Lineage for Superfamily d.110.2: GAF domain-like

  1. Root: SCOP 1.69
  2. 496776Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (279 folds)
  3. 509664Fold d.110: Profilin-like [55769] (7 superfamilies)
    core: 2 alpha-helices and 5-stranded antiparallel sheet: order 21543; 3 layers: alpha/beta/alpha
  4. 509706Superfamily d.110.2: GAF domain-like [55781] (3 families) (S)
    alpha(2)-beta(3)-alpha-beta(3)-alpha; antiparallel beta-sheet: order 321654


  1. 509707d.110.2.1: GAF domain [55782] (3 proteins)
  2. 509720d.110.2.2: IclR ligand-binding domain-like (Pfam 01614) [75513] (2 proteins)
  3. 509736d.110.2.3: HrcA C-terminal domain-like (Pfam 01628) [111115] (1 protein)
    contains insert domain (140-229) of the Enolase N-terminal domain-like fold (scop_cf 54825)

More info for Superfamily d.110.2: GAF domain-like

Timeline for Superfamily d.110.2: GAF domain-like: