Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (147 folds) |
Fold c.1: TIM beta/alpha-barrel [51350] (33 superfamilies) contains parallel beta-sheet barrel, closed; n=8, S=8; strand order 12345678 the first seven superfamilies have similar phosphate-binding sites |
Superfamily c.1.9: Metallo-dependent hydrolases [51556] (19 families) the beta-sheet barrel is similarly distorted and capped by a C-terminal helix has transition metal ions bound inside the barrel |
Family c.1.9.0: automated matches [191327] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [190150] (10 species) not a true protein |
Species Geobacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId:272567] [188974] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d3f4da_: 3f4d A: [175458] automated match to d2d2ga1 complexed with co |
PDB Entry: 3f4d (more details), 2.36 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d3f4da_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d3f4da_ c.1.9.0 (A:) automated matches {Geobacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId: 272567]} ktvetvlgpvpveqlgktlihehflfgypgfqgdvtrgtfredealrvaveaaekmkrhg iqtvvdptpndcgrnpaflrrvaeetglniicatgyyyegegappyfqfrrllgtaeddi ydmfmaeltegiadtgikagviklasskgriteyekmffraaaraqketgaviithtqeg tmgpeqaayllehgadpkkivighmcgntdpdyhrktlaygvyiafdrfgiqgmvgaptd eervrtllallrdgyekqimlshdtvnvwlgrpftlpepfaemmknwhvehlfvniipal knegirdevleqmfignpaalfsa
Timeline for d3f4da_: