Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds) |
Fold b.19: Viral protein domain [49817] (1 superfamily) sandwich; 9 strands in 2 sheets; jelly-roll; form trimers |
Superfamily b.19.1: Viral protein domain [49818] (4 families) forms homotrimers |
Family b.19.1.2: Influenza hemagglutinin headpiece [49823] (2 proteins) |
Protein automated matches [190291] (19 species) not a true protein |
Species Influenza virus [TaxId:375457] [193026] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d4bgzc_: 4bgz C: [193027] Other proteins in same PDB: d4bgzb_, d4bgzd_, d4bgze2, d4bgzf_ automated match to d2fk0a1 complexed with nag, po4 |
PDB Entry: 4bgz (more details), 2.68 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d4bgzc_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d4bgzc_ b.19.1.2 (C:) automated matches {Influenza virus [TaxId: 375457]} dqicigyhannsteqvdtimeknvtvthaqdilekthngklcdldgvkplilrdcsvagw llgnpmcdeflnvpewsyivekinpandlcypgnfndyeelkhllsrinhfekiqiipks swsdheasagvssacpyqgrssffrnvvwlikkdnayptikrsynntnqedllvlwgihh pndaaeqtrlyqnpttyisvgtstlnqrlvpkiatrskvngqsgrmeffwtilkpndain fesngnfiapenaykivkkgdstimkseleygncntkcqtpigainssmpfhnihpltig ecpkyvkssrlvlatglrn
Timeline for d4bgzc_: