Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds) |
Fold b.80: Single-stranded right-handed beta-helix [51125] (8 superfamilies) superhelix turns are made of parallel beta-strands and (short) turns |
Superfamily b.80.1: Pectin lyase-like [51126] (12 families) superhelix turns are made of 3 strands each |
Family b.80.1.3: Galacturonase [51137] (3 proteins) this is a repeat family; one repeat unit is 1bhe A:244-269 found in domain |
Protein Polygalacturonase [51140] (6 species) |
Species Fungus (Aspergillus niger), endo-polygalacturonase I [TaxId:5061] [101950] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d1nhcd_: 1nhc D: [91882] complexed with gol, man, nag, so4 |
PDB Entry: 1nhc (more details), 1.7 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1nhcd_:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1nhcd_ b.80.1.3 (D:) Polygalacturonase {Fungus (Aspergillus niger), endo-polygalacturonase I [TaxId: 5061]} stctftsaseasesisscsdvvlssievpagetldlsdaadgstitfegttsfgykewkg plirfggkdltvtmadgavidgdgsrwwdskgtnggktkpkfmyihdvedstfkginikn tpvqaisvqatnvhlndftidnsdgddngghntdgfdisestgvyisgatvknqddciai nsgesisftggtcsgghglsigsvggrddntvknvtisdstvsnsangvriktiyketgd vseitysniqlsgitdygivieqdyengsptgtpstgipitdvtvdgvtgtleddatqvy ilcgdgscsdwtwsgvdlsggktsdkcenvpsgasc
Timeline for d1nhcd_: