Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (57 folds) |
Fold f.23: Single transmembrane helix [81407] (38 superfamilies) not a true fold |
Superfamily f.23.31: Photosystem II reaction center protein L, PsbL [161017] (1 family) |
Family f.23.31.1: PsbL-like [161018] (2 proteins) Pfam PF02419 |
Protein Photosystem II reaction center protein L, PsbL [161019] (1 species) |
Species Thermosynechococcus elongatus [TaxId:146786] [161020] (1 PDB entry) Uniprot Q8DIN8 1-37 |
Domain d2axtl1: 2axt L:1-37 [144936] Other proteins in same PDB: d2axta1, d2axtb1, d2axtc1, d2axtd1, d2axte1, d2axtf1, d2axth1, d2axti1, d2axtj1, d2axtk1, d2axtm1, d2axto1, d2axtt1, d2axtu1, d2axtv1, d2axtz1 complexed with bcr, bct, ca, cla, dgd, fe2, hem, lhg, lmt, mge, oec, pho, pq9, sqd, unk |
PDB Entry: 2axt (more details), 3 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2axtl1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d2axtl1 f.23.31.1 (L:1-37) Photosystem II reaction center protein L, PsbL {Thermosynechococcus elongatus [TaxId: 146786]} mepnpnrqpvelnrtslylglllilvlallfssyffn
Timeline for d2axtl1: