Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (174 folds) |
Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (28 superfamilies) sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key some members of the fold have additional strands |
Superfamily b.1.1: Immunoglobulin [48726] (5 families) |
Family b.1.1.1: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) [48727] (33 proteins) |
Protein automated matches [190119] (16 species) not a true protein |
Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [186842] (99 PDB entries) |
Domain d1t2ql1: 1t2q L:2-114 [197521] Other proteins in same PDB: d1t2qh1, d1t2ql2 automated match to d2jell1 complexed with gol, mes |
Domain d1wz1h_: 1wz1 H: [121476] Other proteins in same PDB: d1wz1l_ automated match to d1dlfh_ complexed with dns |
Domain d2a77l1: 2a77 L:1-113 [197738] Other proteins in same PDB: d2a77h1, d2a77l2 automated match to d2jell1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d2ai0l1: 2ai0 L:1-113 [197749] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ai0h1, d2ai0i1, d2ai0j1, d2ai0k1, d2ai0l2, d2ai0m2, d2ai0n2, d2ai0o2 automated match to d2jell1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d2ai0m1: 2ai0 M:1-113 [197751] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ai0h1, d2ai0i1, d2ai0j1, d2ai0k1, d2ai0l2, d2ai0m2, d2ai0n2, d2ai0o2 automated match to d2jell1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d2ai0n1: 2ai0 N:1-113 [197753] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ai0h1, d2ai0i1, d2ai0j1, d2ai0k1, d2ai0l2, d2ai0m2, d2ai0n2, d2ai0o2 automated match to d2jell1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d2ai0o1: 2ai0 O:1-113 [197755] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ai0h1, d2ai0i1, d2ai0j1, d2ai0k1, d2ai0l2, d2ai0m2, d2ai0n2, d2ai0o2 automated match to d2jell1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d2aq1a_: 2aq1 A: [161385] Other proteins in same PDB: d2aq1b1, d2aq1b2, d2aq1d1, d2aq1d2, d2aq1f1, d2aq1f2, d2aq1h1, d2aq1h2 automated match to d2aq2a1 mutant |
Domain d2aq1c_: 2aq1 C: [161386] Other proteins in same PDB: d2aq1b1, d2aq1b2, d2aq1d1, d2aq1d2, d2aq1f1, d2aq1f2, d2aq1h1, d2aq1h2 automated match to d2aq2a1 mutant |
Domain d2aq1e_: 2aq1 E: [161387] Other proteins in same PDB: d2aq1b1, d2aq1b2, d2aq1d1, d2aq1d2, d2aq1f1, d2aq1f2, d2aq1h1, d2aq1h2 automated match to d2aq2a1 mutant |
Domain d2aq1g_: 2aq1 G: [161388] Other proteins in same PDB: d2aq1b1, d2aq1b2, d2aq1d1, d2aq1d2, d2aq1f1, d2aq1f2, d2aq1h1, d2aq1h2 automated match to d2aq2a1 mutant |
Domain d2aq3c_: 2aq3 C: [144826] Other proteins in same PDB: d2aq3a1, d2aq3b1, d2aq3b2, d2aq3d1, d2aq3d2, d2aq3f1, d2aq3f2, d2aq3h1, d2aq3h2 automated match to d2aq3a1 |
Domain d2aq3e_: 2aq3 E: [144827] Other proteins in same PDB: d2aq3a1, d2aq3b1, d2aq3b2, d2aq3d1, d2aq3d2, d2aq3f1, d2aq3f2, d2aq3h1, d2aq3h2 automated match to d2aq3a1 |
Domain d2aq3g_: 2aq3 G: [144828] Other proteins in same PDB: d2aq3a1, d2aq3b1, d2aq3b2, d2aq3d1, d2aq3d2, d2aq3f1, d2aq3f2, d2aq3h1, d2aq3h2 automated match to d2aq3a1 |
Domain d2bvea_: 2bve A: [129256] automated match to d1qfoa_ complexed with ph5 |
Domain d2bveb_: 2bve B: [129257] automated match to d1qfoa_ complexed with ph5 |
Domain d2cjuh_: 2cju H: [163422] automated match to d2uudh1 complexed with phx |
Domain d2cjul_: 2cju L: [197833] automated match to d1fvcc_ complexed with phx |
Domain d2d03l1: 2d03 L:2-114 [197847] Other proteins in same PDB: d2d03h1, d2d03l2 automated match to d2jell1 complexed with gol, mes, peg; mutant |
Domain d2ddql1: 2ddq L:1-112 [197849] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ddqh1, d2ddql2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with epe, hrb |
Domain d2dqtl1: 2dqt L:1-107 [197854] Other proteins in same PDB: d2dqth1, d2dqtl2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with cpd |
Domain d2dqul1: 2dqu L:1-107 [197856] Other proteins in same PDB: d2dquh1, d2dqul2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with cpd |
Domain d2dtml1: 2dtm L:1-107 [197858] Other proteins in same PDB: d2dtmh1, d2dtml2 automated match to d1blna1 |
Domain d2e27h_: 2e27 H: [204054] Other proteins in same PDB: d2e27l_ automated match to d1oayh_ complexed with ab0, dms, gol |
Domain d2e7la_: 2e7l A: [163893] automated match to d1i9ea_ mutant |
Domain d2e7lb_: 2e7l B: [163894] automated match to d1i9ea_ mutant |
Domain d2e7lc_: 2e7l C: [163895] automated match to d2icwj1 mutant |
Domain d2e7ld_: 2e7l D: [163896] automated match to d2icwj1 mutant |
Domain d2g60l1: 2g60 L:1-108 [197936] Other proteins in same PDB: d2g60h1, d2g60l2 automated match to d2jell1 |
Domain d2gjza1: 2gjz A:1-108 [204382] Other proteins in same PDB: d2gjza2, d2gjzl2 automated match to d2jell1 complexed with zn |
Domain d2gjzl1: 2gjz L:1-108 [204384] Other proteins in same PDB: d2gjza2, d2gjzl2 automated match to d2jell1 complexed with zn |
Domain d2gk0a1: 2gk0 A:1-108 [204386] Other proteins in same PDB: d2gk0a2, d2gk0l2 automated match to d2jell1 |
Domain d2gk0l1: 2gk0 L:1-108 [204388] Other proteins in same PDB: d2gk0a2, d2gk0l2 automated match to d2jell1 |
Domain d2gsgb_: 2gsg B: [204463] Other proteins in same PDB: d2gsga_, d2gsgc_ automated match to d1ar1c_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d2gsgd_: 2gsg D: [204465] Other proteins in same PDB: d2gsga_, d2gsgc_ automated match to d1ar1c_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d2hkhl1: 2hkh L:1-112 [204618] Other proteins in same PDB: d2hkhl2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with gol |
Domain d2iptl1: 2ipt L:1-106A [204839] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iptl2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with acm |
Domain d2iq9l1: 2iq9 L:1-106A [204841] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iq9l2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with acm |
Domain d2iqaa1: 2iqa A:1-106A [204843] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iqaa2, d2iqal2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with acm, cl, gol |
Domain d2iqal1: 2iqa L:1-106A [204845] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iqaa2, d2iqal2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with acm, cl, gol |
Domain d2o5xl1: 2o5x L:1-107 [205229] Other proteins in same PDB: d2o5xl2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with so4, trs |
Domain d2o5yl1: 2o5y L:1-107 [205231] Other proteins in same PDB: d2o5yl2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with so4, str |
Domain d2o5zl1: 2o5z L:1-107 [205233] Other proteins in same PDB: d2o5zl2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with ano, so4 |
Domain d2oi9b_: 2oi9 B: [166701] automated match to d1i9ea_ |
Domain d2oi9c_: 2oi9 C: [166702] automated match to d2icwj1 |
Domain d2op4l1: 2op4 L:1-108 [205347] Other proteins in same PDB: d2op4l2 automated match to d1mfbl1 complexed with edo |
Domain d2p1ye1: 2p1y E:3-116 [205411] Other proteins in same PDB: d2p1ye2, d2p1yg2 automated match to d1bwma2 |
Domain d2p1yg1: 2p1y G:3-116 [205413] Other proteins in same PDB: d2p1ye2, d2p1yg2 automated match to d1bwma2 |
Domain d2r0wl1: 2r0w L:1-106A [198319] Other proteins in same PDB: d2r0wh1, d2r0wl2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with na |
Domain d2r0zl1: 2r0z L:1-106A [205924] Other proteins in same PDB: d2r0zl2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with gol |
Domain d2uudk_: 2uud K: [198344] Other proteins in same PDB: d2uudh1, d2uudj1 automated match to d1fvcc_ complexed with phx |
Domain d2uudl_: 2uud L: [198345] Other proteins in same PDB: d2uudh1, d2uudj1 automated match to d1fvcc_ complexed with phx |
Domain d2uyla1: 2uyl A:1-112 [198370] Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyla2, d2uylb1, d2uylm2, d2uyln1, d2uylv2, d2uylw1, d2uylx2, d2uyly1 automated match to d1blna1 |
Domain d2uylm1: 2uyl M:1-112 [198372] Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyla2, d2uylb1, d2uylm2, d2uyln1, d2uylv2, d2uylw1, d2uylx2, d2uyly1 automated match to d1blna1 |
Domain d2uylv1: 2uyl V:1-112 [198374] Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyla2, d2uylb1, d2uylm2, d2uyln1, d2uylv2, d2uylw1, d2uylx2, d2uyly1 automated match to d1blna1 |
Domain d2uylx1: 2uyl X:1-112 [198376] Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyla2, d2uylb1, d2uylm2, d2uyln1, d2uylv2, d2uylw1, d2uylx2, d2uyly1 automated match to d1blna1 |
Domain d2vq1a1: 2vq1 A:1-107 [206413] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vq1a2, d2vq1e2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with azi, gly, gol |
Domain d2vq1e1: 2vq1 E:1-107 [206415] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vq1a2, d2vq1e2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with azi, gly, gol |
Domain d2z35a_: 2z35 A: [171016] automated match to d1ac6a_ |
Domain d2z35b_: 2z35 B: [171017] automated match to d1u3hb1 |
Domain d2z4qa1: 2z4q A:1-112 [198792] Other proteins in same PDB: d2z4qa2, d2z4qb1 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with cd, cl |
Domain d3bd3a_: 3bd3 A: [208609] automated match to d1eeqa_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with btb |
Domain d3bd3b_: 3bd3 B: [208610] automated match to d1eeqa_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with btb |
Domain d3bd4a_: 3bd4 A: [208611] automated match to d1eeqa_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with btb, cd |
Domain d3bd4b_: 3bd4 B: [208612] automated match to d1eeqa_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with btb, cd |
Domain d3bd5a_: 3bd5 A: [208613] automated match to d1eeqa_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with btb, co |
Domain d3bd5b_: 3bd5 B: [208614] automated match to d1eeqa_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with btb, co |
Domain d3byta_: 3byt A: [172935] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bytb1, d3bytb2, d3bytd1, d3bytd2, d3bytf1, d3bytf2, d3byth1, d3byth2 automated match to d2aq3a1 |
Domain d3bytc_: 3byt C: [172936] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bytb1, d3bytb2, d3bytd1, d3bytd2, d3bytf1, d3bytf2, d3byth1, d3byth2 automated match to d2aq3a1 |
Domain d3byte_: 3byt E: [172937] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bytb1, d3bytb2, d3bytd1, d3bytd2, d3bytf1, d3bytf2, d3byth1, d3byth2 automated match to d2aq3a1 |
Domain d3bytg_: 3byt G: [172938] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bytb1, d3bytb2, d3bytd1, d3bytd2, d3bytf1, d3bytf2, d3byth1, d3byth2 automated match to d2aq3a1 |
Domain d3byya_: 3byy A: [172940] Other proteins in same PDB: d3byyb1, d3byyb2 automated match to d2aq3a1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d3bzda_: 3bzd A: [172964] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bzdb1, d3bzdb2 automated match to d2aq3a1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d3clel1: 3cle L:1-107 [199199] Other proteins in same PDB: d3cleh1, d3clel2 automated match to d12e8l1 |
Domain d3clfl1: 3clf L:1-107 [199201] Other proteins in same PDB: d3clfh1, d3clfl2 automated match to d12e8l1 |
Domain d3dura_: 3dur A: [209309] automated match to d2lvea_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3durb_: 3dur B: [209310] automated match to d1ar1c_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3durc_: 3dur C: [209311] automated match to d2lvea_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3durd_: 3dur D: [209312] automated match to d1ar1c_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3dusa_: 3dus A: [209313] automated match to d1eeqa_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3dusb_: 3dus B: [209314] automated match to d1ar1c_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3dusc_: 3dus C: [209315] automated match to d1eeqa_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3dusd_: 3dus D: [209316] automated match to d1ar1c_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3duua_: 3duu A: [209317] automated match to d1eeqa_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3duub_: 3duu B: [209318] automated match to d1ar1c_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3duuc_: 3duu C: [209319] automated match to d1eeqa_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3duud_: 3duu D: [209320] automated match to d1ar1c_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3dv4a_: 3dv4 A: [209321] automated match to d1eeqa_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3dv4b_: 3dv4 B: [209322] automated match to d1ar1c_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3dv6a_: 3dv6 A: [209323] automated match to d1eeqa_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3dv6b_: 3dv6 B: [209324] automated match to d1ar1c_ complexed with kdo, mg, pg4 |
Domain d3e3qa_: 3e3q a: [174624] automated match to d2icwj1 mutant |
Domain d3e3qc_: 3e3q C: [193621] automated match to d2oi9b_ mutant |
Domain d3e3qe_: 3e3q E: [174625] automated match to d2icwj1 mutant |
Domain d3e3qf_: 3e3q F: [174626] automated match to d2icwj1 mutant |
Domain d3e3qj_: 3e3q J: [174627] automated match to d2icwj1 mutant |
Domain d3e3qn_: 3e3q N: [174628] automated match to d2icwj1 mutant |
Domain d3e3qs_: 3e3q S: [174629] automated match to d2icwj1 mutant |
Domain d3e3qw_: 3e3q W: [174630] automated match to d2icwj1 mutant |
Domain d3ehbc_: 3ehb C: [158152] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ehba_, d3ehbb1, d3ehbb2 automated match to d1mqkh_ complexed with ca, cu, hea, lda, lmt, mg, per; mutant |
Domain d3ehbd_: 3ehb D: [158153] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ehba_, d3ehbb1, d3ehbb2 automated match to d1mqkl_ complexed with ca, cu, hea, lda, lmt, mg, per; mutant |
Domain d3eo0a1: 3eo0 A:1-108 [209565] Other proteins in same PDB: d3eo0a2, d3eo0c2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3eo0c1: 3eo0 C:1-108 [209567] Other proteins in same PDB: d3eo0a2, d3eo0c2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3fo0l1: 3fo0 L:1-112 [210016] Other proteins in same PDB: d3fo0l2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with bzh, gol |
Domain d3fo1a1: 3fo1 A:1-112 [210018] Other proteins in same PDB: d3fo1a2, d3fo1l2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with bzh; mutant |
Domain d3fo1l1: 3fo1 L:1-112 [210020] Other proteins in same PDB: d3fo1a2, d3fo1l2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with bzh; mutant |
Domain d3fo2a1: 3fo2 A:1-112 [210022] Other proteins in same PDB: d3fo2a2, d3fo2l2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with bzh; mutant |
Domain d3fo2l1: 3fo2 L:1-112 [210024] Other proteins in same PDB: d3fo2a2, d3fo2l2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with bzh; mutant |
Domain d3fo9a1: 3fo9 A:1-107 [210026] Other proteins in same PDB: d3fo9a2, d3fo9b1, d3fo9b2, d3fo9h1, d3fo9h2, d3fo9l2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with dik |
Domain d3fo9l1: 3fo9 L:1-107 [210032] Other proteins in same PDB: d3fo9a2, d3fo9b1, d3fo9b2, d3fo9h1, d3fo9h2, d3fo9l2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with dik |
Domain d3g5xa1: 3g5x A:1-107 [210409] Other proteins in same PDB: d3g5xa2, d3g5xc2 automated match to d1c12a1 |
Domain d3g5xc1: 3g5x C:1-107 [210411] Other proteins in same PDB: d3g5xa2, d3g5xc2 automated match to d1c12a1 |
Domain d3gnml1: 3gnm L:1-112 [210617] Other proteins in same PDB: d3gnml2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with 1pe, edo |
Domain d3hb3c_: 3hb3 C: [177355] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hb3a_, d3hb3b1, d3hb3b2 automated match to d1mqkh_ complexed with ca, cu1, hea, lda, lmt, mn, peo |
Domain d3hb3d_: 3hb3 D: [177356] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hb3a_, d3hb3b1, d3hb3b2 automated match to d1mqkl_ complexed with ca, cu1, hea, lda, lmt, mn, peo |
Domain d3ieta1: 3iet A:2-107 [211613] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ieta2, d3ietc2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with a2g, zn |
Domain d3ietc1: 3iet C:1-107 [211615] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ieta2, d3ietc2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with a2g, zn |
Domain d3if1a1: 3if1 A:2-112 [211623] Other proteins in same PDB: d3if1a2, d3if1c2 automated match to d1a4ka1 complexed with mg, nga, zn |
Domain d3if1c1: 3if1 C:2-112 [211625] Other proteins in same PDB: d3if1a2, d3if1c2 automated match to d1a4ka1 complexed with mg, nga, zn |
Domain d3mcka1: 3mck A:1-112 [213198] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mcka2, d3mckl2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with act |
Domain d3mckl1: 3mck L:1-112 [213200] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mcka2, d3mckl2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with act |
Domain d3nz8b1: 3nz8 B:1-107 [214089] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nz8b2, d3nz8l2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3nz8l1: 3nz8 L:1-107 [214091] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nz8b2, d3nz8l2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3o2vl1: 3o2v L:1-107 [214128] Other proteins in same PDB: d3o2vl2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with flc, so4, trs |
Domain d3o2wl1: 3o2w L:1-107 [214130] Other proteins in same PDB: d3o2wl2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with flc, o2w, so4, trs |
Domain d3owea_: 3owe A: [192770] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oweb1, d3oweb2, d3owed1, d3owed2, d3owef1, d3owef2, d3oweh1, d3oweh2, d3owej1, d3owej2, d3owel1, d3owel2, d3owen1, d3owen2, d3owep1, d3owep2 automated match to d2apba_ mutant |
Domain d3owec_: 3owe C: [192766] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oweb1, d3oweb2, d3owed1, d3owed2, d3owef1, d3owef2, d3oweh1, d3oweh2, d3owej1, d3owej2, d3owel1, d3owel2, d3owen1, d3owen2, d3owep1, d3owep2 automated match to d2apba_ mutant |
Domain d3owee_: 3owe E: [192771] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oweb1, d3oweb2, d3owed1, d3owed2, d3owef1, d3owef2, d3oweh1, d3oweh2, d3owej1, d3owej2, d3owel1, d3owel2, d3owen1, d3owen2, d3owep1, d3owep2 automated match to d2apba_ mutant |
Domain d3oweg_: 3owe G: [192768] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oweb1, d3oweb2, d3owed1, d3owed2, d3owef1, d3owef2, d3oweh1, d3oweh2, d3owej1, d3owej2, d3owel1, d3owel2, d3owen1, d3owen2, d3owep1, d3owep2 automated match to d2apba_ mutant |
Domain d3owei_: 3owe I: [192767] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oweb1, d3oweb2, d3owed1, d3owed2, d3owef1, d3owef2, d3oweh1, d3oweh2, d3owej1, d3owej2, d3owel1, d3owel2, d3owen1, d3owen2, d3owep1, d3owep2 automated match to d2apba_ mutant |
Domain d3owek_: 3owe K: [183332] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oweb1, d3oweb2, d3owed1, d3owed2, d3owef1, d3owef2, d3oweh1, d3oweh2, d3owej1, d3owej2, d3owel1, d3owel2, d3owen1, d3owen2, d3owep1, d3owep2 automated match to d2aq2a1 mutant |
Domain d3owem_: 3owe M: [192769] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oweb1, d3oweb2, d3owed1, d3owed2, d3owef1, d3owef2, d3oweh1, d3oweh2, d3owej1, d3owej2, d3owel1, d3owel2, d3owen1, d3owen2, d3owep1, d3owep2 automated match to d2apba_ mutant |
Domain d3oweo_: 3owe O: [183333] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oweb1, d3oweb2, d3owed1, d3owed2, d3owef1, d3owef2, d3oweh1, d3oweh2, d3owej1, d3owej2, d3owel1, d3owel2, d3owen1, d3owen2, d3owep1, d3owep2 automated match to d2aq2a1 mutant |
Domain d3qg7l1: 3qg7 L:1-107 [215222] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qg7l2 automated match to d1t66c1 complexed with na, p6g |
Domain d3rnka_: 3rnk A: [185063] automated match to d1npua_ mutant |
Domain d3rnqa_: 3rnq A: [185069] automated match to d1npua_ mutant |
Domain d3tvmd1: 3tvm D:2-112 [200885] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tvma1, d3tvma2, d3tvmb_, d3tvmc1, d3tvmc2, d3tvmd2, d3tvme1, d3tvme2, d3tvmf_, d3tvmg1, d3tvmg2, d3tvmh2 automated match to d1lp9f1 complexed with 07p, cl, gol, nag |
Domain d3tvmh1: 3tvm H:1-112 [200891] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tvma1, d3tvma2, d3tvmb_, d3tvmc1, d3tvmc2, d3tvmd2, d3tvme1, d3tvme2, d3tvmf_, d3tvmg1, d3tvmg2, d3tvmh2 automated match to d1lp9f1 complexed with 07p, cl, gol, nag |
Domain d4a6yl1: 4a6y L:1-110 [218678] Other proteins in same PDB: d4a6yl2 automated match to d1q0xl1 |
Domain d4aeil1: 4aei L:1-112 [201416] Other proteins in same PDB: d4aeia_, d4aeib_, d4aeic_, d4aeil2, d4aeim2, d4aein2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with cl, epe |
Domain d4aeim1: 4aei M:1-112 [201418] Other proteins in same PDB: d4aeia_, d4aeib_, d4aeic_, d4aeil2, d4aeim2, d4aein2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with cl, epe |
Domain d4aein1: 4aei N:1-112 [201420] Other proteins in same PDB: d4aeia_, d4aeib_, d4aeic_, d4aeil2, d4aeim2, d4aein2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with cl, epe |
Domain d4alal1: 4ala L:1-107 [201449] Other proteins in same PDB: d4alac_, d4alal2 automated match to d12e8l1 complexed with gol |
Domain d4amkl1: 4amk L:2-110 [219038] Other proteins in same PDB: d4amkl2 automated match to d1q0xl1 complexed with gol, mg |
Domain d4at6b1: 4at6 B:1-110 [219133] Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b2, d4at6d2, d4at6f2, d4at6i2, d4at6k2, d4at6l2, d4at6n2, d4at6p2 automated match to d1q0xl1 |
Domain d4at6d1: 4at6 D:1-110 [219135] Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b2, d4at6d2, d4at6f2, d4at6i2, d4at6k2, d4at6l2, d4at6n2, d4at6p2 automated match to d1q0xl1 |
Domain d4at6f1: 4at6 F:1-110 [219137] Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b2, d4at6d2, d4at6f2, d4at6i2, d4at6k2, d4at6l2, d4at6n2, d4at6p2 automated match to d1q0xl1 |
Domain d4at6i1: 4at6 I:1-110 [219139] Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b2, d4at6d2, d4at6f2, d4at6i2, d4at6k2, d4at6l2, d4at6n2, d4at6p2 automated match to d1q0xl1 |
Domain d4at6k1: 4at6 K:1-110 [219141] Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b2, d4at6d2, d4at6f2, d4at6i2, d4at6k2, d4at6l2, d4at6n2, d4at6p2 automated match to d1q0xl1 |
Domain d4at6l1: 4at6 L:1-110 [219143] Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b2, d4at6d2, d4at6f2, d4at6i2, d4at6k2, d4at6l2, d4at6n2, d4at6p2 automated match to d1q0xl1 |
Domain d4at6n1: 4at6 N:1-110 [219145] Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b2, d4at6d2, d4at6f2, d4at6i2, d4at6k2, d4at6l2, d4at6n2, d4at6p2 automated match to d1q0xl1 |
Domain d4at6p1: 4at6 P:1-110 [219147] Other proteins in same PDB: d4at6b2, d4at6d2, d4at6f2, d4at6i2, d4at6k2, d4at6l2, d4at6n2, d4at6p2 automated match to d1q0xl1 |
Domain d4f37k1: 4f37 K:1-112 [221002] Other proteins in same PDB: d4f37k2, d4f37l2 automated match to d1blna1 |
Domain d4f37l1: 4f37 L:1-112 [221004] Other proteins in same PDB: d4f37k2, d4f37l2 automated match to d1blna1 |
Domain d4ffyh_: 4ffy H: [202033] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ffya_ automated match to d1a6vh_ complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d4ffyl_: 4ffy L: [202034] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ffya_ automated match to d1j05a_ complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d4hc1l1: 4hc1 L:1-107 [222494] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hc1a1, d4hc1a2, d4hc1b1, d4hc1b2, d4hc1l2, d4hc1n2 automated match to d1c12a1 complexed with nag; mutant |
Domain d4hc1n1: 4hc1 N:1-107 [222496] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hc1a1, d4hc1a2, d4hc1b1, d4hc1b2, d4hc1l2, d4hc1n2 automated match to d1c12a1 complexed with nag; mutant |
Domain d4hdia1: 4hdi A:1-112 [222529] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hdia2, d4hdil2 automated match to d1t66c1 |
Domain d4hdil1: 4hdi L:1-112 [222531] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hdia2, d4hdil2 automated match to d1t66c1 |
Domain d4hxbl1: 4hxb L:1-107 [222771] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hxbl2 automated match to d1blna1 complexed with ca |
Domain d4hzlb1: 4hzl B:1-113 [222813] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hzlb2, d4hzll2 automated match to d2jell1 |
Domain d4hzll1: 4hzl L:1-113 [222815] Other proteins in same PDB: d4hzlb2, d4hzll2 automated match to d2jell1 |
Domain d4kvcl1: 4kvc L:1-107 [224484] Other proteins in same PDB: d4kvcl2 automated match to d1kcul1 |
Domain d4larh_: 4lar H: [229663] Other proteins in same PDB: d4larl_ automated match to d1dl7h_ complexed with 1we |
Domain d4lash_: 4las H: [235322] Other proteins in same PDB: d4lasl_ automated match to d4larh_ complexed with 1wf |
Domain d4ma1l1: 4ma1 L:1-107 [238443] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ma1l2 automated match to d1l7tl1 complexed with k, peg |
Timeline for Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] from b.1.1.1 automated matches: