Lineage for Protein: Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 2, CH2-gamma

  1. Root: SCOP 1.69
  2. 450777Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (144 folds)
  3. 450778Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (23 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 450779Superfamily b.1.1: Immunoglobulin [48726] (4 families) (S)
  5. 452577Family b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) [48942] (23 proteins)
  6. 453802Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 2, CH2-gamma [88584] (4 species)


  1. 453803Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [88585] (22 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1adq:
    2. Domains for 1dn2:
      1. 453807Domain d1dn2a1: 1dn2 A:237-341 [21512]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dn2a2, d1dn2b2
      2. 453808Domain d1dn2b1: 1dn2 B:237-341 [21514]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1dn2a2, d1dn2b2
        part of a Fc
    3. Domains for 1e4k:
      1. 453835Domain d1e4ka1: 1e4k A:229-341 [21526]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1e4ka2, d1e4kb2, d1e4kc1, d1e4kc2
      2. 453836Domain d1e4kb1: 1e4k B:229-341 [21528]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1e4ka2, d1e4kb2, d1e4kc1, d1e4kc2
        part of a Fc
    4. Domains for 1fc1:
      1. 453821Domain d1fc1a1: 1fc1 A:238-341 [21520]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fc1a2, d1fc1b2
      2. 453822Domain d1fc1b1: 1fc1 B:238-341 [21522]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1fc1a2, d1fc1b2
        part of a Fc
    5. Domain for 1fc2:
    6. Domain for 1fcc:
    7. Domain for 1frt:
    8. Domains for 1h3t:
      1. 453813Domain d1h3ta1: 1h3t A:238-341 [76653]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ta2, d1h3tb2
      2. 453814Domain d1h3tb1: 1h3t B:238-341 [76655]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ta2, d1h3tb2
        part of a Fc
    9. Domains for 1h3u:
      1. 453809Domain d1h3ua1: 1h3u A:238-341 [76657]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ua2, d1h3ub2
      2. 453810Domain d1h3ub1: 1h3u B:238-341 [76659]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ua2, d1h3ub2
        part of a Fc
    10. Domains for 1h3v:
      1. 453828Domain d1h3va1: 1h3v A:238-341 [76661]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3va2, d1h3vb2
      2. 453829Domain d1h3vb1: 1h3v B:238-341 [76663]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3va2, d1h3vb2
        part of a Fc
    11. Domain for 1h3w:
    12. Domains for 1h3x:
      1. 453817Domain d1h3xa1: 1h3x A:238-341 [90602]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3xa2, d1h3xb2
      2. 453818Domain d1h3xb1: 1h3x B:238-341 [90604]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3xa2, d1h3xb2
        part of a Fc
    13. Domains for 1h3y:
      1. 453839Domain d1h3ya1: 1h3y A:238-341 [76667]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ya2, d1h3yb2
      2. 453840Domain d1h3yb1: 1h3y B:238-341 [76669]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1h3ya2, d1h3yb2
        part of a Fc
    14. Domains for 1hzh:
      1. 453815Domain d1hzhh3: 1hzh H:236-359 [61439]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hzhh1, d1hzhh2, d1hzhh4, d1hzhk1, d1hzhk2, d1hzhk4, d1hzhl1, d1hzhl2, d1hzhm1, d1hzhm2
      2. 453816Domain d1hzhk3: 1hzh K:239-359 [61443]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1hzhh1, d1hzhh2, d1hzhh4, d1hzhk1, d1hzhk2, d1hzhk4, d1hzhl1, d1hzhl2, d1hzhm1, d1hzhm2
        part of intact IgG B12 antibody
    15. Domains for 1iis:
      1. 453825Domain d1iisa1: 1iis A:235-341 [62454]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iisa2, d1iisb2, d1iisc1, d1iisc2
      2. 453826Domain d1iisb1: 1iis B:232-341 [62456]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iisa2, d1iisb2, d1iisc1, d1iisc2
        part of a Fc
    16. Domains for 1iix:
      1. 453830Domain d1iixa1: 1iix A:235-341 [62462]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iixa2, d1iixb2, d1iixc1, d1iixc2
      2. 453831Domain d1iixb1: 1iix B:231-341 [62464]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1iixa2, d1iixb2, d1iixc1, d1iixc2
        part of a Fc
    17. Domain for 1l6x:
    18. Domain for 1mco:
    19. Domains for 1oqo:
      1. 453805Domain d1oqoa1: 1oqo A:237-341 [87313]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oqoa2, d1oqob2, d1oqoc_, d1oqod_
      2. 453806Domain d1oqob1: 1oqo B:236-341 [87315]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oqoa2, d1oqob2, d1oqoc_, d1oqod_
        part of a Fc
    20. Domains for 1oqx:
      1. 453811Domain d1oqxa1: 1oqx A:236-341 [87325]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oqxa2, d1oqxb2, d1oqxc_, d1oqxd_
      2. 453812Domain d1oqxb1: 1oqx B:236-341 [87327]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1oqxa2, d1oqxb2, d1oqxc_, d1oqxd_
        part of a Fc
    21. Domains for 1t83:
      1. 453823Domain d1t83a1: 1t83 A:235-341 [106643]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t83a2, d1t83b2, d1t83c1, d1t83c2
      2. 453824Domain d1t83b1: 1t83 B:235-341 [106645]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t83a2, d1t83b2, d1t83c1, d1t83c2
    22. Domains for 1t89:
      1. 453832Domain d1t89a1: 1t89 A:235-341 [106657]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t89a2, d1t89b2, d1t89c1, d1t89c2
      2. 453833Domain d1t89b1: 1t89 B:235-341 [106659]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1t89a2, d1t89b2, d1t89c1, d1t89c2
  2. 453841Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [88586] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 453844Mouse (Mus musculus), gamma2 [TaxId:10090] [88587] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 453847Rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [88588] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1i1a:
      1. 453850Domain d1i1ac1: 1i1a C:239-341 [21540]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1aa1, d1i1aa2, d1i1ab_, d1i1ac2, d1i1ad2
      2. 453851Domain d1i1ad1: 1i1a D:239-341 [21542]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1aa1, d1i1aa2, d1i1ab_, d1i1ac2, d1i1ad2
        part of a Fc
    2. Domains for 1i1c:
      1. 453848Domain d1i1ca1: 1i1c A:239-341 [21536]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1ca2, d1i1cb2
      2. 453849Domain d1i1cb1: 1i1c B:239-341 [21538]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1i1ca2, d1i1cb2
        part of a Fc

More info for Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 2, CH2-gamma from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like)

Timeline for Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 2, CH2-gamma from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like):

  • Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 2, CH2-gamma from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) first appeared in SCOP 1.65
  • Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 2, CH2-gamma from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) appears in SCOP 1.67
  • Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 2, CH2-gamma from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) appears in SCOP 1.71
  • Protein Immunoglobulin heavy chain gamma constant domain 2, CH2-gamma from b.1.1.2: C1 set domains (antibody constant domain-like) appears in the current release, SCOPe 2.08