Class i: Low resolution protein structures [58117] (24 folds) |
Fold i.1: Ribosome and ribosomal fragments [58118] (1 superfamily) |
Superfamily i.1.1: Ribosome and ribosomal fragments [58119] (3 families) |
Family i.1.1.1: Ribosome complexes [58120] (1 protein) |
Protein 70S ribosome functional complex [58121] (3 species) |
Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [58123] (39 PDB entries) |
PDB Entry: 1fcw (more details)
SCOP Domain Sequences for d1fcwa_:
Sequence not available.
SCOP Domain Coordinates for d1fcwa_ are not available.
Timeline for d1fcwa_:
View in 3D Domains from other chains: (mouse over for more information) d1fcwb_, d1fcwc_, d1fcwd_, d1fcwe_ |