Lineage for Superfamily a.25.1: Ferritin-like

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.04
  2. 1473060Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (285 folds)
  3. 1484437Fold a.25: Ferritin-like [47239] (6 superfamilies)
    core: 4 helices; bundle, closed, left-handed twist; 1 crossover connection
  4. 1484438Superfamily a.25.1: Ferritin-like [47240] (10 families) (S)
    contains bimetal-ion centre in the middle of the bundle


  1. 1484439a.25.1.1: Ferritin [47241] (10 proteins)
  2. 1485832a.25.1.2: Ribonucleotide reductase-like [47253] (9 proteins)
  3. 1486231a.25.1.3: Manganese catalase (T-catalase) [100951] (2 proteins)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF05067
  4. 1486262a.25.1.4: YciF-like [140445] (3 proteins)
    Pfam PF05974; DUF892
  5. 1486275a.25.1.5: half-ferritin [140450] (1 protein)
    comprise of alpha-hairpin subunits forming the ferritin-like four-helical bundle; assembles further in a homodecamer
  6. 1486288a.25.1.6: PMT1231-like [158402] (2 proteins)
    PfamB PB016165
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF11266
  7. 1486309a.25.1.7: MiaE-like [158405] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF06175; tRNA-(MS[2]IO[6]A)-hydroxylase (MiaE)
  8. 1486314a.25.1.8: AMB4284-like [158408] (1 protein)
    possible rubrerythrin
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF02915
  9. 1486318a.25.1.9: Rv2844-like [158411] (1 protein)
    PfamB PB061364
  10. 1486323a.25.1.0: automated matches [191307] (1 protein)
    not a true family

More info for Superfamily a.25.1: Ferritin-like

Timeline for Superfamily a.25.1: Ferritin-like: