Lineage for Superfamily a.118.1: ARM repeat

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2725421Fold a.118: alpha-alpha superhelix [48370] (28 superfamilies)
    multihelical; 2 (curved) layers: alpha/alpha; right-handed superhelix
  4. 2725422Superfamily a.118.1: ARM repeat [48371] (28 families) (S)


  1. 2725423a.118.1.1: Armadillo repeat [48372] (7 proteins)
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1ee4 A:288-330 found in domain
  2. 2725584a.118.1.2: HEAT repeat [48385] (3 proteins)
    Pfam PF02985
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1b3u A:295-335 found in domain
  3. 2725619a.118.1.3: Clathrin heavy chain proximal leg segment [48390] (1 protein)
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1b89 A:1443-1475 found in domain
  4. 2725623a.118.1.4: Clathrin heavy-chain linker domain [48393] (1 protein)
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1bpo B:444-471 found in domain
  5. 2725636a.118.1.5: Leucine-rich repeat variant [48396] (1 protein)
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1lrv A:123-147 found in domain
  6. 2725640a.118.1.6: Phoshoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) helical domain [48399] (1 protein)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF00613
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1e8y A:598-635 found in domain
  7. 2725727a.118.1.7: Leukotriene A4 hydrolase C-terminal domain [63608] (1 protein)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF09127
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1gw6 A:513-547 found in domain
  8. 2725793a.118.1.8: Pumilio repeat [63611] (2 proteins)
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1ib2 A:982-1018 found in domain
  9. 2725833a.118.1.9: Regulatory subunit H of the V-type ATPase [63614] (1 protein)
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 3j9t P:257-303 found in domain
  10. 2725838a.118.1.10: Clathrin adaptor core protein [74771] (3 proteins)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF01602
  11. 2725857a.118.1.13: PHAT domain [89129] (1 protein)
    pseudo-HEAT repeat
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF09246

    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1oxj A:672-722 found in domain
  12. 2725861a.118.1.14: MIF4G domain-like [100908] (6 proteins)
    duplication: family members contains 2 or more structurally similar domains of this fold connected by unstructured linkers
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1hu3 A:905-942 found in domain
  13. 2725918a.118.1.15: Mo25 protein [101407] (2 proteins)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF08569
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1upl A:195-240 found in domain
  14. 2725941a.118.1.16: PBS lyase HEAT-like repeat [101410] (2 proteins)
    Pfam PF03130
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1oyz A:122-155 found in domain
  15. 2725948a.118.1.17: BC3264-like [109965] (3 proteins)
    Pfam PF06352; DUF1061
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1t06 A:120-163 found in domain
  16. 2725961a.118.1.19: Exportin HEAT-like repeat [117002] (2 proteins)
    Pfam PF08389, Pfam PF08767; full length proteins have several extra helices at C-terminus
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 3gb8 A:533-577 found in domain
  17. 2725971a.118.1.20: B56-like [140819] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF01603; Protein phosphatase 2A regulatory B subunit family
  18. 2725984a.118.1.21: HspBP1 domain [140822] (1 protein)
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1xqr A:200-242 found in domain
  19. 2725991a.118.1.22: GUN4-associated domain [140825] (2 proteins)
    PfamB PB089177
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1z3x A:34-71 found in domain
  20. 2726002a.118.1.23: Diap1 N-terninal region-like [140830] (2 proteins)
    contains two consequitive Pfam domains in one superhelical segment: Pfam PF06371 and Pfam PF06367
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 2bap A:217-262 found in domain
  21. 2726019a.118.1.24: Plakophilin 1 helical region [140833] (1 protein)
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1xm9 A:298-341 found in domain
  22. 2726023a.118.1.25: RPA1889-like [158764] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF09450; DUF2019; similar to the BC3264-like family
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 2i9c A:56-84 found in domain
  23. 2726027a.118.1.26: ERAP1 C-terminal-like [254170] (3 proteins)
    Pfam PF11838; PubMed 15893768
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 2xdt A:843-881 found in domain
  24. 2726041a.118.1.27: Aminopeptidase N (APN) C-terminal-like [254179] (1 protein)
    PubMed 17876832; C-terminal part of Pfam PF11940
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 4pvb A:690-721 found in domain
  25. 2726053a.118.1.28: Proteasome/cyclosome repeat (PC repeat) [345954] (2 proteins)
    Pfam PF01851
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 4cr2 Z:537-577 found in domain
  26. 2726062a.118.1.29: Pre-mRNA splicing factor Cwf11 N-terminal domain-like [345955] (1 protein)
    N-terminal part of Pfam PF16399; contains ARM repeats and several extra helices
    this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 4pj3 A:242-294 found in domain
  27. 2726068a.118.1.30: FAT domain [418875] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF02260
  28. 2726072a.118.1.0: automated matches [191340] (1 protein)
    not a true family

More info for Superfamily a.118.1: ARM repeat

Timeline for Superfamily a.118.1: ARM repeat: