SPACI score report for 1lzt in ASTRAL 1.73:

WARNING! The SPACI score for this entry is not valid. This is not an X-ray structure, so the resolution and R-factor listed may be arbitrary and not valid.

PDB Entry: 1lzt
SPACI score: 0.33 (not valid)
AEROSPACI score: 0.33 (not valid)

Experiment type: -
Resolution: 1.97
R-factor: 0.254
PCK1 PROCHECK Ramachandran: 1
PCK2 PROCHECK Chi-1 angle: 3
PCK3 PROCHECK H-bonds: 2
WCK1 WHAT_CHECK Packing: -2.073
WCK2 WHAT_CHECK Ramachandran: -3.365
WCK3 WHAT_CHECK Chi angles: -3.46
WCK4 WHAT_CHECK Backbone: -6.609

Note: Here are links to pages about PROCHECK and WHAT_CHECK.

Here is the full WHAT_CHECK report on this protein (linked from the WHAT_CHECK site).