Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (381 folds) |
Fold d.54: Enolase N-terminal domain-like [54825] (1 superfamily) beta(3)-alpha(3); meander and up-and-down bundle |
Superfamily d.54.1: Enolase N-terminal domain-like [54826] (2 families) |
Family d.54.1.0: automated matches [227195] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [226922] (83 species) not a true protein |
Species Bordetella bronchiseptica [TaxId:518] [256002] (4 PDB entries) |
Domain d3ozma1: 3ozm A:2-132 [248363] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ozma2, d3ozmb2, d3ozmc2, d3ozmd2, d3ozme2, d3ozmf2, d3ozmg2, d3ozmh2 automated match to d3sjna1 complexed with dxl, gol, ly9, mg |
PDB Entry: 3ozm (more details), 1.6 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d3ozma1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d3ozma1 d.54.1.0 (A:2-132) automated matches {Bordetella bronchiseptica [TaxId: 518]} slkitevkahalstpipermrvesgaglklnrqmilvevrtdegvtgvgspsgpydlavl kraiedvigpqligedpaninylwhkvfhgevsrnlghrsvgiaamsgvdialwdlkgra mnqpiyqllgg
Timeline for d3ozma1: