Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2826025Fold c.1: TIM beta/alpha-barrel [51350] (34 superfamilies)
    contains parallel beta-sheet barrel, closed; n=8, S=8; strand order 12345678
    the first seven superfamilies have similar phosphate-binding sites
  4. 2826663Superfamily c.1.2: Ribulose-phoshate binding barrel [51366] (7 families) (S)
  5. 2826771Family c.1.2.3: Decarboxylase [51375] (4 proteins)
  6. 2826917Protein automated matches [190130] (11 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2826918Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [188935] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3gdk:
      1. 2826931Domain d3gdka_: 3gdk A: [176536]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
      2. 2826932Domain d3gdkb_: 3gdk B: [176537]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
      3. 2826933Domain d3gdkc_: 3gdk C: [176538]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
      4. 2826934Domain d3gdkd_: 3gdk D: [176539]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
    2. Domains for 3gdl:
      1. 2826921Domain d3gdla_: 3gdl A: [176540]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
        complexed with up6
      2. 2826922Domain d3gdlb_: 3gdl B: [176541]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
        complexed with up6
    3. Domains for 3gdm:
      1. 2826919Domain d3gdma_: 3gdm A: [176542]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
      2. 2826920Domain d3gdmb_: 3gdm B: [176543]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
    4. Domains for 3gdr:
      1. 2826927Domain d3gdra_: 3gdr A: [176544]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
      2. 2826928Domain d3gdrb_: 3gdr B: [176545]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
      3. 2826929Domain d3gdrc_: 3gdr C: [176546]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
      4. 2826930Domain d3gdrd_: 3gdr D: [176547]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
    5. Domains for 3gdt:
      1. 2826923Domain d3gdta_: 3gdt A: [176548]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
        complexed with up6; mutant
      2. 2826924Domain d3gdtb_: 3gdt B: [176549]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
        complexed with up6; mutant
      3. 2826925Domain d3gdtc_: 3gdt C: [176550]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
        complexed with up6; mutant
      4. 2826926Domain d3gdtd_: 3gdt D: [176551]
        automated match to d1dqwa_
        complexed with up6; mutant
  2. 2826935Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [186853] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2826937Geobacillus kaustophilus [TaxId:235909] [188260] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2yyt:
      1. 2826940Domain d2yyta_: 2yyt A: [170931]
        automated match to d1dbta_
      2. 2826941Domain d2yytb_: 2yyt B: [170932]
        automated match to d1dbta_
      3. 2826942Domain d2yytc_: 2yyt C: [170933]
        automated match to d1dbta_
      4. 2826943Domain d2yytd_: 2yyt D: [170934]
        automated match to d1dbta_
    2. Domains for 2yyu:
      1. 2826938Domain d2yyua_: 2yyu A: [170935]
        automated match to d1dbta_
        complexed with c5p
      2. 2826939Domain d2yyub_: 2yyu B: [170936]
        automated match to d1dbta_
        complexed with c5p
  4. 2826944Malaria parasite (Plasmodium falciparum) [TaxId:5833] [187245] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2za1:
      1. 2826951Domain d2za1a_: 2za1 A: [154264]
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with omp
      2. 2826952Domain d2za1b_: 2za1 B: [154265]
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with omp
    2. Domains for 2za2:
      1. 2826949Domain d2za2a_: 2za2 A: [154266]
        automated match to d2f84a1
      2. 2826950Domain d2za2b_: 2za2 B: [154267]
        automated match to d2f84a1
    3. Domains for 2za3:
      1. 2826947Domain d2za3a_: 2za3 A: [154268]
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with u5p
      2. 2826948Domain d2za3b_: 2za3 B: [154269]
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with u5p
    4. Domains for 2zcg:
      1. 2826945Domain d2zcga_: 2zcg A: [154341]
        automated match to d2f84a1
      2. 2826946Domain d2zcgb_: 2zcg B: [154342]
        automated match to d2f84a1
  5. 2826953Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum [TaxId:187420] [189749] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3pbu:
      1. 2826962Domain d3pbua_: 3pbu A: [183636]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6; mutant
      2. 2826963Domain d3pbub_: 3pbu B: [192799]
        automated match to d2czea_
        complexed with up6; mutant
    2. Domains for 3pbv:
      1. 2826954Domain d3pbva_: 3pbv A: [183637]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol, up6; mutant
      2. 2826955Domain d3pbvb_: 3pbv B: [192800]
        automated match to d2czea_
        complexed with gol, up6; mutant
    3. Domains for 3pbw:
      1. 2826958Domain d3pbwa_: 3pbw A: [183638]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6; mutant
      2. 2826959Domain d3pbwb_: 3pbw B: [183639]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6; mutant
    4. Domains for 3pby:
      1. 2826956Domain d3pbya_: 3pby A: [183640]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol, up6; mutant
      2. 2826957Domain d3pbyb_: 3pby B: [183641]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol, up6; mutant
    5. Domains for 3pc0:
      1. 2826960Domain d3pc0a_: 3pc0 A: [183643]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol, up6; mutant
      2. 2826961Domain d3pc0b_: 3pc0 B: [183644]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol, up6; mutant
  6. 2826964Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus [TaxId:145262] [189782] (26 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1x1z:
      1. 2826977Domain d1x1za_: 1x1z A: [121613]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with bmp, gol
      2. 2826978Domain d1x1zb_: 1x1z B: [121614]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with bmp, gol
    2. Domains for 2e6y:
      1. 2826994Domain d2e6ya_: 2e6y A: [132046]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with gol, u5p
      2. 2826995Domain d2e6yb_: 2e6y B: [132047]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with gol, u5p
    3. Domains for 2zz1:
      1. 2826990Domain d2zz1a_: 2zz1 A: [208023]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6cn, bmp, gol
      2. 2826991Domain d2zz1b_: 2zz1 B: [208024]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6cn, bmp, gol
    4. Domains for 2zz2:
      1. 2826987Domain d2zz2a_: 2zz2 A: [208025]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6cn, gol; mutant
      2. 2826988Domain d2zz2b_: 2zz2 B: [208026]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6cn, gol; mutant
    5. Domains for 2zz3:
      1. 2827001Domain d2zz3a_: 2zz3 A: [208027]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6cn, gol; mutant
      2. 2827002Domain d2zz3b_: 2zz3 B: [208028]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6cn, gol; mutant
    6. Domains for 2zz4:
      1. 2826999Domain d2zz4a_: 2zz4 A: [208029]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6cn, gol; mutant
      2. 2827000Domain d2zz4b_: 2zz4 B: [208030]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6cn, gol; mutant
    7. Domains for 2zz5:
      1. 2826992Domain d2zz5a_: 2zz5 A: [208031]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6cn; mutant
      2. 2826993Domain d2zz5b_: 2zz5 B: [208032]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6cn; mutant
    8. Domains for 2zz6:
      1. 2826997Domain d2zz6a_: 2zz6 A: [208033]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6az, gol
      2. 2826998Domain d2zz6b_: 2zz6 B: [208034]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with 6az, gol
    9. Domain for 2zz7:
    10. Domains for 3nq6:
      1. 2826983Domain d3nq6a_: 3nq6 A: [182468]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol, up6; mutant
      2. 2826984Domain d3nq6b_: 3nq6 B: [182469]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol, up6; mutant
    11. Domains for 3nq7:
      1. 2826981Domain d3nq7a_: 3nq7 A: [182470]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2826982Domain d3nq7b_: 3nq7 B: [182471]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    12. Domains for 3nqa:
      1. 2826970Domain d3nqaa_: 3nqa A: [182473]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2826971Domain d3nqab_: 3nqa B: [182474]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    13. Domains for 3nqc:
      1. 2826985Domain d3nqca_: 3nqc A: [182475]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2826986Domain d3nqcb_: 3nqc B: [182476]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    14. Domains for 3nqd:
      1. 2826973Domain d3nqda_: 3nqd A: [182477]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2826974Domain d3nqdb_: 3nqd B: [182478]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    15. Domains for 3nqe:
      1. 2826979Domain d3nqea_: 3nqe A: [182479]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2826980Domain d3nqeb_: 3nqe B: [182480]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    16. Domains for 3nqf:
      1. 2826965Domain d3nqfa_: 3nqf A: [182481]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2826966Domain d3nqfb_: 3nqf B: [182482]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    17. Domains for 3nqg:
      1. 2826975Domain d3nqga_: 3nqg A: [182483]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2826976Domain d3nqgb_: 3nqg B: [182484]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    18. Domains for 3nqm:
      1. 2826967Domain d3nqma_: 3nqm A: [182486]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2826968Domain d3nqmb_: 3nqm B: [182487]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    19. Domain for 3wjw:
    20. Domain for 3wjx:
    21. Domain for 3wjy:
    22. Domain for 3wjz:
    23. Domain for 3wk0:
    24. Domain for 3wk1:
    25. Domain for 3wk2:
    26. Domain for 3wk3:
  7. 2827008Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus [TaxId:187420] [188934] (67 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3g18:
      1. 2827119Domain d3g18a_: 3g18 A: [176243]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
      2. 2827120Domain d3g18b_: 3g18 B: [176244]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
    2. Domains for 3g1a:
      1. 2827098Domain d3g1aa_: 3g1a A: [176246]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6
      2. 2827099Domain d3g1ab_: 3g1a B: [176247]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6
    3. Domains for 3g1d:
      1. 2827111Domain d3g1da_: 3g1d A: [176250]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with u
      2. 2827112Domain d3g1db_: 3g1d B: [176251]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with u
    4. Domains for 3g1f:
      1. 2827160Domain d3g1fa_: 3g1f A: [176252]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      2. 2827161Domain d3g1fb_: 3g1f B: [176253]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      3. 2827162Domain d3g1fc_: 3g1f C: [176254]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      4. 2827163Domain d3g1fd_: 3g1f D: [176255]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      5. 2827164Domain d3g1fe_: 3g1f E: [176256]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      6. 2827165Domain d3g1ff_: 3g1f F: [176257]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      7. 2827166Domain d3g1fg_: 3g1f G: [176258]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      8. 2827167Domain d3g1fh_: 3g1f H: [176259]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      9. 2827168Domain d3g1fi_: 3g1f I: [176260]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      10. 2827169Domain d3g1fj_: 3g1f J: [176261]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      11. 2827170Domain d3g1fk_: 3g1f K: [176262]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      12. 2827171Domain d3g1fl_: 3g1f L: [176263]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
      13. 2827172Domain d3g1fm_: 3g1f M: [176264]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 2om
    5. Domains for 3g1h:
      1. 2827134Domain d3g1ha_: 3g1h A: [176265]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      2. 2827135Domain d3g1hb_: 3g1h B: [176266]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      3. 2827136Domain d3g1hc_: 3g1h C: [176267]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      4. 2827137Domain d3g1hd_: 3g1h D: [176268]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      5. 2827138Domain d3g1he_: 3g1h E: [176269]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      6. 2827139Domain d3g1hf_: 3g1h F: [176270]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      7. 2827140Domain d3g1hg_: 3g1h G: [176271]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      8. 2827141Domain d3g1hh_: 3g1h H: [176272]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      9. 2827142Domain d3g1hi_: 3g1h I: [176273]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      10. 2827143Domain d3g1hj_: 3g1h J: [176274]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      11. 2827144Domain d3g1hk_: 3g1h K: [176275]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      12. 2827145Domain d3g1hl_: 3g1h L: [176276]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
      13. 2827146Domain d3g1hm_: 3g1h M: [176277]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with h2u
    6. Domains for 3g1s:
      1. 2827082Domain d3g1sa_: 3g1s A: [176278]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
      2. 2827083Domain d3g1sb_: 3g1s B: [176279]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
    7. Domains for 3g1v:
      1. 2827028Domain d3g1va_: 3g1v A: [176280]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 5fu, cl; mutant
      2. 2827029Domain d3g1vb_: 3g1v B: [176281]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with 5fu, cl; mutant
    8. Domains for 3g1x:
      1. 2827102Domain d3g1xa_: 3g1x A: [176282]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with cl, u; mutant
      2. 2827103Domain d3g1xb_: 3g1x B: [176283]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with cl, u; mutant
    9. Domains for 3g1y:
      1. 2827092Domain d3g1ya_: 3g1y A: [176284]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      2. 2827093Domain d3g1yb_: 3g1y B: [176285]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with so4; mutant
    10. Domains for 3g22:
      1. 2827094Domain d3g22a_: 3g22 A: [176288]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with u; mutant
      2. 2827095Domain d3g22b_: 3g22 B: [176289]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with u; mutant
    11. Domains for 3g24:
      1. 2827090Domain d3g24a_: 3g24 A: [176290]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6; mutant
      2. 2827091Domain d3g24b_: 3g24 B: [176291]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6; mutant
    12. Domains for 3lht:
      1. 2827057Domain d3lhta_: 3lht A: [180290]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
      2. 2827058Domain d3lhtb_: 3lht B: [180291]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
    13. Domains for 3lhu:
      1. 2827113Domain d3lhua_: 3lhu A: [180292]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
      2. 2827114Domain d3lhub_: 3lhu B: [180293]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
    14. Domains for 3lhv:
      1. 2827070Domain d3lhva_: 3lhv A: [180294]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
      2. 2827071Domain d3lhvb_: 3lhv B: [180295]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
      3. 2827072Domain d3lhvc_: 3lhv C: [180296]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
      4. 2827073Domain d3lhvd_: 3lhv D: [180297]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
    15. Domains for 3lhw:
      1. 2827037Domain d3lhwa_: 3lhw A: [180298]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
      2. 2827038Domain d3lhwb_: 3lhw B: [180299]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
    16. Domains for 3lhy:
      1. 2827084Domain d3lhya_: 3lhy A: [180300]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
      2. 2827085Domain d3lhyb_: 3lhy B: [180301]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
    17. Domains for 3lhz:
      1. 2827061Domain d3lhza_: 3lhz A: [180302]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
      2. 2827062Domain d3lhzb_: 3lhz B: [180303]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
    18. Domains for 3li0:
      1. 2827106Domain d3li0a_: 3li0 A: [180304]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
      2. 2827107Domain d3li0b_: 3li0 B: [180305]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
    19. Domains for 3li1:
      1. 2827039Domain d3li1a_: 3li1 A: [180306]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
      2. 2827040Domain d3li1b_: 3li1 B: [180307]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmq; mutant
    20. Domains for 3lld:
      1. 2827074Domain d3llda_: 3lld A: [180368]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6; mutant
      2. 2827075Domain d3lldb_: 3lld B: [180369]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6; mutant
    21. Domains for 3llf:
      1. 2827047Domain d3llfa_: 3llf A: [180372]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6; mutant
      2. 2827048Domain d3llfb_: 3llf B: [180373]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with up6; mutant
    22. Domains for 3ltp:
      1. 2827053Domain d3ltpa_: 3ltp A: [180559]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp
      2. 2827054Domain d3ltpb_: 3ltp B: [180560]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp
    23. Domains for 3lts:
      1. 2827108Domain d3ltsa_: 3lts A: [180562]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827109Domain d3ltsb_: 3lts B: [180563]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    24. Domains for 3lty:
      1. 2827100Domain d3ltya_: 3lty A: [180571]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827101Domain d3ltyb_: 3lty B: [180572]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    25. Domains for 3lv5:
      1. 2827051Domain d3lv5a_: 3lv5 A: [180581]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827052Domain d3lv5b_: 3lv5 B: [180582]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    26. Domains for 3lv6:
      1. 2827055Domain d3lv6a_: 3lv6 A: [180583]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827056Domain d3lv6b_: 3lv6 B: [180584]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    27. Domains for 3m1z:
      1. 2827121Domain d3m1za_: 3m1z A: [180729]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827122Domain d3m1zb_: 3m1z B: [192760]
        automated match to d2czea_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    28. Domains for 3m41:
      1. 2827078Domain d3m41a_: 3m41 A: [180812]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      2. 2827079Domain d3m41b_: 3m41 B: [180813]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol; mutant
    29. Domains for 3m43:
      1. 2827035Domain d3m43a_: 3m43 A: [180814]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      2. 2827036Domain d3m43b_: 3m43 B: [180815]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol; mutant
    30. Domains for 3m44:
      1. 2827080Domain d3m44a_: 3m44 A: [180816]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      2. 2827081Domain d3m44b_: 3m44 B: [180817]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol; mutant
    31. Domains for 3m47:
      1. 2827018Domain d3m47a_: 3m47 A: [180818]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol; mutant
      2. 2827019Domain d3m47b_: 3m47 B: [180819]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with gol; mutant
    32. Domains for 3m5x:
      1. 2827086Domain d3m5xa_: 3m5x A: [180886]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
      2. 2827087Domain d3m5xb_: 3m5x B: [180887]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
    33. Domains for 3m5y:
      1. 2827104Domain d3m5ya_: 3m5y A: [180888]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with fmt, gol; mutant
      2. 2827105Domain d3m5yb_: 3m5y B: [180889]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with fmt, gol; mutant
    34. Domains for 3m5z:
      1. 2827043Domain d3m5za_: 3m5z A: [180890]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      2. 2827044Domain d3m5zb_: 3m5z B: [180891]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with so4; mutant
    35. Domains for 3p5y:
      1. 2827130Domain d3p5ya_: 3p5y A: [197422]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2827131Domain d3p5yb_: 3p5y B: [196161]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    36. Domains for 3p5z:
      1. 2827014Domain d3p5za_: 3p5z A: [197424]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol, pol; mutant
      2. 2827015Domain d3p5zb_: 3p5z B: [196160]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol, pol; mutant
    37. Domains for 3p60:
      1. 2827045Domain d3p60a_: 3p60 A: [197425]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827046Domain d3p60b_: 3p60 B: [196158]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    38. Domains for 3p61:
      1. 2827065Domain d3p61a_: 3p61 A: [197423]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827066Domain d3p61b_: 3p61 B: [196159]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    39. Domains for 3qez:
      1. 2827088Domain d3qeza_: 3qez A: [184363]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2827089Domain d3qezb_: 3qez B: [184364]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    40. Domains for 3qf0:
      1. 2827026Domain d3qf0a_: 3qf0 A: [184365]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2827027Domain d3qf0b_: 3qf0 B: [184366]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    41. Domains for 3qmr:
      1. 2827049Domain d3qmra_: 3qmr A: [197428]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827050Domain d3qmrb_: 3qmr B: [196061]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    42. Domains for 3qms:
      1. 2827020Domain d3qmsa_: 3qms A: [197431]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2827021Domain d3qmsb_: 3qms B: [196060]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    43. Domains for 3qmt:
      1. 2827022Domain d3qmta_: 3qmt A: [197429]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2827023Domain d3qmtb_: 3qmt B: [196062]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    44. Domains for 3rlu:
      1. 2827059Domain d3rlua_: 3rlu A: [197435]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2827060Domain d3rlub_: 3rlu B: [195536]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    45. Domains for 3rlv:
      1. 2827041Domain d3rlva_: 3rlv A: [195535]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2827042Domain d3rlvb_: 3rlv B: [195534]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    46. Domain for 3sec:
    47. Domain for 3sgu:
    48. Domains for 3siz:
      1. 2827024Domain d3siza_: 3siz A: [185420]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2827025Domain d3sizb_: 3siz B: [185421]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    49. Domains for 3sj3:
      1. 2827010Domain d3sj3a_: 3sj3 A: [185422]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827011Domain d3sj3b_: 3sj3 B: [185423]
        automated match to d1dv7a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    50. Domain for 3ssj:
    51. Domain for 3sw6:
    52. Domains for 3sy5:
      1. 2827033Domain d3sy5a_: 3sy5 A: [200734]
        automated match to d3siza_
        complexed with up6; mutant
      2. 2827034Domain d3sy5b_: 3sy5 B: [196154]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with up6; mutant
    53. Domains for 3thq:
      1. 2827076Domain d3thqa_: 3thq A: [216825]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with epe, nup
      2. 2827077Domain d3thqb_: 3thq B: [216826]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with epe, nup
    54. Domains for 3v1p:
      1. 2827030Domain d3v1pa_: 3v1p A: [194279]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, so4; mutant
      2. 2827031Domain d3v1pb_: 3v1p B: [194280]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, so4; mutant
    55. Domain for 3w07:
    56. Domains for 4fx6:
      1. 2827067Domain d4fx6m_: 4fx6 M: [202142]
        automated match to d4fx6n_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
      2. 2827068Domain d4fx6n_: 4fx6 N: [193057]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, gol; mutant
    57. Domains for 4fx8:
      1. 2827125Domain d4fx8a_: 4fx8 A: [202143]
        automated match to d4fx8b_
        complexed with bmp, so4; mutant
      2. 2827126Domain d4fx8b_: 4fx8 B: [197383]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp, so4; mutant
    58. Domains for 4fxr:
      1. 2827128Domain d4fxra_: 4fxr A: [202147]
        automated match to d4fxrb_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827129Domain d4fxrb_: 4fxr B: [193059]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    59. Domains for 4gc4:
      1. 2827063Domain d4gc4a_: 4gc4 A: [197384]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827064Domain d4gc4b_: 4gc4 B: [202235]
        automated match to d4gc4a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    60. Domains for 4lc6:
      1. 2827012Domain d4lc6a_: 4lc6 A: [224648]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with bmp, cl, so4; mutant
      2. 2827013Domain d4lc6b_: 4lc6 B: [224649]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with bmp, cl, so4; mutant
    61. Domains for 4lc8:
      1. 2827016Domain d4lc8a_: 4lc8 A: [224650]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with bmp, cl, edo, mg; mutant
      2. 2827017Domain d4lc8b_: 4lc8 B: [224651]
        automated match to d3li0b_
        complexed with bmp, cl, edo, mg; mutant
    62. Domains for 4lw7:
      1. 2827096Domain d4lw7a_: 4lw7 A: [257918]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
      2. 2827097Domain d4lw7b_: 4lw7 B: [262991]
        automated match to d3li0a_
        complexed with bmp; mutant
    63. Domains for 4nt0:
      1. 2827132Domain d4nt0a_: 4nt0 A: [229964]
        automated match to d3g18a_
        complexed with 3du, ca, peg
      2. 2827133Domain d4nt0b_: 4nt0 B: [229963]
        automated match to d3g18a_
        complexed with 3du, ca, peg
    64. Domains for 4nuw:
      1. 2827123Domain d4nuwa_: 4nuw A: [229962]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with edo, gol, u5p
      2. 2827124Domain d4nuwb_: 4nuw B: [229965]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with edo, gol, u5p
    65. Domains for 4nx5:
      1. 2827117Domain d4nx5a_: 4nx5 A: [230190]
        automated match to d3g1fa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, mg, up6
      2. 2827118Domain d4nx5b_: 4nx5 B: [230193]
        automated match to d4nuwa_
        complexed with cl, edo, gol, mg, up6
    66. Domains for 4o11:
      1. 2827115Domain d4o11a_: 4o11 A: [236083]
        automated match to d4nx5a_
        complexed with bmp, cl, edo, gol, mg
      2. 2827116Domain d4o11b_: 4o11 B: [236082]
        automated match to d4nx5a_
        complexed with bmp, cl, edo, gol, mg
    67. Domains for 4o8r:
      1. 2827147Domain d4o8ra_: 4o8r A: [236257]
        automated match to d3g1ha_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      2. 2827148Domain d4o8rb_: 4o8r B: [236255]
        automated match to d3g1fa_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      3. 2827149Domain d4o8rc_: 4o8r C: [236256]
        automated match to d4nt0b_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      4. 2827150Domain d4o8rd_: 4o8r D: [236253]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      5. 2827151Domain d4o8re_: 4o8r E: [236254]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      6. 2827152Domain d4o8rf_: 4o8r F: [236262]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      7. 2827153Domain d4o8rg_: 4o8r G: [236263]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      8. 2827154Domain d4o8rh_: 4o8r H: [236267]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      9. 2827155Domain d4o8ri_: 4o8r I: [236265]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      10. 2827156Domain d4o8rj_: 4o8r J: [236264]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      11. 2827157Domain d4o8rk_: 4o8r K: [236268]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      12. 2827158Domain d4o8rl_: 4o8r L: [236269]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with cl, h2u
      13. 2827159Domain d4o8rm_: 4o8r M: [236266]
        automated match to d3g1da_
        complexed with cl, h2u
  8. 2827173Plasmodium berghei [TaxId:5821] [187698] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 2827175Plasmodium falciparum [TaxId:36329] [187244] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3mwa:
      1. 2827184Domain d3mwaa1: 3mwa A:1-323 [181646]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mwaa2, d3mwab2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with peg, po4, uft
      2. 2827185Domain d3mwab1: 3mwa B:1-321 [181647]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mwaa2, d3mwab2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with peg, po4, uft
    2. Domains for 3n2m:
      1. 2827186Domain d3n2ma1: 3n2m A:1-321 [181837]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3n2ma2, d3n2mb2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with edo, fnu, peg, so4, trs
      2. 2827187Domain d3n2mb1: 3n2m B:1-321 [181838]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3n2ma2, d3n2mb2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with edo, fnu, peg, so4, trs
    3. Domains for 3n34:
      1. 2827178Domain d3n34a1: 3n34 A:1-320 [181867]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3n34a2, d3n34b2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with edo, fnu, peg, pge, po4
      2. 2827179Domain d3n34b1: 3n34 B:1-321 [181868]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3n34a2, d3n34b2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with edo, fnu, peg, pge, po4
    4. Domains for 3n3m:
      1. 2827176Domain d3n3ma1: 3n3m A:1-321 [181877]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3n3ma2, d3n3mb2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with edo, gol, nup, pge, po4
      2. 2827177Domain d3n3mb1: 3n3m B:1-321 [181878]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3n3ma2, d3n3mb2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with edo, gol, nup, pge, po4
    5. Domains for 3s9y:
      1. 2827180Domain d3s9ya1: 3s9y A:1-323 [192034]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3s9ya2, d3s9yb2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with fnu, p6g, peg, pge, so4
      2. 2827181Domain d3s9yb1: 3s9y B:1-322 [192035]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3s9ya2, d3s9yb2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with fnu, p6g, peg, pge, so4
      3. 2827182Domain d3s9yc_: 3s9y C: [192036]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3s9ya2, d3s9yb2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with fnu, p6g, peg, pge, so4
      4. 2827183Domain d3s9yd_: 3s9y D: [192037]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3s9ya2, d3s9yb2
        automated match to d2f84a1
        complexed with fnu, p6g, peg, pge, so4
  10. 2827188Vibrio cholerae [TaxId:243277] [225822] (1 PDB entry)
  11. 2827191Vibrio cholerae [TaxId:666] [226270] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from c.1.2.3: Decarboxylase

Timeline for Protein automated matches from c.1.2.3: Decarboxylase: