1253684Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (284 folds)
  3. 1282621Fold a.132: Heme oxygenase-like [48612] (1 superfamily)
    multihelical; bundle
  4. 1282622Superfamily a.132.1: Heme oxygenase-like [48613] (5 families) (S)
    duplication: contains two structural repeats of 3-helical motif
  5. 1282848Family a.132.1.0: automated matches [191333] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 1282849Protein automated matches [190172] (8 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 1282862Species Pyrobaculum aerophilum [TaxId:178306] [187120] (2 PDB entries)
  8. 1282864Domain d2gm8b_: 2gm8 B: [135369]
    automated match to d1udda_
    complexed with edo, hmh

Details for d2gm8b_

PDB Entry: 2gm8 (more details), 2.5 Å

PDB Description: tena homolog/thi-4 thiaminase complexed with product 4-amino-5- hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine
PDB Compounds: (B:) tenA homolog/Thi-4 Thiaminase

SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2gm8b_:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d2gm8b_ a.132.1.0 (B:) automated matches {Pyrobaculum aerophilum [TaxId: 178306]}

SCOPe Domain Coordinates for d2gm8b_:

Click to download the PDB-style file with coordinates for d2gm8b_.
(The format of our PDB-style files is described here.)

Timeline for d2gm8b_: