Class i: Low resolution protein structures [58117] (25 folds) |
Fold i.6: Viruses and virus-receptor complexes [58162] (1 superfamily) |
Superfamily i.6.1: Viruses and virus-receptor complexes [58163] (1 family) |
Family i.6.1.1: Viruses and virus-receptor complexes [58164] (12 proteins) |
Protein Poliovirus complexed with three domain CD155 [58169] (1 species) |
Species Human poliovirus type 1 [TaxId:12080] [58170] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d1nn82_: 1nn8 2: [91996] complexed with myr |
PDB Entry: 1nn8 (more details), 15 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1nn82_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1nn82_ i.6.1.1 (2:) Poliovirus complexed with three domain CD155 {Human poliovirus type 1 [TaxId: 12080]} eacgysdrvlqltlgnstittqeaansvvaygrwpeylrdseanpvdqptepdvaacrfy tldtvswtkesrgwwwklpdalrdmglfgqnmyyhylgrsgytvhvqcnaskfhqgalgv favpemclagdsntttmhtsyqnanpgekggtftgtftpdnnqtsparrfcpvdyllgng tllgnafvfphqiinlrtnncatlvlpyvnslsidsmvkhnnwgiailplaplnfasess peipitltiapmccefnglrnitlprlq
Timeline for d1nn82_: