Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2805786Fold b.61: Streptavidin-like [50875] (8 superfamilies)
    barrel, closed; n=8, S=10; meander
  4. 2805787Superfamily b.61.1: Avidin/streptavidin [50876] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2806418Family b.61.1.0: automated matches [191402] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2806419Protein automated matches [190537] (10 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2806420Afifella pfennigii [TaxId:209897] [360243] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 6hds:
      1. 2806425Domain d6hdsa_: 6hds A: [360271]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
      2. 2806426Domain d6hdsb_: 6hds B: [360296]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
      3. 2806427Domain d6hdsc_: 6hds C: [360245]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
      4. 2806428Domain d6hdsd_: 6hds D: [360254]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
    2. Domains for 6hdt:
      1. 2806421Domain d6hdta_: 6hdt A: [360325]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
        complexed with btn
      2. 2806422Domain d6hdtb_: 6hdt B: [360285]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
        complexed with btn
      3. 2806423Domain d6hdtc_: 6hdt C: [360326]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
        complexed with btn
      4. 2806424Domain d6hdtd_: 6hdt D: [360262]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
        complexed with btn
    3. Domains for 6hdv:
      1. 2806429Domain d6hdva_: 6hdv A: [360278]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
      2. 2806430Domain d6hdvb_: 6hdv B: [360288]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
      3. 2806431Domain d6hdvc_: 6hdv C: [360259]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
      4. 2806432Domain d6hdvd_: 6hdv D: [360244]
        automated match to d4jnjd_
  2. 2806433Bradyrhizobium japonicum [TaxId:224911] [234468] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4ggr:
    2. Domains for 4ggt:
      1. 2806438Domain d4ggta_: 4ggt A: [234470]
        automated match to d4jnja_
      2. 2806439Domain d4ggtb_: 4ggt B: [234472]
        automated match to d4jnja_
    3. Domains for 4ggz:
      1. 2806434Domain d4ggza_: 4ggz A: [234471]
        automated match to d4jnja_
        complexed with btn
      2. 2806435Domain d4ggzb_: 4ggz B: [234473]
        automated match to d4jnja_
        complexed with btn
      3. 2806436Domain d4ggzc_: 4ggz C: [234474]
        automated match to d4jnja_
        complexed with btn
      4. 2806437Domain d4ggzd_: 4ggz D: [234475]
        automated match to d4jnja_
        complexed with btn
  3. 2806441Bradyrhizobium japonicum [TaxId:375] [228284] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2y32:
      1. 2806446Domain d2y32a_: 2y32 A: [231591]
        automated match to d4bbod_
      2. 2806447Domain d2y32b_: 2y32 B: [231592]
        automated match to d4bbod_
      3. 2806448Domain d2y32c_: 2y32 C: [231593]
        automated match to d4bbod_
      4. 2806449Domain d2y32d_: 2y32 D: [231594]
        automated match to d4bbod_
    2. Domains for 4bbo:
      1. 2806442Domain d4bboa_: 4bbo A: [234145]
        automated match to d4bbod_
        complexed with act, btn, gol
      2. 2806443Domain d4bbob_: 4bbo B: [234146]
        automated match to d4bbod_
        complexed with act, btn, gol
      3. 2806444Domain d4bboc_: 4bbo C: [234147]
        automated match to d4bbod_
        complexed with act, btn, gol
      4. 2806445Domain d4bbod_: 4bbo D: [228285]
        automated match to d3szha_
        complexed with act, btn, gol
  4. 2806450Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] [187505] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2c1q:
    2. Domains for 2c1s:
      1. 2806451Domain d2c1sa_: 2c1s A: [163229]
        automated match to d1avdb_
        complexed with bso
      2. 2806452Domain d2c1sb_: 2c1s B: [163230]
        automated match to d1avdb_
        complexed with bso
  5. 2806454Hoeflea phototrophica [TaxId:411684] [275106] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4z27:
      1. 2806456Domain d4z27a_: 4z27 A: [275760]
        automated match to d3t2xa_
      2. 2806457Domain d4z27b_: 4z27 B: [275761]
        automated match to d3t2xa_
    2. Domains for 4z28:
      1. 2806462Domain d4z28a_: 4z28 A: [275110]
        automated match to d3t2xa_
        complexed with btb, btn
      2. 2806463Domain d4z28b_: 4z28 B: [275112]
        automated match to d3t2xa_
        complexed with btb, btn
    3. Domain for 4z2o:
    4. Domains for 4z2p:
      1. 2806460Domain d4z2pa_: 4z2p A: [275111]
        automated match to d3t2xa_
      2. 2806461Domain d4z2pb_: 4z2p B: [275113]
        automated match to d3t2xa_
    5. Domains for 4z2v:
      1. 2806458Domain d4z2va_: 4z2v A: [275108]
        automated match to d3t2xa_
      2. 2806459Domain d4z2vb_: 4z2v B: [275109]
        automated match to d3t2xa_
    6. Domains for 4z6j:
      1. 2806466Domain d4z6ja_: 4z6j A: [275114]
        automated match to d3szil_
      2. 2806467Domain d4z6jb_: 4z6j B: [275115]
        automated match to d3szil_
    7. Domains for 6rtq:
      1. 2806464Domain d6rtqa_: 6rtq A: [373047]
        automated match to d4z6ja_
      2. 2806465Domain d6rtqb_: 6rtq B: [373034]
        automated match to d4z6ja_
  6. 2806468Pleurotus cornucopiae [TaxId:5321] [188786] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2806471Shewanella denitrificans [TaxId:318161] [195517] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3szh:
      1. 2806472Domain d3szha_: 3szh A: [216615]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szhc2
        automated match to d3szig_
      2. 2806473Domain d3szhb_: 3szh B: [216616]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szhc2
        automated match to d3szig_
      3. 2806474Domain d3szhc1: 3szh C:3-120 [216617]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szhc2
        automated match to d3szig_
      4. 2806475Domain d3szhd_: 3szh D: [216618]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szhc2
        automated match to d3szig_
      5. 2806476Domain d3szhe_: 3szh E: [216619]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szhc2
        automated match to d3szig_
      6. 2806477Domain d3szhf_: 3szh F: [216620]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szhc2
        automated match to d3szig_
    2. Domains for 3szi:
      1. 2806482Domain d3szia_: 3szi A: [195525]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d1kl4b_
        complexed with fmt
      2. 2806483Domain d3szib_: 3szi B: [195523]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d1kl4b_
        complexed with fmt
      3. 2806484Domain d3szic_: 3szi C: [195524]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d1kl4b_
        complexed with fmt
      4. 2806485Domain d3szid1: 3szi D:3-121 [200735]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d3szig_
        complexed with fmt
      5. 2806486Domain d3szie_: 3szi E: [200736]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d3szig_
        complexed with fmt
      6. 2806487Domain d3szif_: 3szi F: [200737]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d3szia_
        complexed with fmt
      7. 2806488Domain d3szig1: 3szi G:3-120 [195526]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d1kl4b_
        complexed with fmt
      8. 2806489Domain d3szih_: 3szi H: [195519]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d1kl4b_
        complexed with fmt
      9. 2806490Domain d3szii_: 3szi I: [195522]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d1kl4b_
        complexed with fmt
      10. 2806491Domain d3szij1: 3szi J:3-120 [195518]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d1kl4b_
        complexed with fmt
      11. 2806492Domain d3szik_: 3szi K: [195520]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d1kl4b_
        complexed with fmt
      12. 2806493Domain d3szil_: 3szi L: [200738]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szid2, d3szig2, d3szij2
        automated match to d3szig_
        complexed with fmt
    3. Domains for 3szj:
      1. 2806494Domain d3szja1: 3szj A:3-121 [216621]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szja2, d3szjb2
        automated match to d3szig_
        complexed with acy, btn, co3, gol
      2. 2806495Domain d3szjb1: 3szj B:3-120 [216622]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3szja2, d3szjb2
        automated match to d3szig_
        complexed with acy, btn, co3, gol
    4. Domain for 3t2w:
    5. Domains for 3t2x:
      1. 2806478Domain d3t2xa_: 3t2x A: [195605]
        automated match to d1kl4b_
      2. 2806479Domain d3t2xb_: 3t2x B: [195603]
        automated match to d1kl4b_
      3. 2806480Domain d3t2xc_: 3t2x C: [195602]
        automated match to d1kl4b_
      4. 2806481Domain d3t2xd_: 3t2x D: [195606]
        automated match to d1kl4b_
  8. 2806497Streptomyces avidinii [TaxId:1895] [397827] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 2806510Western clawed frog (Xenopus tropicalis) [TaxId:8364] [188454] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2uyw:
      1. 2806511Domain d2uywa_: 2uyw A: [168249]
        automated match to d1rava_
        complexed with btn, fmt
      2. 2806512Domain d2uywd_: 2uyw D: [168250]
        automated match to d1rava_
        complexed with btn, fmt
    2. Domains for 2uz2:
      1. 2806513Domain d2uz2a_: 2uz2 A: [168252]
        automated match to d1rava_
        complexed with act, btn
      2. 2806514Domain d2uz2d_: 2uz2 D: [168253]
        automated match to d1rava_
        complexed with act, btn
  10. 2806515Zebrafish (Danio rerio) [TaxId:7955] [229041] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from b.61.1.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.61.1.0: automated matches: