Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.05
  2. 1886641Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (381 folds)
  3. 1887016Fold d.2: Lysozyme-like [53954] (1 superfamily)
    common alpha+beta motif for the active site region
  4. 1887017Superfamily d.2.1: Lysozyme-like [53955] (12 families) (S)
  5. 1888793Family d.2.1.5: G-type lysozyme [53987] (2 proteins)
  6. 1888801Protein automated matches [191098] (3 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 1888802Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) [TaxId:8049] [189087] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3gxk:
      1. 1888807Domain d3gxka_: 3gxk A: [177070]
        automated match to d153la_
        complexed with co
      2. 1888808Domain d3gxkb_: 3gxk B: [177071]
        automated match to d153la_
        complexed with co
      3. 1888809Domain d3gxkc_: 3gxk C: [177072]
        automated match to d153la_
        complexed with co
      4. 1888810Domain d3gxkd_: 3gxk D: [177073]
        automated match to d153la_
        complexed with co
    2. Domains for 3gxr:
      1. 1888803Domain d3gxra_: 3gxr A: [177075]
        automated match to d153la_
      2. 1888804Domain d3gxrb_: 3gxr B: [177076]
        automated match to d153la_
      3. 1888805Domain d3gxrc_: 3gxr C: [177077]
        automated match to d153la_
      4. 1888806Domain d3gxrd_: 3gxr D: [177078]
        automated match to d153la_
  2. 1888811Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) [TaxId:8030] [189321] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3mgw:
    2. Domain for 4g9s:
  3. 1888814Struthio camelus [TaxId:8801] [260476] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from d.2.1.5: G-type lysozyme

Timeline for Protein automated matches from d.2.1.5: G-type lysozyme: