Lineage for Protein: Enolase

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2530962Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (388 folds)
  3. 2554471Fold d.54: Enolase N-terminal domain-like [54825] (1 superfamily)
    beta(3)-alpha(3); meander and up-and-down bundle
  4. 2554472Superfamily d.54.1: Enolase N-terminal domain-like [54826] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2554473Family d.54.1.1: Enolase N-terminal domain-like [54827] (15 proteins)
    C-terminal domain is beta/alpha-barrel
  6. 2554524Protein Enolase [54828] (10 species)


  1. 2554525Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [54829] (16 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1ebg:
      1. 2554538Domain d1ebga2: 1ebg A:1-141 [38853]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ebga1, d1ebgb1
        complexed with mg, pah
      2. 2554539Domain d1ebgb2: 1ebg B:1-141 [38854]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ebga1, d1ebgb1
        complexed with mg, pah
    2. Domains for 1ebh:
      1. 2554543Domain d1ebha2: 1ebh A:1-141 [38849]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ebha1, d1ebhb1
        complexed with cl, mg
      2. 2554544Domain d1ebhb2: 1ebh B:1-141 [38850]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1ebha1, d1ebhb1
        complexed with cl, mg
    3. Domain for 1els:
    4. Domains for 1l8p:
      1. 2554534Domain d1l8pa2: 1l8p A:1-141 [73693]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1l8pa1, d1l8pb1, d1l8pc1, d1l8pd1
        complexed with mg, pah
      2. 2554535Domain d1l8pb2: 1l8p B:501-641 [73695]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1l8pa1, d1l8pb1, d1l8pc1, d1l8pd1
        complexed with mg, pah
      3. 2554536Domain d1l8pc2: 1l8p C:1001-1141 [73697]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1l8pa1, d1l8pb1, d1l8pc1, d1l8pd1
        complexed with mg, pah
      4. 2554537Domain d1l8pd2: 1l8p D:1501-1641 [73699]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1l8pa1, d1l8pb1, d1l8pc1, d1l8pd1
        complexed with mg, pah
    5. Domain for 1nel:
    6. Domains for 1one:
      1. 2554528Domain d1onea2: 1one A:1-141 [38844]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1onea1, d1oneb1
        complexed with mg, pep
      2. 2554529Domain d1oneb2: 1one B:1-141 [38845]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1onea1, d1oneb1
        complexed with mg, pep
    7. Domains for 1p43:
      1. 2554540Domain d1p43a2: 1p43 A:1-141 [94073]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1p43a1, d1p43b1
        complexed with 2pg, mg
      2. 2554541Domain d1p43b2: 1p43 B:501-641 [94075]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1p43a1, d1p43b1
        complexed with 2pg, mg
    8. Domains for 1p48:
      1. 2554545Domain d1p48a2: 1p48 A:1-141 [94086]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1p48a1, d1p48b1
        complexed with mg, pep
      2. 2554546Domain d1p48b2: 1p48 B:501-641 [94088]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1p48a1, d1p48b1
        complexed with mg, pep
    9. Domains for 2al1:
      1. 2554526Domain d2al1a2: 2al1 A:1-141 [126950]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2al1a1, d2al1b1
        automated match to d1onea2
        complexed with 2pg, cl, k, mg, pep
      2. 2554527Domain d2al1b2: 2al1 B:1-141 [126952]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2al1a1, d2al1b1
        automated match to d1onea2
        complexed with 2pg, cl, k, mg, pep
    10. Domains for 2al2:
      1. 2554532Domain d2al2a2: 2al2 A:1-141 [126954]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2al2a1, d2al2b1
        automated match to d2al1a2
        complexed with 2pg, cl, k, mg, pep
      2. 2554533Domain d2al2b2: 2al2 B:1-141 [126956]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2al2a1, d2al2b1
        automated match to d2al1a2
        complexed with 2pg, cl, k, mg, pep
    11. Domains for 2one:
      1. 2554530Domain d2onea2: 2one A:1-141 [38847]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2onea1, d2oneb1
        complexed with 2pg, li, mg, pep
      2. 2554531Domain d2oneb2: 2one B:1-141 [38848]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2onea1, d2oneb1
        complexed with 2pg, li, mg, pep
    12. Domain for 3enl:
    13. Domain for 4enl:
    14. Domain for 5enl:
    15. Domain for 6enl:
    16. Domain for 7enl:
  2. 2554553Enterococcus hirae [TaxId:1354] [89926] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2554556Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [69710] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1e9i:
      1. 2554561Domain d1e9ia2: 1e9i A:1-139 [64819]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1e9ia1, d1e9ib1, d1e9ic1, d1e9id1
        complexed with mg, so4
      2. 2554562Domain d1e9ib2: 1e9i B:1-139 [64821]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1e9ia1, d1e9ib1, d1e9ic1, d1e9id1
        complexed with mg, so4
      3. 2554563Domain d1e9ic2: 1e9i C:1-139 [64823]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1e9ia1, d1e9ib1, d1e9ic1, d1e9id1
        complexed with mg, so4
      4. 2554564Domain d1e9id2: 1e9i D:1-139 [64825]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1e9ia1, d1e9ib1, d1e9ic1, d1e9id1
        complexed with mg, so4
    2. Domains for 2fym:
      1. 2554557Domain d2fyma2: 2fym A:1-139 [134380]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fyma1, d2fymc1, d2fymd1, d2fymf1
        automatically matched to d1e9ia2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
      2. 2554558Domain d2fymc2: 2fym C:1-139 [134382]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fyma1, d2fymc1, d2fymd1, d2fymf1
        automatically matched to d1e9ia2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
      3. 2554559Domain d2fymd2: 2fym D:1-139 [134384]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fyma1, d2fymc1, d2fymd1, d2fymf1
        automatically matched to d1e9ia2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
      4. 2554560Domain d2fymf2: 2fym F:1-139 [134386]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fyma1, d2fymc1, d2fymd1, d2fymf1
        automatically matched to d1e9ia2
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
  4. 2554565European lobster (Homarus vulgaris) [TaxId:6707] [54830] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1pdy:
    2. Domain for 1pdz:
  5. 2554568Human (Homo sapiens), gamma isoform [TaxId:9606] [110936] (15 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P09104
    1. Domains for 1te6:
      1. 2554575Domain d1te6a2: 1te6 A:1-139 [106798]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1te6a1, d1te6a3, d1te6b1
        complexed with cl, mg, po4, trs
      2. 2554576Domain d1te6b2: 1te6 B:1-139 [106800]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1te6a1, d1te6a3, d1te6b1
        complexed with cl, mg, po4, trs
    2. Domains for 2akm:
      1. 2554581Domain d2akma2: 2akm A:1-139 [126920]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2akma1, d2akmb1
        automated match to d1te6a2
        complexed with mg, po4, trs
      2. 2554582Domain d2akmb2: 2akm B:1-139 [126922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2akma1, d2akmb1
        automated match to d1te6a2
        complexed with mg, po4, trs
    3. Domains for 2akz:
      1. 2554569Domain d2akza2: 2akz A:1-139 [126945]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2akza1, d2akza3, d2akzb1
        automated match to d1te6a2
        complexed with f, mg, po4, trs
      2. 2554570Domain d2akzb2: 2akz B:1001-1139 [126947]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2akza1, d2akza3, d2akzb1
        automated match to d1te6a2
        complexed with f, mg, po4, trs
    4. Domains for 3ucc:
      1. 2554577Domain d3ucca1: 3ucc A:1-139 [217282]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ucca2, d3uccb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 2pg, mg, trs
      2. 2554578Domain d3uccb1: 3ucc B:1-139 [217284]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ucca2, d3uccb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 2pg, mg, trs
    5. Domains for 3ucd:
      1. 2554571Domain d3ucda1: 3ucd A:1-139 [217286]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ucda2, d3ucdb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 2pg, mg, pep
      2. 2554572Domain d3ucdb1: 3ucd B:1-139 [217288]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ucda2, d3ucdb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 2pg, mg, pep
    6. Domains for 3uje:
      1. 2554579Domain d3ujea1: 3uje A:1-139 [217418]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ujea2, d3ujeb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 2pg, mg, pep, trs
      2. 2554580Domain d3ujeb1: 3uje B:1-139 [217420]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ujea2, d3ujeb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 2pg, mg, pep, trs
    7. Domains for 3ujf:
      1. 2554595Domain d3ujfa1: 3ujf A:1-139 [217422]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ujfa2, d3ujfb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 2pg, mg, pep
      2. 2554596Domain d3ujfb1: 3ujf B:1-139 [217424]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ujfa2, d3ujfb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 2pg, mg, pep
    8. Domains for 3ujr:
      1. 2554573Domain d3ujra1: 3ujr A:1-139 [217429]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ujra2, d3ujrb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 2pg, mg, pep, trs
      2. 2554574Domain d3ujrb1: 3ujr B:1-139 [217431]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ujra2, d3ujrb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 2pg, mg, pep, trs
    9. Domains for 3ujs:
      1. 2554583Domain d3ujsa1: 3ujs A:1-139 [217433]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ujsa2, d3ujsb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 0v5, mg, trs, xsp
      2. 2554584Domain d3ujsb1: 3ujs B:1-139 [217435]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ujsa2, d3ujsb2
        automated match to d1pdza2
        complexed with 0v5, mg, trs, xsp
    10. Domains for 4za0:
      1. 2554597Domain d4za0a1: 4za0 A:1-140 [316473]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4za0a2, d4za0b2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with mg, pah
      2. 2554598Domain d4za0b1: 4za0 B:1-140 [316518]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4za0a2, d4za0b2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with mg, pah
    11. Domains for 4zcw:
      1. 2554585Domain d4zcwa1: 4zcw A:2-140 [319823]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zcwa2, d4zcwb2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 4ng, mg
      2. 2554586Domain d4zcwb1: 4zcw B:2-140 [319826]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zcwa2, d4zcwb2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 4ng, mg
    12. Domains for 5eu9:
      1. 2554587Domain d5eu9a1: 5eu9 A:2-140 [326389]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eu9a2, d5eu9b2, d5eu9c2, d5eu9c3, d5eu9d2, d5eu9e2, d5eu9f2, d5eu9f3, d5eu9g2, d5eu9h2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 5tx, mg, pge
      2. 2554588Domain d5eu9b1: 5eu9 B:2-140 [326400]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eu9a2, d5eu9b2, d5eu9c2, d5eu9c3, d5eu9d2, d5eu9e2, d5eu9f2, d5eu9f3, d5eu9g2, d5eu9h2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 5tx, mg, pge
      3. 2554589Domain d5eu9c1: 5eu9 C:2-140 [326435]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eu9a2, d5eu9b2, d5eu9c2, d5eu9c3, d5eu9d2, d5eu9e2, d5eu9f2, d5eu9f3, d5eu9g2, d5eu9h2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 5tx, mg, pge
      4. 2554590Domain d5eu9d1: 5eu9 D:2-140 [326455]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eu9a2, d5eu9b2, d5eu9c2, d5eu9c3, d5eu9d2, d5eu9e2, d5eu9f2, d5eu9f3, d5eu9g2, d5eu9h2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 5tx, mg, pge
      5. 2554591Domain d5eu9e1: 5eu9 E:2-140 [326586]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eu9a2, d5eu9b2, d5eu9c2, d5eu9c3, d5eu9d2, d5eu9e2, d5eu9f2, d5eu9f3, d5eu9g2, d5eu9h2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 5tx, mg, pge
      6. 2554592Domain d5eu9f1: 5eu9 F:2-140 [326459]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eu9a2, d5eu9b2, d5eu9c2, d5eu9c3, d5eu9d2, d5eu9e2, d5eu9f2, d5eu9f3, d5eu9g2, d5eu9h2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 5tx, mg, pge
      7. 2554593Domain d5eu9g1: 5eu9 G:2-140 [326522]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eu9a2, d5eu9b2, d5eu9c2, d5eu9c3, d5eu9d2, d5eu9e2, d5eu9f2, d5eu9f3, d5eu9g2, d5eu9h2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 5tx, mg, pge
      8. 2554594Domain d5eu9h1: 5eu9 H:2-140 [326526]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eu9a2, d5eu9b2, d5eu9c2, d5eu9c3, d5eu9d2, d5eu9e2, d5eu9f2, d5eu9f3, d5eu9g2, d5eu9h2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 5tx, mg, pge
    13. Domains for 5idz:
      1. 2554601Domain d5idza1: 5idz A:1-140 [330022]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5idza2, d5idza3, d5idzb2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 6bm, mg, pge
      2. 2554602Domain d5idzb1: 5idz B:1-140 [330031]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5idza2, d5idza3, d5idzb2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 6bm, mg, pge
    14. Domains for 5td9:
      1. 2554599Domain d5td9a1: 5td9 A:1-140 [339609]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5td9a2, d5td9b2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with cl, mg
      2. 2554600Domain d5td9b1: 5td9 B:1-140 [339616]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5td9a2, d5td9b2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with cl, mg
    15. Domains for 5tij:
      1. 2554603Domain d5tija1: 5tij A:2-140 [340358]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5tija2, d5tijb2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 5tx, mg
      2. 2554604Domain d5tijb1: 5tij B:2-140 [340310]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5tija2, d5tijb2
        automated match to d2akza2
        complexed with 5tx, mg
  6. 2554605Methanocaldococcus jannaschii [TaxId:2190] [225342] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2554608Pneumococcus (Streptococcus pneumoniae) [TaxId:1313] [143247] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot Q8DPS0 1-137
  8. 2554611Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:1280] [311488] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5boe:
      1. 2554612Domain d5boea1: 5boe A:1-139 [310300]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5boea2, d5boeb2
        automated match to d1w6ta2
        complexed with gol, mg, pep
      2. 2554613Domain d5boeb1: 5boe B:1-139 [310302]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5boea2, d5boeb2
        automated match to d1w6ta2
        complexed with gol, mg, pep
    2. Domains for 5bof:
      1. 2554614Domain d5bofa1: 5bof A:1-139 [310304]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bofa2, d5bofb2
        automated match to d1w6ta2
        complexed with mg, so4
      2. 2554615Domain d5bofb1: 5bof B:1-139 [310306]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bofa2, d5bofb2
        automated match to d1w6ta2
        complexed with mg, so4
  9. 2554616Trypanosoma brucei brucei [TaxId:5702] [89925] (1 PDB entry)
  10. 2554618Trypanosome (Trypanosoma brucei) [TaxId:5691] [160264] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2ptw:
    2. Domain for 2ptx:
    3. Domain for 2pty:
    4. Domain for 2ptz:
    5. Domain for 2pu0:
    6. Domain for 2pu1:

More info for Protein Enolase from d.54.1.1: Enolase N-terminal domain-like

Timeline for Protein Enolase from d.54.1.1: Enolase N-terminal domain-like: