Lineage for d1u7ib_ (1u7i B:)

  1. Root: SCOP 1.69
  2. 496776Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (279 folds)
  3. 502238Fold d.32: Glyoxalase/Bleomycin resistance protein/Dihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase [54592] (1 superfamily)
    beta-alpha-beta(3); 2 layers: alpha/beta
  4. 502239Superfamily d.32.1: Glyoxalase/Bleomycin resistance protein/Dihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase [54593] (8 families) (S)
  5. 502460Family d.32.1.7: 3-demethylubiquinone-9 3-methyltransferase (Pfam 06983) [110883] (2 proteins)
  6. 502461Protein Hypothetical protein PA1358 [110884] (1 species)
  7. 502462Species Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] [110885] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 502464Domain d1u7ib_: 1u7i B: [107725]
    Structural genomics target

Details for d1u7ib_

PDB Entry: 1u7i (more details), 1.4 Å

PDB Description: Crystal Structure of Protein of Unknown Function PA1358 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa

SCOP Domain Sequences for d1u7ib_:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d1u7ib_ d.32.1.7 (B:) Hypothetical protein PA1358 {Pseudomonas aeruginosa}

SCOP Domain Coordinates for d1u7ib_:

Click to download the PDB-style file with coordinates for d1u7ib_.
(The format of our PDB-style files is described here.)

Timeline for d1u7ib_:

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