Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.04
  2. 1510239Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (176 folds)
  3. 1540029Fold b.40: OB-fold [50198] (16 superfamilies)
    barrel, closed or partly opened n=5, S=10 or S=8; greek-key
  4. 1541119Superfamily b.40.4: Nucleic acid-binding proteins [50249] (17 families) (S)
  5. 1541191Family b.40.4.3: Single strand DNA-binding domain, SSB [50263] (13 proteins)
    barrel, closed; n=5, S=10
  6. 1541383Protein automated matches [190206] (8 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 1541384Escherichia coli K-12 [TaxId:83333] [187026] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1woc:
      1. 1541385Domain d1woca_: 1woc A: [161967]
        automated match to d1v1qa_
      2. 1541386Domain d1wocb_: 1woc B: [161968]
        automated match to d1v1qa_
      3. 1541387Domain d1wocc_: 1woc C: [161969]
        automated match to d1v1qa_
      4. 1541388Domain d1wocd_: 1woc D: [161970]
        automated match to d1v1qa_
    2. Domains for 2ccz:
      1. 1541391Domain d2ccza_: 2ccz A: [130260]
        automated match to d1v1qa_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 1541392Domain d2cczb_: 2ccz B: [130261]
        automated match to d1v1qa_
        protein/DNA complex
    3. Domains for 2pnh:
      1. 1541389Domain d2pnha_: 2pnh A: [167222]
        automated match to d1v1qa_
      2. 1541390Domain d2pnhb_: 2pnh B: [167223]
        automated match to d1v1qa_
  2. 1541393Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [186959] (20 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2b29:
    2. Domain for 2b3g:
    3. Domains for 2dud:
      1. 1541421Domain d2duda_: 2dud A: [131749]
        automated match to d1s3ob_
      2. 1541422Domain d2dudb_: 2dud B: [131750]
        automated match to d1s3ob_
    4. Domains for 2pi2:
      1. 1541413Domain d2pi2e_: 2pi2 E: [149497]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pi2a_, d2pi2b_, d2pi2c_, d2pi2d_
        automated match to d3kdfc_
        complexed with dio
      2. 1541414Domain d2pi2f_: 2pi2 F: [149498]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pi2a_, d2pi2b_, d2pi2c_, d2pi2d_
        automated match to d3kdfc_
        complexed with dio
      3. 1541415Domain d2pi2g_: 2pi2 G: [149499]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pi2a_, d2pi2b_, d2pi2c_, d2pi2d_
        automated match to d3kdfc_
        complexed with dio
      4. 1541416Domain d2pi2h_: 2pi2 H: [149500]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pi2a_, d2pi2b_, d2pi2c_, d2pi2d_
        automated match to d3kdfc_
        complexed with dio
    5. Domains for 2pqa:
      1. 1541417Domain d2pqab_: 2pqa B: [149789]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pqaa_, d2pqac_
        automated match to d3kdfc_
      2. 1541418Domain d2pqad_: 2pqa D: [149791]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pqaa_, d2pqac_
        automated match to d3kdfc_
    6. Domains for 2z6k:
      1. 1541419Domain d2z6kc_: 2z6k C: [154178]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2z6ka_, d2z6kb_
        automated match to d3kdfc_
      2. 1541420Domain d2z6kd_: 2z6k D: [154179]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2z6ka_, d2z6kb_
        automated match to d3kdfc_
    7. Domains for 3kdf:
      1. 1541408Domain d3kdfa_: 3kdf A: [179290]
        automated match to d1l1oa_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with edo
      2. 1541409Domain d3kdfb_: 3kdf B: [179291]
        automated match to d1l1ob_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with edo
      3. 1541410Domain d3kdfc_: 3kdf C: [179292]
        automated match to d1l1oa_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with edo
      4. 1541411Domain d3kdfd_: 3kdf D: [179293]
        automated match to d1l1ob_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with edo
    8. Domain for 4ijh:
    9. Domain for 4ijl:
    10. Domain for 4ipc:
    11. Domain for 4ipd:
    12. Domain for 4ipg:
    13. Domain for 4iph:
    14. Domain for 4luo:
    15. Domain for 4luv:
    16. Domain for 4luz:
    17. Domain for 4lw1:
    18. Domain for 4lwc:
    19. Domain for 4o0a:
    20. Domain for 4r4o:
  3. 1541423Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:573] [226356] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 1541425Mycobacterium leprae [TaxId:272631] [255745] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3afp:
      1. 1541426Domain d3afpa_: 3afp A: [245134]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
        complexed with cd, gol
      2. 1541427Domain d3afpb_: 3afp B: [245135]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
        complexed with cd, gol
    2. Domains for 3afq:
      1. 1541428Domain d3afqa_: 3afq A: [245136]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
      2. 1541429Domain d3afqb_: 3afq B: [245137]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
      3. 1541430Domain d3afqc_: 3afq C: [245138]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
      4. 1541431Domain d3afqd_: 3afq D: [245139]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
  5. 1541432Mycobacterium smegmatis [TaxId:1772] [254961] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1x3e:
      1. 1541433Domain d1x3ea_: 1x3e A: [240945]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
        complexed with cd
      2. 1541434Domain d1x3eb_: 1x3e B: [240946]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
        complexed with cd
    2. Domains for 1x3f:
      1. 1541435Domain d1x3fa_: 1x3f A: [240947]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
        complexed with cd
      2. 1541436Domain d1x3fb_: 1x3f B: [240948]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
        complexed with cd
    3. Domains for 1x3g:
      1. 1541437Domain d1x3ga_: 1x3g A: [240949]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
        complexed with cd
      2. 1541438Domain d1x3gb_: 1x3g B: [240950]
        automated match to d1ue1b_
        complexed with cd
  6. 1541439Mycobacterium smegmatis [TaxId:246196] [189407] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 1541442Streptomyces coelicolor [TaxId:1902] [255819] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 1541447Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:273057] [261789] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from b.40.4.3: Single strand DNA-binding domain, SSB

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.40.4.3: Single strand DNA-binding domain, SSB: