Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (208 folds) |
Fold d.198: Secretion chaperone-like [69634] (2 superfamilies) |
Superfamily d.198.2: Arp2/3 complex subunits [69645] (1 family) |
Family d.198.2.1: Arp2/3 complex subunits [69646] (2 proteins) |
Protein ARPC4 (20 kDa subunit) [69647] (1 species) |
Species Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [69648] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d1k8kf_: 1k8k F: [68312] Other proteins in same PDB: d1k8ka1, d1k8ka2, d1k8kb1, d1k8kc_, d1k8kd1, d1k8kd2, d1k8ke_, d1k8kg_ |
PDB Entry: 1k8k (more details), 2 Å
SCOP Domain Sequences for d1k8kf_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1k8kf_ d.198.2.1 (F:) ARPC4 (20 kDa subunit) {Cow (Bos taurus)} tatlrpylsavratlqaalclenfssqvverhnkpevevrsskelllqpvtisrnekekv liegsinsvrvsiavkqadeiekilchkfmrfmmmraenffilrrkpvegydisflitnf hteqmykhklvdfvihfmeeidkeisemklsvnararivaeeflknf
Timeline for d1k8kf_: